8K Overlay Patch for FOCAL5/69 (DECUS NO. FOCAL8-52)

Magnus Lundin
Submitted by: Lars Palmer, AB Hassle, Goteborg, Sweden

This patch corrects some bugs in FOCAL 5/69. The changes
include: 1. No line feed generated when printing a CR in
character mode. 2. CTRL/C given during high speed punching
no longer causes FOCAL 52a to hang in the interrupt routine.
3. CTRL/L is ignored during data input. 4. 8K patch
corresponding to 8K patch for FOCAL '69. 5. Hello command
corresponding to: OT, I, E, : S; E; EA;. 6. A visual indicator
in line 0 if extended functions are in core. 7. Space is
created in the library lists for additional library commands.
S. ADC and display routines are removed.

Minimum Hardware:
8K PDP-8/E, HSP (Can easily be
rewritten for other PDP-8
Other Programs Needed:
Source Language:

Catalog: July 1973