SNAP: Simplified Numerical Analysis
Author: Developed at Harvard Medical School under an NIH
Operating System: Paper Tape
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 4K

Abstract: SNAP is a computer language for real-time interactive
computation which can be learned in less than one hour. It is particularly
useful in teaching programming to beginners.

A unique feature of SNAP is its ability to interact on-line with other
laboratory instruments. SNAP can accept electical inputs directly and
can read inputs from a real-time clock. Both of these functions are
incorporated in a single SNAP instruction.

Another feature particularly useful for biological problems is Table
Instructions. A list of 100 numbers may be entered from the keyboard or
from punched paper tape.

Note: Both EAE and non-EAE versions are included in write-up
for 8-122A

No source available.

Media Price Code: A2, F5
Catalog: August 1978