#usage "Export descriptions of devices and packages to HTML\n" "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string cmd = ""; string dev[]; string descript[]; int count = 0; int n = 0; // find some path names --------- string ulp_path = ""; string eagle_path = ""; // certain only for EAGLE standard installation string doc_path = ""; // certain only for EAGLE standard installation string direntry[]; char c = '/'; int dirnr, j; int pos = strrchr(argv[0], c); if (pos >= 0) { ulp_path = strsub(argv[0], 0, pos + 1); eagle_path = ulp_path; eagle_path = strsub(eagle_path, 0, pos); int pos = strrchr(eagle_path, c); if (pos >= 0) { eagle_path = strsub(eagle_path, 0, pos + 1); dirnr = fileglob(direntry, eagle_path+"*"); doc_path = eagle_path; for (j; j<= dirnr; j++) { if (strrstr(direntry[j], "doc/") > 0) { doc_path = direntry[j]; } } } } // find string s2 in s1, and replace with s3 string replace_string(string s1, string s2, string s3) { int i, pos = 1; string a = s1; while (pos >= 0) { pos = strstr(a, s2); if (pos < 0) break; string st1 = strsub(a, 0, pos); string st2 = strsub(a, pos + strlen(s2)); a = st1+s3+st2; } return a; } if (library) library(L) { L.devicesets(D) { count++; dev[count] = D.name; descript[count] = replace_string(D.description, "

", "
"); string h = ""; int l = strlen(dev[count]); string s = strsub(dev[count], 0, 2); string t = strsub(dev[count], 3, l); sprintf(h, "DEVICE: %s

\n", dev[count], descript[count]); cmd += h; } L.packages(P) { count++; dev[count] = P.name; descript[count] = replace_string(P.description, "

", "
"); string h = ""; int l = strlen(dev[count]); string s = strsub(dev[count], 0, 2); string t = strsub(dev[count], 3, l); sprintf(h, "PACKAGE: %s

\n", dev[count], descript[count]); cmd += h; } //define destination path name //for a fixed destination, delete next line, uncomment the one after //the next line and edit it string dest = dlgFileSave("Save Description File", doc_path+"descript.htm", "*.htm"); //dest = "c:/eagle/doc/descript.htm"; output(dest, "wt") { printf(cmd); } }