FXU12: A Machine-Code "Execute" Function Overlay to U/W-FOCAL
Author: Ult Weidmann
Dept of Psychology The University Leicester 7RH England
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 8K or 12K

Abstract: This overlay to 8K or 12K U/W-FOCAL (Vers. 3M) permits
the execution of a string of up to 14 machine-codes from FOCAL by
calling S Z = FX(ARG0, ARGl, ... ARG14). Its arguments must be
decimal equivalents of (Octal) PDP-8/E instructions, addresses or con-
stants. ARG0 is put into the AC before the command-string is entered,
and its value on exit from the string-which is automatic-will be passed
back to FOCAL.

There is no write-up but details and examples are given in the listing.
FX can be called many times in a FOCAL program to set/clear enable
registers, flags, test interrupts, change content of specified addresses, etc.
The function is a development of that given in FOCLF (F0CAL8-227 A).

Media Price Code: D1, G5
Catalog: August 1978