//Eagle3D 1.04 INC-File trafo.inc //created by: INC SRC Compiler v1.05 //created on: 4.2.2006 17:31:15 //(c) 2002-2004 by M. Weisser //or the author of the macro #ifndef(__trafo_inc) #declare __trafo_inc = true; #ifndef(inc_testmode) #declare inc_testmode=true; #include "tools.inc" #undef inc_testmode #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** // Printtransformator Grundmakro era-Trafos mit EI-Schnitt // von Thomas Wiens 5.11.2004 // Parameter: value = Beschriftungsdruck, breite = Gesamtbreite des Gehaeuses, tiefe = Gesamttiefe des Gehaeuses, abs_oben = Abstand des kleinen Quaders von oben // abs_seite = Abstand des kleinen Quaders von der Seite, druck_hoehe = Hoehe des Beschriftungsdrucks, druck_text = aufgedruckter Text, // anz_laschen = Anzahl der Befestigungslaschen, la_laenge = Laenge der Lasche, la_breite = Breite der Lasche, la_hoehe = Hoehe der Lasche, // la_lochabstand = Lochabstand der Bohrungen in der Lasche, la_lochdurchm = Durchmesser der Laschenbohrungen, // trafo_pin_laenge = Laenge der Pins, pinabstand = Abstand der Pins von Primae zu Sekundaer, pin_aus = Pinabstand von Mittellinie nach aeusserster Pin, // pin_in = Pinabstand von Mittellinie zum inneren Pin, dia_schraube = Durchmesser der Schraube (M2.5, M3 oder M4) ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, breite, tiefe, hoehe, abs_oben, abs_seite, druck_hoehe, druck_text, anz_laschen, la_laenge, la_breite, la_hoehe, la_lochabst, la_lochdurchm, trafo_pin_laenge, pinabstand, pin_aus, pin_in, dia_schraube) /******************************************************************************************************************************************** // Makro: Abgerundeter Quader // Breite=B , Tiefe = T, Hoehe = H ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_ROUNDED_BOX(B,T,H) union{ #local rundung = 0.8; // Staerke der Abrundung am Gehaeuse box{<-B/2+rundung, 0, T/2> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0>} //Grundkoerper box{<-B/2, 0, -T/2+rundung> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0>} //Kleine Box innen box{<-B/2+rundung, H-rundung,-T/2+rundung> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0,0,0>} //Kleine Box oben cylinder{<-B/2+rundung,0,0> <-B/2+rundung, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,0,0> translate <0, 0, T/2-rundung>} //Rundungen rechts cylinder{<-B/2+rundung,0,0> <-B/2+rundung, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,0,0> translate <0, 0, -T/2+rundung>} //Rundungen rechts cylinder{< B/2-rundung,0,0> < B/2-rundung, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,0,0> translate <0, 0, T/2-rundung>} //Rundungen links cylinder{< B/2-rundung,0,0> < B/2-rundung, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,0,0> translate <0, 0, -T/2+rundung>} //Rundungen links sphere{< B/2-rundung, H-rundung, T/2-rundung> rundung scale <1,1,1> translate<0,0,0>} //Rundungen oben sphere{< B/2-rundung, H-rundung,-T/2+rundung> rundung scale <1,1,1> translate<0,0,0>} //Rundungen oben sphere{<-B/2+rundung, H-rundung, T/2-rundung> rundung scale <1,1,1> translate<0,0,0>} //Rundungen oben sphere{<-B/2+rundung, H-rundung,-T/2+rundung> rundung scale <1,1,1> translate<0,0,0>} //Rundungen oben cylinder{<-B/2+rundung, H-rundung> < B/2-rundung, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,0,0> translate <0, 0, T/2-rundung>} //Rundungen vorne cylinder{<-B/2+rundung, H-rundung> < B/2-rundung, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,0,0> translate <0, 0,-T/2+rundung>} //Rundungen hinten cylinder{<-T/2+rundung, H-rundung> < 0, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0, 90,0> translate <-B/2+rundung, 0, 0>} //Rundungen rechts kurz cylinder{<-T/2+rundung, H-rundung> < 0, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,-90,0> translate <-B/2+rundung, 0, 0>} //Rundungen rechts kurz cylinder{<-T/2+rundung, H-rundung> < 0, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0, 90,0> translate < B/2-rundung, 0, 0>} //Rundungen links kurz cylinder{<-T/2+rundung, H-rundung> < 0, H-rundung> rundung rotate<0,-90,0> translate < B/2-rundung, 0, 0>} //Rundungen links kurz } #end /*********************************************************************************************** // Makro fuer die Befestigungslaschen der groesseren Transformatoren // Gesamtlaenge = ges_l, Breite, Hoehe der Platte, Lochabstand = hole_dist, Lochdurchmesser = hole ***********************************************************************************************/ #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_BEF_LASCHE(ges_l, breite, hoehe, hole_dist, hole) #local D = 0.001; union{ difference { box{<- breite/2, 0, - ges_l/2> < breite/2, hoehe, ges_l/2> rotate<0,0,0> translate<0 ,0,0>} union { cylinder {<0, -D, 0> , <0, hoehe + D, 0>, hole/2 translate <0,0,hole_dist/2> } cylinder {<0, -D, 0> , <0, hoehe + D, 0>, hole/2 translate <0,0,- hole_dist/2> } } } // Versteifungen prism{ -hoehe/2, hoehe/2, 4 < 0.00, 0.00>, < 10.00, 0.00>, < 0.00, 20.00>, < 0.00, 0.00> rotate<-90,90,0> translate } prism{ -hoehe/2, hoehe/2, 4 < 0.00, 0.00>, < 10.00, 0.00>, < 0.00, 20.00>, < 0.00, 0.00> rotate<-90,90,0> translate <-breite/2 + hoehe /2,0,-ges_l/2 + 10.0> } prism{ -hoehe/2, hoehe/2, 4 < 0.00, 0.00>, < 10.00, 0.00>, < 0.00, 20.00>, < 0.00, 0.00> rotate<-90,-90,0> translate } prism{ -hoehe/2, hoehe/2, 4 < 0.00, 0.00>, < 10.00, 0.00>, < 0.00, 20.00>, < 0.00, 0.00> rotate<-90,-90,0> translate <-breite/2 + hoehe /2,0,ges_l/2 - 10.0> } } #end /*********************************************************************************************** // Schraube M2,5, M3 oder M4 mit Mutter ***********************************************************************************************/ #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE (RotY, Gewinde, Hoe_Kopf, Hoe_Mutt) #if (Gewinde = 2.5) #local SW = 4.0; #local Height = 2.0; #end #if (Gewinde = 3.0) #local SW = 5.5; #local Height = 2.5; #end #if (Gewinde = 4.0) #local SW = 7.0; #local Height = 3.0; #end union { union { // Kopf mit Kreuzschlitz difference { union { cylinder {<0, 0.1, 0>, <0, Gewinde / 2 - 0.05, 0>, SW / 2} sphere {0, SW / 2 scale <1, 0.5, 1> translate (Gewinde / 2 - 0.05 )* y} torus {SW / 2 - 0.1, 0.1 translate 0.1 * y} cylinder {<0, 0.0, 0>, <0, 0.1, 0>, SW / 2 - 0.1} cylinder {<0, 0.0, 0>, <0, -(Hoe_Kopf + Hoe_Mutt + Height + 0.5), 0>, Gewinde / 2 - 0.05} } box {<-0.4, 0, 0>, <+0.4, 5, 5> rotate -45 * x translate 0.5 * y} box {<0, 0, -0.4>, <+5, 5, +0.4> rotate 45 * z translate 0.5 * y} } texture { pigment {rgb 0.5} finish { phong 0.6 phong_size 7 reflection 0.3 } } translate <0, Hoe_Kopf, 0> // Gesamtposition rotate RotY * y } // Mutter intersection{ prism { linear_spline linear_sweep 0, -Height, 7 < 0, +sqrt(1 / 3) * 2>, <+1, +sqrt(1 / 3)>, <+1, -sqrt(1 / 3)>, < 0, -sqrt(1 / 3) * 2>, <-1, -sqrt(1 / 3)>, <-1, +sqrt(1 / 3)>, < 0, +sqrt(1 / 3) * 2> scale } cylinder { // Innen <0, 2, 0>, <0, -(Height + 5), 0>, Gewinde / 2 + 0.1 inverse } texture { pigment {rgb 0.5} finish { phong 0.6 phong_size 7 reflection 0.3 } } translate <0, -Hoe_Mutt, 0> } } #end union { union { object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_ROUNDED_BOX (breite, tiefe, hoehe - abs_oben)} // Quader ohne Aufsatz object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_ROUNDED_BOX (breite - abs_seite, tiefe - abs_seite, hoehe)} // Aufsatz // Befestigungslaschen falls vorhanden #if (anz_laschen = 1) object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_BEF_LASCHE ( la_laenge, la_breite, la_hoehe, la_lochabst, la_lochdurchm)} #end #if (anz_laschen = 2) object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_BEF_LASCHE ( la_laenge, la_breite, la_hoehe, la_lochabst, la_lochdurchm) translate < -tiefe/2 + la_breite, 0, 0>} object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_BEF_LASCHE ( la_laenge, la_breite, la_hoehe, la_lochabst, la_lochdurchm) translate < tiefe/2 - la_breite, 0, 0>} #end texture { pigment {Blue} normal { bumps 0.02 scale 0.002 } finish { ambient 0.15 diffuse 0.85 phong 0.4 phong_size 40 reflection 0.01 } } } // Schrauben #if (anz_laschen = 1) object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE( +30, dia_schraube, la_hoehe, pcb_hight) translate <0, 0, la_lochabst / 2>} object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE( +30, dia_schraube, la_hoehe, pcb_hight) translate <0, 0, -la_lochabst / 2>} #end #if (anz_laschen = 2) object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE ( +30, dia_schraube, la_hoehe, pcb_hight) translate < tiefe/2 - la_breite, 0, la_lochabst / 2>} object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE ( +30, dia_schraube, la_hoehe, pcb_hight) translate <-tiefe/2 + la_breite, 0, la_lochabst / 2>} object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE ( +30, dia_schraube, la_hoehe, pcb_hight) translate < tiefe/2 - la_breite, 0, -la_lochabst / 2>} object {TRAFO_ERA_EI_SCHRAUBE ( +30, dia_schraube, la_hoehe, pcb_hight) translate <-tiefe/2 + la_breite, 0, -la_lochabst / 2>} #end // Anschlussbeine #if(pin_short=on) #local trafo_pin_length = -1*(pin_length+pcb_hight); #else #local trafo_pin_length = -trafo_pin_laenge; #end cylinder{<-pinabstand/2 ,0, pin_aus> <-pinabstand/2,trafo_pin_length, pin_aus> 0.40 texture{col_silver}} // Draht links prim1 cylinder{< pinabstand/2 ,0, pin_aus> < pinabstand/2,trafo_pin_length, pin_aus> 0.40 texture{col_silver}} // Draht rechts sek1 cylinder{< pinabstand/2 ,0, pin_in> < pinabstand/2,trafo_pin_length, pin_in> 0.40 texture{col_silver}} // Draht rechts sek1 cylinder{< pinabstand/2 ,0, -pin_in> < pinabstand/2,trafo_pin_length, -pin_in> 0.40 texture{col_silver}} // Draht rechts sek2 cylinder{< pinabstand/2 ,0,-pin_aus> < pinabstand/2,trafo_pin_length,-pin_aus> 0.40 texture{col_silver}} // Draht rechts sek2 cylinder{<-pinabstand/2 ,0,-pin_aus> <-pinabstand/2,trafo_pin_length,-pin_aus> 0.40 texture{col_silver}} // Draht rechts prim1 // Beschriftung text {ttf besch_font "era" 0.1, 0 scale pigment {White} rotate<0,90,0> translate<-breite/2 - 0.01 , hoehe - abs_oben - 2* druck_hoehe , tiefe/2 - druck_hoehe>} //Beschriftung era text {ttf besch_font druck_text 0.1, 0 scale pigment {White} rotate<0,90,0> translate<-breite/2 - 0.01 , hoehe - abs_oben - 3* druck_hoehe, tiefe/2 - druck_hoehe>} //Beschriftung Typ text {ttf besch_font value 0.1, 0 scale pigment {White} rotate<0,90,0> translate<-breite/2 - 0.01 , hoehe - abs_oben - 4* druck_hoehe, tiefe/2 - druck_hoehe>} //Beschriftung Value } #end // Printtransformator era EI30/23 2,8VA #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_30_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 27.5, 32.5, 34.0, 4, 10, 3.0, "Typ EI 30/23", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 20.0, 10.0, 5.0, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI38/13,6 3,2VA #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_38_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 35.5, 42.0, 28.0, 5, 12, 3.0, "Typ EI 38/13,6", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 25.0, 10.0, 5.0, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI42/14,8 5VA #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_42_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 38.5, 45.5, 32.0, 6, 13, 3.5, "Typ EI 42/14,8", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 25.0, 12.5, 7.5, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI42/14,8 5VA mit Befestigungslasche #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_42_2B(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 38.5, 45.5, 32.0, 6, 13, 3.5, "Typ EI 42/14,8", 1, 64.0, 10.0, 2.0, 55.0, 4.2, 3.5, 25.0, 12.5, 7.5, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI48/15,8 10VA #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_48_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 42.5, 50.5, 34.5, 6, 14, 4.0, "Typ EI 48/15,8", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 27.5, 12.5, 7.5, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI48/15,8 10VA mit Befestigungslaschen #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_48_2B(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 42.5, 50.5, 34.5, 6, 14, 4.0, "Typ EI 48/15,8", 1, 69.0, 10.0, 2.0, 60.0, 4.2, 3.5, 27.5, 12.5, 7.5, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI54/18,8 16VA #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_54_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 48.0, 57.0, 39.0, 7, 16, 4.0, "Typ EI 54/18,8", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.5, 30.0, 15.0, 10.0, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI54/18,8 16VA mit Befestigungslaschen #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_54_2B(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 48.0, 57.0, 39.0, 7, 16, 4.0, "Typ EI 54/18,8", 2, 75.3, 10.0, 2.0, 65.0, 4.2, 4.5, 30.0, 15.0, 10.0, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI60/25,5 25VA mit Befestigungslaschen #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_60_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 55.0, 66.0, 49.2, 9, 21, 4.0, "Typ EI 60/23", 2, 81.5, 11.2, 2.0, 72.5, 4.2, 4.5, 32.5, 15.0, 10.0, 4.0)} #end // Printtransformator era EI66/23 36VA mit Befestigungslaschen #macro TRAFO_ERA_EI_66_2(value) object{TRAFO_ERA_EI_GRND(value, 61.0, 71.0, 48.5, 9, 21, 4.0, "Typ EI 66/23", 2, 87.2, 10.8, 2.0, 77.5, 4.2, 4.5, 35.0, 17.5, 12.5, 4.0)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Macros for EI Transformer //Designed by Philippe Boucheny //Rev. 1.0 du 29/12/05 ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(L,W,H,L1,W1,H1,Lp,Wp,D,Sw,Fx,Pl,Lh) #local MyrraBrown = color red 0.7 green 0.3 blue 0.164706; #local r = 0.4; //pin ray #if(L1=0) #local L1=L/1.2; //20% if unknown #end #if(W1=0) #local W1=W/1.2; //20% if unknown #end #if(H1=0) #local H1=H/1.2; //20% if unknown #end union{ difference{ union{ difference{ superellipsoid { <0.06, 0.06> scale translate <0, H1/2-2, 0>} box{<-L/2-1,-4.5,-W/2-1><+L/2+1,0,+W/2+1>} } superellipsoid { <0.06, 0.06> scale translate <0, H/2, 0> } pigment{MyrraBrown } } union{ cylinder{<-Lh/2,-1,0><-Lh/2,10,0> D/2} cylinder{<+Lh/2,-1,0><+Lh/2,10,0> D/2} pigment{Gray50} } } //Pins #1 & 5 cylinder{<-Lp/2,0,-Wp/2><-Lp/2,-Pl,-Wp/2> r texture { pigment{Silver} } } cylinder{<+Lp/2,0,-Wp/2><+Lp/2,-Pl,-Wp/2> r texture { pigment{Silver} } } //Pins #7 & 9 cylinder{<-Lp/2+5,0,+Wp/2><-Lp/2+5,-Pl,+Wp/2> r texture { pigment{Silver} } } cylinder{<+Lp/2-5,0,+Wp/2><+Lp/2-5,-Pl,+Wp/2> r texture { pigment{Silver} } } #if (Sw = 2) //Pins #6 & 10 cylinder{<-Lp/2,0,+Wp/2><-Lp/2,-Pl,+Wp/2> r texture { pigment{Silver} } } cylinder{<+Lp/2,0,+Wp/2><+Lp/2,-Pl,+Wp/2> r texture { pigment{Silver} } } #end // Top marking union{ box{<-12,H,+2><+8,H+0.01,+8> pigment{White}} box{<-12+0.3,H+0.01,+2+0.3><+8-0.3,H+0.02,+8-0.3> pigment{MyrraBrown}} text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "myrra" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-10.5,H+0.05,4>} // Marking //disc {<-10, H+0.02, -8> y,2,1.8 pigment{White}} //disc {<-5, H+0.02, -8> y,2,1.8 pigment{White}} //disc {<-0, H+0.02, -8> y,2,1.8 pigment{White}} //disc {<+5, H+0.02, -8> y,2,1.8 pigment{White}} //text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "FI" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 3 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-11,H+0.05,-9>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "O" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 4.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-12,H+0.05,-10>} // Marking //text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "S" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 3 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-11+5.2,H+0.05,-9>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "P" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 4.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-12+5.1,H+0.05,-10>} // Marking //text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "N" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 3 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-11+10.1,H+0.05,-9>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "Q" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 4.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-12+10.4,H+0.05,-10>} // Marking //text {ttf global_fontfile_arial "D" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 3 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-11+15.3,H+0.05,-9>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "N" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 4.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-12+15.6,H+0.05,-10>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "I" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<+2,H+0.08,-4>} // RU Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "B" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-4.5,H+0.08,-4>} // DVE Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "E" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 6 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-13,H+0.08,-4.5>} // CE Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "H" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale 6 rotate<90,0,0> translate<+3,H+0.08,+2.3>} // MYRRA LOGO Marking translate 2*x scale } rotate 90*y } #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_1_005() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,15.8,0,0,11.5,20,20,0,1,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_2_005() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,15.8,0,0,11.5,20,20,0,2,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_1_105() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,22.2,0,0,18.4,20,20,0,1,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_2_105() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,22.2,0,0,18.4,20,20,0,2,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_1_125() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,24.5,0,0,20.5,20,20,0,1,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_2_125() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,24.5,0,0,20.5,20,20,0,2,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_1_155() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,27.3,0,0,23.5,20,20,0,1,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_2_155() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,27.3,0,0,23.5,20,20,0,2,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_1_180() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,29.8,0,0,26.0,20,20,0,1,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_30_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(32.6,27.6,29.8,0,0,26.0,20,20,0,2,0,4.5,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_38_1() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(41.0,35.0,28.0,30.5,25.7,23.0,20,25,0,1,0,4,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_38_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(41.0,35.0,28.0,30.5,25.7,23.0,20,25,0,2,0,4,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_42_1() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(44.25,37.0,32.25,32.25,27.70,26.0,25,25,0,1,0,4,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_42_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(44.25,37.0,32.25,32.25,27.70,26.0,25,25,0,2,0,4,0)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_48_1() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(50.50,42.5,34.75,33.60,25.6,0,25,27.5,2.5,1,0,3.5,40)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_48_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(50.50,42.5,34.75,33.60,25.6,0,25,27.5,2.5,2,0,3.5,40)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_54_1() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(56.50,47.25,38.75,37.50,29.25,33,30,30,2.5,1,0,4,45)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_54_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(56.50,47.25,38.75,37.50,29.25,33,30,30,2.5,2,0,4,45)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_60_1() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(63.5,53.5,45.5,0,0,36.5,30,32.5,2.5,1,0,4,50)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_60_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(63.5,53.5,45.5,0,0,36.5,30,32.5,2.5,2,0,4,50)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_66_1() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(70,59,48.75,0,0,0,35,35,2.5,1,0,4.5,55)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_66_2() object{TRAFO_MYRRA_EI_GRND(70,59,48.75,0,0,0,35,35,2.5,2,0,4.5,55)} #end /******************************************************************************************************************************************** //Macros for Transformer UI48 60VA //Designed by Philippe Boucheny //Rev. 1.1 10/01/06 ********************************************************************************************************************************************/ #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_UI48_GRND(value,pw) #macro LABEL_R (L,W,R) #local e=0.005; union{ cylinder{<-L/2+R,0,-W/2+R><-L/2+R,e,-W/2+R> R} cylinder{<+L/2-R,0,-W/2+R><+L/2-R,e,-W/2+R> R} cylinder{<-L/2+R,0,+W/2-R><-L/2+R,e,+W/2-R> R} cylinder{<+L/2-R,0,+W/2-R><+L/2-R,e,+W/2-R> R} box{<-L/2+R,0,-W/2><+L/2-R,e,+W/2>} box{<-L/2,0,-W/2+R><+L/2,e,+W/2-R>} texture{col_silver} } #end //********************************************************************** #if (pw = 60) #local A = 24.25; #local B = 7.25; #local C = 43; #local D = A; //3*A/4; #local E = 34; #else #local A = 19.25; #local B = 6.75; #local C = 41.5; #local D = 15; //3*A/4; #local E = 27.5; #end union{ difference{ union{ superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale translate <0, A, 0> pigment{Gray50} } superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale translate <0, D, 0> pigment{Gray50} } superellipsoid { <0.05, 0.05> scale translate <0, B, 0> pigment{Gray50} } } union{ cylinder{<-37.5,15,30><-37.5,-1,30> 1.55 } cylinder{<37.5,15,-30><37.5,-1,-30> 1.55 } cylinder{<-37.5,15,-30><-37.5,-1,-30> 1.55 } cylinder{<37.5,15,30><37.5,-1,30> 1.55 } cylinder{<0,2*A-0.5,0><0,2*A+0.5,0> 0.5 } pigment{Gray20} } } #if(global_show_screws=on) object { TOOLS_SCREW(4,5,1,Silver) rotate 180*x translate <-37.5,-pcb_hight,+30> } object { TOOLS_SCREW(4,5,1,Silver) rotate 180*x translate <-37.5,-pcb_hight,-30> } object { TOOLS_SCREW(4,5,1,Silver) rotate 180*x translate <+37.5,-pcb_hight,+30> } object { TOOLS_SCREW(4,5,1,Silver) rotate 180*x translate <+37.5,-pcb_hight,-30> } #end union{ object{LABEL_R(15,30,1.5)} text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "H" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 4.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-6.5,0.05,10.5>} // Myrra logo text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "Z" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 3.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-5.8,0.05,7>} // logo text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "A" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 3.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-5.8,0.05,-8>} // UL Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "I" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 3.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-6.5,0.05,-12.5>} // Canada UL Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "/" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-6.5,0.05,5.5>} // Fuse Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_eagle3d "/" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-6.5,0.05,2.5>} // Fuse Marking box{<2.5,0,-7><5.5,0.05,-13> pigment{Black}} text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "63801" 0.05, 0 pigment{White} scale <1.8,2.2,1> rotate<90,90,0> translate<3.2,0.07,-7.7>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold value 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-0.8,0.05,12.8>} // Ref Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "2x115V" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-1,0.05,10.8>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "50/60Hz" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-2,0.05,7.7>} // Marking #if(pw=60) text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "315mA(230V)" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-5,0.05,4>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "630mA(115V)" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-5,0.05,1>} // Marking #else text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "200mA(230V)" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-5,0.05,4>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "400mA(115V)" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-5,0.05,1>} // Marking #end text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "T" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 0.8 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-3,0.05,6.2>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "T" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 0.8 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-3,0.05,3.2>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "1 4 9 12" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-6,0.05,-14>} // Marking #if(pw=60) text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "15V 30VA" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-4,0.05,-1.5>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "15V 30VA" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-4,0.05,-4>} // Marking #else text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "15V 20VA" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-4,0.05,-1.5>} // Marking text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "15V 20VA" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 2 rotate<90,0,0> translate<-4,0.05,-4>} // Marking #end text {ttf global_fontfile_arial_bold "ta 50/B" 0.05, 0 pigment{Black} scale 1.5 rotate<90,0,0> translate<1,0.05,-6>} // Marking rotate 180*y #if(pw=60) translate<34-8,2*A,35-17-2> #else translate<27.5-3,2*A,35-17-8> #end rotate -90*y } box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<-26.5,0,-28.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<-26.5,0,+28.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<-26.5,0,-13.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<-26.5,0,+13.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<+26.5,0,-23.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<+26.5,0,+23.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<+26.5,0,-8.5> texture{col_silver}} box{<-0.25,0,-0.6><+0.25,-4,+0.6> translate<+26.5,0,+8.5> texture{col_silver}} // rotate 90*y } #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_UI48_40(value) object{TRAFO_MYRRA_UI48_GRND(value,40)} #end #macro TRAFO_MYRRA_UI48_60(value) object{TRAFO_MYRRA_UI48_GRND(value,60)} #end //End of Macros /********************************************************************** Testing **********************************************************************/ #ifndef(inc_testmode) //Size of the Grid Plane (+/- span) #local XYZ_span=20; //Orientation axes cylinder{<-XYZ_span,0,0>0.1 pigment{Blue}} //X cylinder{<0,-XYZ_span,0><0,XYZ_span,0>0.1 pigment{Red}} //Y cylinder{<0,0,-XYZ_span><0,0,XYZ_span>0.1 pigment{Yellow}} //Z // Useful GRIDS: #local XYZ_step= 1 ; // axis increment #local XYZ_cnt = 0; // loop counter #local xyz_thick = 0.05; // grid line thickness // GRID PLANES: Remove comment begin/end to activate & select PLANES: #while (XYZ_cnt <= XYZ_span) cylinder{<-XYZ_span,0,XYZ_cnt>xyz_thick pigment{Blue}} // Positive Z-Lines cylinder{<-XYZ_span,0,-XYZ_cnt>xyz_thick pigment{Blue}} // Negative Z-Lines //cylinder{<0,XYZ_cnt,-XYZ_span><0,XYZ_cnt,XYZ_span>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Positive Y-Z Plane Lines //cylinder{<0,-XYZ_cnt,-XYZ_span><0,-XYZ_cnt,XYZ_span>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Negative Y-Z Plane Lines //cylinder{<-XYZ_span,XYZ_cnt,0>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Positive Y-X Plane Lines //cylinder{<-XYZ_span,-XYZ_cnt,0>xyz_thick pigment{Red}} // Negative Y-X Plane Lines cylinder{xyz_thick pigment{Yellow}} // Positive X-Lines cylinder{<-XYZ_cnt,0,-XYZ_span><-XYZ_cnt,0,XYZ_span>xyz_thick pigment{Yellow}} // Negative X-Lines #local XYZ_cnt = XYZ_cnt+XYZ_step; #end camera { #local tt = 40; //let's you change the distance easily location <-tt,tt,-tt> //location<0,5,-50> //alternate location look_at <0,0,0> //best to select the approximate centre of the object angle 30 } light_source { <100, 100, -100> White} light_source { <-100, 100, -100> White } light_source { <-100, 100, 100> White } light_source { <100, 100, 100> White } //light_source { <-tt,tt,-tt> White } //light_source { <-tt,tt,-tt> White } //light_source { <-tt,tt,-tt> White } background{Grey} #end #end