CASE: Carleton Symbolic Editor
Author: Bruce Christopher,
Carleton College, Northfield, MN
Operating System: TSS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 4K

Abstract: This symbolic editor adds new commands to the original
EDIT-8 program copyright by DEC in 1970 and revised for TSS/8 by
Rick Merrill (4/17/70). Among the new features are a new command H,
to append from the high-speed reader; line numbers printed on the line-
printer or teletype but not on the high speed punch; a command U, to
release the high-speed reader, line printer and high-speed punch; tabs not
followed by rubout in the ASCII disk file intra-buffer string searching and
many others.

Note: Requires OS/8 for assembly.

Media Price Code: A1, B7, F5, G54
Catalog: August 1978