Author: Karl Lowy and Sandra Furman l University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
GRAPHAS displays a coordinate system with individually variable scales for abscissa and ordinate.

If an extended memory is used, the program will display data contained in four consecutive blocks of tape according to the user's choice. The first two blocks containing the abscissae, the last two the ordinates of points to be individually displayed. Registers containing no entries are not displayed so that the solid zero line is absent when the graph is projected. GRAPHAS retains all features of the original program, GRAPHA (DEC-L8-LTAB), but was not written to include the plotting subroutine. Scale, figure and labels can be displayed simultaneously as well as individually, a feature helpful for the photographic procedure.

Minimum Hardware: LINC-8 with 4K, extended memory desirable
Source Language: LAP6
Catalog: November 1969