/ This is an edited disassembly of the data loaded into / the last page. Most of the symbol names are taken from / the very similar DECUS 8-47 (ALBIN loader). FIELD 0 *7600 CLEAR, CLA CLL / Zero pointer DCA MEM DCA I MEM / Store a zero ISZ MEM / Bump pointer TAD MEM TAD MCLEAR SNA CLA / Done yet? JMP JMPBIN / Yes, go start BIN JMP CLEAR+2 / No, keep going MCLEAR, -CLEAR MEM, .-. / Pointer for mem. clear CKT, 0060 CHKSM, 1642 WORD, 1642 ORIGIN, 7600 0200 / Unused stuff 0000 7600 HLT JMP JMPBIN 0171 0000 BEGG, 7730 / Get a character, check for 0200 / Also ignore comments and field settings DCA SWITCH / Clear switch JMS READIN / Get the character TAD M377 / Is it a RUBOUT? SZA CLA JMP .+4 / No, go check if in comment ISZ SWITCH / Yes, complement switch CMA JMP BEGG+1 / and keep going TAD SWITCH / Are we in a comment? SZA CLA JMP BEGG+2 / Yes, ignore it TAD CHAR / No, get character AND MASK / Ignore data part TAD M200 / Leader? SNA JMP I BEGG / Yes, take early return MASK, SMA CLA / No, Field setting? JMP BEGG+2 / Yes, ignore it?! ISZ BEGG / No, take skip return JMP I BEGG SWITCH, 0000 M377, 7401 M200, 7600 CHAR, 0200 READIN, 7631 / Read a character JMP I FUNPTR / ...go to correct routine FUNPTR, LSRIN HSRIN, RSF / HSR ready? JMP .-1 RRB / Yes, read a char RFC / and start fetching next RIN, DCA CHAR / Store the char TAD CHAR / and also return it JMP I READIN LSRIN, KSF / LSR ready? JMP .-1 KRB / Yes, read a char JMP RIN / Go save and return it BIN, RFC / BIN Loader -- Start HSR KCC / Start LSR CLA OSR / Use HSR or LSR? SPA CLA TAD OLSRIN / LSRIN-HSRIN TAD PHSRIN / HSRIN DCA FUNPTR / Set input function ptr DCA CHKSM / Clear initial checksum JMS BEGG / Get character, check for leader JMP .-1 / Leader, go again GO, TAD CHAR / Get first char of frame DCA CKT / Add to frame checksum TAD CHAR / Position for assembled word CLL RTL RTL RTL DCA WORD / Store upper half of word JMS READIN / Get second half TAD WORD / Assemble the word DCA WORD / and save it SZL / Location setting? CMA / Remember if so DCA MEM TAD CHAR / Add second half to frame sum TAD CKT DCA CKT JMS BEGG / Check for trailer JMP BEND / Found it TAD WORD / Get the assembled word ISZ MEM / Location setting? JMP STORE / No, go store it DCA ORIGIN / Yes, set origin CHEX, TAD CKT / Get frame checksum TAD CHKSM / Add to checksum DCA CHKSM JMP GO / Go get another frame STORE, DCA I ORIGIN / Data -- store it ISZ ORIGIN / Bump ORIGIN JMP CHEX / Go add to checksum BEND, TAD WORD / End of tape -- show checksum CIA TAD CHKSM HLT / Halt -- continue will JMP I ORIGIN / JMP to the current origin PHSRIN, HSRIN OLSRIN, LSRIN-HSRIN 0210 2107 JMP I .-1 RIM, KCC / RIM Loader -- Start the reader KSF / Wait for character JMP .-1 KRB / Read the character CLL RTL RTL SPA / Leader/Trailer? JMP RIM+1 / Yes, try again RTL / No, position the content KSF / Wait for character JMP .-1 KRS / Merge it in SNL / Location setting? DCA I K0BUS / Nope, store data DCA K0BUS / Yes, set location JMP RIM / Keep going K0BUS, 0003 / Memory address for RIM JMPBIN, JMP BIN / JMP to BIN loader $