#usage "Example: Dialogs\n" "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string ulp_path ; char bkslash = '/'; int pos = strrchr(argv[0], bkslash); if (pos >= 0) { ulp_path = strsub(argv[0], 0, pos + 1); } string cmd = ""; int Value = 42; int Wert = 7; int Val = 0; string st = ""; int Result = 0; string msg = ""; string Colors[] = { "red" , "green", "blue", "pink" , "yellow", "cyan", "magenta" , "brown", "white", "black" , "gray", "orange" }; int Selected = 2; // initially selects "blue" string Text = "example text"; int Lines = 0; // Checkboxes in Dialog int mirror = 0; int rotate = 1; int flip = 0; int black = 1; int swap = 1; int solid = 0; int scaled = 0; int align = 0; //use dlgRadioButton only in dlgGroup! Result = dlgDialog("EAGLE Version 4 / ULP Demonstration") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgGroup("Use RadioButton only in dlgGroup!") { dlgStretch(0); dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(1, 1) dlgRadioButton("&Top", align); dlgCell(2, 0) dlgRadioButton("&Left ", align); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRadioButton("&Center", align); dlgCell(2, 2) dlgRadioButton("&Right ", align); dlgCell(3, 1) dlgRadioButton("&Bottom", align); // 30 pixels fixed distance dlgCell(1, 6) { dlgSpacing(30); dlgCheckBox("R&otate", rotate); }; dlgCell(2, 6) { dlgSpacing(30); dlgCheckBox("&Mirror", mirror); }; dlgCell(3, 6) { dlgSpacing(30); dlgCheckBox("&Flip", flip); }; } } dlgStretch(0); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(20); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgSpacing(20); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("-ESC") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // a complex menu // default is VBoxLayout Text += "\nextend example text with Text+=..."; align = 0; Result = dlgDialog("Version 4 - ULP test"){ dlgStretch(0); // no dynamic distance on top dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); // no dynamic distance on left border dlgLabel(""); // display a BMP file dlgStretch(0); // no dynamic distance to next object dlgGroup("ULP-Test Edit") { // start a group dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(600); // make 600 pixel spacing dlgHBoxLayout { // horizontal direction in horizontal direction dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300); // a vertical Box 300 pixels high dlgTextEdit(Text); // editor window 600 x 300 pixels } } dlgStretch(1); // dynamic distance to the right border } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); // no dynamic distance allowed dlgGroup("ULP-Test Radio") { // start a frame for a group dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(100); // a horizontle box min. 100 pixels wide // Minimum is 80 pixels (by Windows/Microsoft) // is the displayed Text in Combobox larger than 80 pixels // then the Box width is automatically extended dlgLabel("&Color"); // the & character marks the ALT-Key dlgComboBox(Colors, Selected); dlgRadioButton("&Center", align); dlgRadioButton("&Bottom", align); } dlgSpacing(20); dlgStretch(0); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgCheckBox("&Mirror", mirror); dlgStretch(0); dlgCheckBox("&Rotate", rotate); dlgStretch(1); } dlgSpacing(10); dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel("Enter a &Number between 0 and 99"); dlgSpacing(5); dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgIntEdit(Value, 0, 99); } dlgSpacing(10); dlgStretch(0); dlgGroup("Reset") { dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel("change values, press reset and look"); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("Reset") dlgReset(); dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(10); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(550); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); dlgSpacing(25); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Dialog window with Button align = 0; Text = "\n\nCELL example\ndefine cells\n"; Result = dlgDialog(" EAGLE Version 4 / GRID/CELL Demonstration"){ dlgGridLayout { // Grid & Cell dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 0,0"); dlgCell(0, 1) dlgLabel("Cell 0,1"); dlgCell(0, 2) dlgLabel("Cell 0,2"); dlgCell(0, 3) dlgLabel("Cell 0,3"); dlgCell(0, 4) dlgLabel("Cell 0,4"); dlgCell(0, 5) dlgLabel("Cell 0,5"); dlgCell(0, 6) dlgLabel("Cell 0,6"); dlgCell(0, 7) dlgLabel("Cell 0,7"); dlgCell(0, 8) dlgLabel("Cell 0,8"); dlgCell(0, 9) dlgLabel("Cell 0,9"); dlgCell(0, 10) dlgLabel("Cell 0,10"); dlgCell(0, 11) dlgLabel("Cell 0,11"); dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 1,0"); dlgCell(2, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 2,0"); dlgCell(3, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 3,0"); dlgCell(4, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 4,0"); dlgCell(5, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 5,0"); dlgCell(6, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 6,0"); dlgCell(7, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 7,0"); dlgCell(8, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 8,0"); dlgCell(9, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 9,0"); dlgCell(10, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 10,0"); dlgCell(11, 0) dlgLabel("Cell 11,0"); dlgCell(1, 2, 4, 6) dlgTextEdit(Text); dlgCell(1, 8) dlgComboBox(Colors, Selected); dlgCell(2, 8) dlgCheckBox("&Mirror", mirror); dlgCell(3, 8) dlgCheckBox("&Rotate", rotate); dlgCell(4, 8, 4, 8) dlgGroup("Gruop") { dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(6, 8) dlgRadioButton("&Top", align); dlgCell(7, 8) dlgRadioButton("&Center", align); dlgCell(8, 8) dlgRadioButton("&Bottom", align); } } dlgCell(6, 4) dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgCell(7, 4) dlgPushButton("-CANCEL\n\nStop ULP\nand\nExit") dlgReject(); dlgCell(7, 2) dlgPushButton("Reset") dlgReset(); dlgCell(1, 1) dlgLabel(""); dlgCell(1, 8) dlgLabel(""); dlgCell(9, 1) dlgLabel(""); dlgCell(9, 8) dlgLabel(""); } dlgLabel("a small example for Grid & Cell"); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); Result = dlgDialog("Checkbox Demonstration"){ dlgGroup("Orientation and Print") { dlgCheckBox("&Mirror", mirror); dlgCheckBox("&Rotate", rotate); dlgCheckBox("&Flip", flip); dlgCheckBox("&Black", black); dlgCheckBox("&Solid", solid); dlgCheckBox("S&caled", scaled); } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Comboboxes Result = dlgDialog("Combobox"){ dlgComboBox(Colors, Selected); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // GridLayout - define cell by cell content Result = dlgDialog("Grid Layout"){ dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("Row 0/Col 0"); dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("Row 1/Col 0"); dlgCell(0, 4) dlgLabel("Row 0/Col 4"); dlgCell(5, 5) dlgLabel("Row 5/Col 5"); dlgCell(10, 20) dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgCell(10, 24) dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // input a Integer-Value Result = dlgDialog("IntEdit"){ dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Enter a &Number between 0 and 99"); dlgIntEdit(Value, 0, 99); } dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // List box selection field Result = dlgDialog("List Box") { dlgListBox(Colors, Selected) dlgAccept(); }; dlgMessageBox("selected Color " + Colors[Selected]); if (Result == 0) exit (0); //Multi column list view selection field string Colours[] = { "red\tThe color RED", "green\tThe color GREEN", "blue\tThe color BLUE" }; Selected = 1; Result = dlgDialog("ListView") { dlgListView("Name\tDescription", Colours, Selected) dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); }; dlgMessageBox("last selected\n" + Colours[Selected]); if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Predefined Button OK Result = dlgDialog("Hello") { dlgLabel("Hello world"); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); // look at the '+' character }; // Radio Button // can be used only in a dglGroup align = 0; Result = dlgDialog("RadioButton") { dlgGroup("Alignment") { dlgRadioButton("&Top", align); dlgRadioButton("&Center", align); dlgRadioButton("&Bottom", align); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Input a real value real rValue = 33.333; Result = dlgDialog("RealEdit"){ dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Enter a &Number between 0.0 and 99.0"); dlgRealEdit(rValue, 0.0, 99.0); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } } } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); sprintf(st, "%f", rValue); dlgMessageBox("last real value = " + st); // Define additional space in a box layout context // space is given in pixels Result = dlgDialog("Spacing V-Box"){ dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Label V1"); dlgSpacing(70); dlgLabel("Label V2"); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); Result = dlgDialog("Spacing HBox"){ dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Label H1"); dlgSpacing(100); dlgLabel("Label H2"); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Select two values Result = dlgDialog("Spinbox - select value for X and Y") { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("select &X"); // character & mark selected by ALT+Key dlgSpinBox(Value, 0, 99); dlgLabel("select &Y"); dlgSpinBox(Wert, -99, 99); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); // + is the Default-Button [ENTER] dlgPushButton("-throw away") dlgReject(); // - is the Cancel-Button [ESC] }; }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); dlgMessageBox("ATTENTION:\ndrag the next menu border line!", "OK"); // Define an empty stretchable space in a box layout context Result = dlgDialog("Stretch horizontal") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(5); dlgPushButton("Key B"); dlgStretch(15); dlgPushButton("Key C"); dlgStretch(40); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(5); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); dlgMessageBox(" ATTENTION:\ndrag the next menu border line!", "OK"); Result = dlgDialog("Stretch vertical") { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(5); dlgPushButton("Key 2"); dlgStretch(15); dlgPushButton("Key 3"); dlgStretch(40); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Defines a string entry field // define fixed length by dlgSpacing string Name = "Linus Torvalds"; Result = dlgDialog("dlgStringEdit") { dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(400); dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel("Enter &Name"); dlgStretch(0); dlgStringEdit(Name); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(10); }; dlgStretch(1); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); dlgMessageBox("the last selected \n" + Name); // Define a tab page align = 0; int p_align = 0; Result = dlgDialog("Container for tab pages") { //Define a container for tab pages dlgTabWidget { dlgTabPage("&Video") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel(""); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Video mode"); dlgGroup("Gruppe") { dlgRadioButton("&Black and White", align); dlgRadioButton("&White and Black", align); } } } dlgTabPage("&Printer") { dlgLabel("Printer setup"); dlgGroup("Gruppe") { dlgRadioButton("&Top", p_align); dlgRadioButton("&Center", p_align); dlgRadioButton("&Bottom", p_align); } } dlgTabPage("&Memory") { dlgLabel("Memory setup"); dlgCheckBox("R&otate", rotate); dlgCheckBox("Mi&rror", mirror); dlgCheckBox("&Flip", flip); dlgCheckBox("&Swap", swap); } dlgTabPage("&Export") { dlgLabel("select a file name for WRITE"); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("&File") { string fileName; fileName = dlgFileOpen("select a File", "*.*", "*.BRD\n*.SCH\n*.SCH\n*.ULP"); }; dlgStretch(1); } } dlgTabPage("&Input") { dlgLabel("select a file for read"); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("&File") { string fileName; fileName = dlgFileOpen("select a File", "*.*", ""); }; dlgStretch(1); } } dlgTabPage("&Help") { dlgLabel(""); dlgLabel("Copyright (c) 1988-2000 CadSoft Computer GmbH"); } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel(" <--------> "); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(1); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); string sresult; sprintf(sresult, "%d", Value); cmd = "selected X = " + sresult + ".\n"; sprintf(sresult, "%d", Wert); cmd += "selected Y = " + sresult + ".\n"; Result = dlgDialog("Editor Window") { dlgTextEdit(cmd); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); dlgMessageBox(cmd); //Define a multiline text viewer field Text = "This is some text.\nLine 2\nLine 3"; string Text2 = "This is the 2nd text.\nLine 2\nLine 3"; Text2 += "\n...\n...\n...\n...\nScroll-\nbars\non?\n"; Text2 += "OK\nEnd."; Result = dlgDialog("List Window") { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("&View the text"); dlgTextView(Text); dlgLabel("Vie&w the text"); dlgTextView(Text2); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Button int haveButton = 1; Result = dlgDialog("Test") { dlgLabel("Start"); if (haveButton) dlgPushButton("Here") dlgAccept(); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); Result = dlgDialog("'3 Boxes close by ESC") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgLabel("Box 1"); dlgLabel("Box 2"); dlgLabel("Box 3"); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); Result = dlgDialog("selected Color") { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgLabel("selected Color"); dlgLabel(Colors[Selected]); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // Redisplays the dialog after changing values string Status[] = { "Idle", "1st run", "2nd run", "3rd run", "Finished" } ; int stat = 0; string labstr = Status[0]; Result = dlgDialog("Test") { dlgLabel(labstr); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(42); dlgPushButton("Cancel") dlgReject(-3); dlgPushButton("Run") { if (stat < 4) stat++; labstr = Status[stat]; dlgRedisplay(); // some program action here... } dlgPushButton("Reset") { dlgReset(); stat = 0; labstr = Status[stat]; dlgRedisplay(); } }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); sprintf(cmd, "%d", Result); dlgMessageBox(cmd); int Number = 99; string dlgStr = "Empty"; real rVal = 9.99; Result = dlgDialog("Reset Int & Real to 0") { dlgIntEdit(Number); dlgRealEdit(rVal); dlgStringEdit(dlgStr); dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(42); dlgPushButton("Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgPushButton("Reset") dlgReset(); }; if (Result == 0) exit (0); // File handling int n = 0; char b[]; string fileName = dlgFileOpen("select File", "*.*", "*.BRD\n*.SCH\n*.SCH\n*.ULP"); int nBytes = fileread(b, fileName); for (int x = 0; x < nBytes; x++) { cmd += b[x]; } dlgMessageBox(fileName +"\nread", "OK");