#usage "Convert a CAM job to a script to export DXF data\n" "

" "Usage: RUN cam2dxf [ filename ]" "

" "Tip: Assign a funktion key with

" "ASSIGN Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P 'run cam2dxf;';" "

" "or" "

" "ASSIGN Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P 'run cam2dxf myjob.cam;';" "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED // CAM-Job token string tok_job = "[CAM Processor Job]"; string tok_Descrition = "Description="; string description; string descriptionLine[]; int descrCnt; string tok_Section = "Section="; string tok_Sec_n = "[Sec_"; string section[]; string tok_Name = "Name="; string sec_Name[]; string tok_Prompt = "Prompt="; string sec_Prompt[]; string tok_Out_put = "Output="; string sec_Out_put[]; string tok_Sheet = "Sheet="; int sec_Sheet[]; int sheetprint = 0; // 0 = All, 1 = From To, 2 = This section defined, 3 = Actual int sheetprint_from[]; int sheetprint_to[]; string actualsheet; string tok_Layers = "Layers="; string sec_Layers[]; string sec_usedlayer[]; int absolutUsedLayer = 0; string lines[]; int nLines; string s; string nu; int sx = 0; int lVisible[]; int useLayer[]; string lNames[] = { " " }; int lastsheet = 0; string lastSH; string Unit = " -u MM"; string AlwaysVertorFont = " -a"; string UseWireWidth = " -w"; string FillArea = " -f"; string help = usage+ "This ULP converts a CAM Job to a DXF Export script!

\n" + "If the layer list is empty after starting this ULP,\n" + "you did not start it from the proper editor window (SCH/BRD).

\n" + "CAM jobs for the layout have to be started from the Layout Editor, " + "jobs for a schematic from the Schematic Editor. " + "CAM Jobs can be edited and saved by the CAM processor only."; string ulp_path ; char bkslash = '/'; int pos = strrchr(argv[0], bkslash); if (pos >= 0) ulp_path = strsub(argv[0], 0, pos + 1); string cmd = ""; int test = 0; int Result = 0; // File handling int n = 0; string text; string CAMfileName; int nBytes; int align; string CAMfile; string Eagle =""; // *** functions *** void editsec(int sec) { string num; sprintf(num, "%d", sec); dlgDialog("Section Editor") { dlgLabel("Section " + num); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-&Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return; } void commandPrint(string sectab) { cmd += "RUN dxf -s " + sectab + Unit + AlwaysVertorFont + UseWireWidth + FillArea + ";\n"; return; } void viewDescript(void) { string ds; for (int n = 1 ; n < descrCnt; n++ ) { if (ds[0] = ' ') { ds = descriptionLine[n]; ds[0] = ' '; descriptionLine[n] = ds; } } descriptionLine[0] = "" + descriptionLine[0] + ""; ds = strjoin(descriptionLine, '\n'); dlgMessageBox(ds, "OK"); return; } void readCam(void) { sx = 0; for (int sn = 0; sn < nLines; sn++) { if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Descrition) == 0) { description = strsub(lines[sn], strlen(tok_Descrition) + 1, strlen(lines[sn]) - (strlen(tok_Descrition)+2) ); descrCnt = strsplit (descriptionLine, description, '\\'); } if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Sec_n) == 0) { sx = strtol( strsub(lines[sn], strstr(lines[sn], "_") + 1) ); sprintf(nu, "%d", sx); } if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Name ) == 0) {; sec_Name[sx] = strsub(lines[sn], strlen(tok_Name) + 1, strlen(lines[sn]) - (strlen(tok_Name)+2) ); sheetprint_from[sx] = 1; } if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Prompt ) == 0) {; sec_Prompt[sx] = strsub(lines[sn], strlen(tok_Prompt) + 1, strlen(lines[sn]) - (strlen(tok_Prompt)+2) ); } if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Out_put ) == 0) { sec_Out_put[sx] = strsub(lines[sn], strlen(tok_Out_put) + 1, strlen(lines[sn]) - (strlen(tok_Out_put)+2) ); } if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Sheet ) == 0) { sec_Sheet[sx] = strtod( strsub(lines[sn], strlen(tok_Sheet) , strlen(lines[sn]) - (strlen(tok_Sheet) ) ) ); } // n Layers (max 255) if( strstr(lines[sn], tok_Layers ) == 0) { sec_Layers[sx] = strsub(lines[sn], strlen(tok_Layers) + 2, strlen(lines[sn]) - (strlen(tok_Layers)+3) ); // hier noch die Layer } } return; } // main if (argv[1]) { CAMfileName = argv[1]; string dir = filedir(CAMfileName); if (filedir(CAMfileName)) ; else CAMfileName = path_cam[0] + "/" + argv[1]; } else { CAMfileName = dlgFileOpen("Select CAM File", path_cam[0]+"/*.cam", "*.*"); } if (CAMfileName) { nLines = fileread(lines, CAMfileName); readCam(); } else exit (0); if(lines[0] != tok_job) { dlgMessageBox(CAMfileName + "\nis not a EAGLE CAM-Job\n" + lines[0], "OK"); exit (0); } if (schematic) { schematic(S) { if (sheet) sheet(SH) sprintf(actualsheet, "%d", SH.number); } schematic(S) { S.sheets(SH) { if (lastsheet < SH.number) lastsheet = SH.number; } S.layers(L) { lNames[L.number] = L.name; lVisible[L.number] = L.visible; useLayer[L.number] = L.used; } } } if (board) { board(B) { B.layers(L) { lNames[L.number] = L.name; lVisible[L.number] = L.visible; useLayer[L.number] = L.used; } } } // tabs menue Result = dlgDialog("CAM-Job to Print-Command") { //Define a container for tab pages dlgTabWidget { int tpn=1; sheetprint_to[tpn] = lastsheet; while (sec_Name[tpn]) { dlgTabPage(sec_Name[tpn]) { dlgLabel("JOB Name: " + CAMfileName); dlgSpacing(10); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(10); dlgLabel(Eagle); dlgSpacing(10); if (board) { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Suffix") dlgLabel(sec_Out_put[tpn]); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgVBoxLayout { if (schematic) { dlgStretch(0); dlgGroup("Sheet") { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&All ", sheetprint); dlgLabel(" "); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&From ", sheetprint); dlgLabel("S&heet "); dlgIntEdit(sheetprint_from[tpn], 1, lastsheet); dlgLabel(" &to "); dlgIntEdit(sheetprint_to[tpn], sheetprint_from[tpn], lastsheet); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("&# ", sheetprint); string sl; sprintf(sl, "%d/%d", sec_Sheet[tpn], lastsheet); dlgLabel(sl + " (def. in section)"); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("Actua&l ", sheetprint); dlgLabel(actualsheet); dlgStretch(1); } } } } // if schematic dlgStretch(1); } // *** Layer list to print *** int Seleclayer; string layer[] ; int n = 0; int ln = strsplit(layer, sec_Layers[tpn], ' '); for (int x = 0; x < ln; x++) { int num = strtod(layer[x]); if (useLayer[num]) { if(schematic) { if (num >= 90) { sprintf(sec_usedlayer[n], "%3s %s", layer[x], lNames[num]); n++; } } if(board) { if (num < 90 || num > 100) { sprintf(sec_usedlayer[n], "%3s %s", layer[x], lNames[num]); n++; } } } } sec_usedlayer[n] = ""; // clear last+1 absolutUsedLayer = n; dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(10); dlgVBoxLayout { if (absolutUsedLayer) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(100); } dlgLabel("Printed layers"); dlgListBox(sec_usedlayer, Seleclayer); } else { dlgLabel(""); dlgLabel("no Layers selected\nin this CAM-Job/Section!\nLoad a correct Job."); } } dlgSpacing(10); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); tpn++; } } // ************ End of TAB | SHEET *********** dlgTabPage("&Help") { dlgSpacing(10); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(10); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(Eagle); dlgSpacing(10); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel(EAGLE_SIGNATURE); dlgSpacing(10); if (description) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("&Show Job Description") viewDescript(); dlgStretch(1); } } else dlgLabel("CAM Job description is EMPTY"); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgSpacing(10); dlgLabel(help); dlgStretch(1); } } } } // ************ End of all TABs *********** dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("&Load CAM-File") { CAMfileName = dlgFileOpen("select a File", path_cam[0]+"/*.cam", ""); if (CAMfileName) { exit ("run " + filesetext(argv[0], " ") + " '" + CAMfileName + "';\n"); } } dlgStretch(1); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); if (test) cmd = "# generatet by " + argv[0] + " from " + CAMfileName + "\n"; for (int tpn = 1; tpn <= sx; tpn++) { string layer[] ; int n = 0; int ln = strsplit(layer, sec_Layers[tpn], ' '); if (test) cmd += "# Section: " + sec_Name[tpn] + "\n"; if(board) { cmd += "SET DISPLAY_MODE REAL;\n"; cmd += "RATSNEST;\n"; cmd += "DISPLAY NONE "; for (int x = 0; x < ln; x++) { int num = strtod(layer[x]); if (num < 90 || num > 100) { if (useLayer[num]) { sprintf(s, " %3s", layer[x]); cmd += s; if(num == 21) cmd += " -23 -25 -27 -51"; if(num == 22) cmd += " -24 -26 -28 -52"; n++; } } } cmd += ";\n"; commandPrint(sec_Out_put[tpn]); } if(schematic) { cmd += "DISPLAY NONE "; for (int x = 0; x < ln; x++) { int num = strtod(layer[x]); if (useLayer[num]) { if (num >= 90) { sprintf(s, " %3s", layer[x]); cmd += s; n++; } } } cmd += ";\n"; string sh; string shn; switch (sheetprint) { case 0 : schematic(S) { S.sheets(SH) { sprintf(sh, "EDIT '.s%d';\n", SH.number); cmd += sh; sprintf(shn, "_s%d", SH.number); commandPrint(shn); } } break; case 1 : for (int prn = sheetprint_from[tpn]; prn <= sheetprint_to[tpn]; prn++) { sprintf(sh, "EDIT '.s%d';\n", prn); cmd += sh; sprintf(shn, "_s%d", prn); commandPrint(shn); } break; case 2 : sprintf(sh, "EDIT '.s%d';\n", sec_Sheet[tpn]); cmd += sh; sprintf(shn, "_s%d", sec_Sheet[tpn]); commandPrint(shn); break; case 3 : sprintf(sh, "EDIT '.s%s';\n", actualsheet); cmd += sh; sprintf(shn, ".s%s", actualsheet); commandPrint(shn); break; } } } cmd += "DISPLAY "; if(board) { for(int l = 1; l < 90; l++) { if (useLayer[l]) { if (lVisible[l]) { sprintf(s, " %d", l); cmd += s; } else { sprintf(s, " -%d", l); cmd += s; } } } for(l = 100; l < 256; l++) { if (useLayer[l]) { if (lVisible[l]) { sprintf(s, " %d", l); cmd += s; } else { sprintf(s, " -%d", l); cmd += s; } } } cmd += ";\n"; } if(schematic) { for(int l = 91; l < 256; l++) { if (useLayer[l]) { if (lVisible[l]) { sprintf(s, " %d", l); cmd += s; } else { sprintf(s, " -%d", l); cmd += s; } } } cmd += ";\n"; sprintf(s, "EDIT '.s%s';\n", actualsheet); cmd += s; } if (test) { if (dlgMessageBox(cmd, "OK", "ESC") != 0) exit (-1);} exit (cmd);