SABR - Coded Fast Fourier Transform Subroutine

Gerald N. Cederquist, Cooley Electronics Laboratory,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Using the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm, this subroutine
computes in situ either the direct or inverse discrete Fourier
transform of a pure-power-of-two number of complex points.
Written for use with the DEC 8K FORTRAN system, it runs in
less time and takes less core space than the same algorithm
coded in FORTRAN. It has been extensively tested and
checked; for example, the subroutine will do a direct followed
by an inverse transform of 128 points in 47 seconds with a
round trip root mean square error of 1.23 parts per million.

Minimum Hardware:
8K PDP-8
Other Programs Needed:
Storage Requirement:
5 pages plus 17 locations on
page zero
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973