Author: Gregory Ruth,
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Cambridge, MA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 54008 words

Abstract: MEMO IV is a program written for the OS/8 system to
produce right- and left-justified paged text from free form text. The
intention is to permit the user to produce a readable and neatly formatted
document with minimal effort. This is a descendant of earlier programs
MEMO and MEMO II (DECUS No. 8-427a-Removed). This version
adds several new features, most notably the capability for directing
output to any OS/8 compatible device (rather than restricting it to the
teletype). Files written for previous versions of MEMO are compatible
with MEMO IV.

Media Price Code: A2, F5, H32
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978