#usage "Find elements in schematic/board and zoom in\n" "

" "Centers the object and zooms into the drawing." "

" "Usage: RUN find [ name [ count | all ] [ pin | pad ]]" "

" "

You can also run this ULP from the command line:

" "RUN find
" "RUN find name
" "RUN find name counter
" "RUN find name all PIN | PAD ***
" "Search string is the name of the Device/Package/Net/Bus/Pin/Signal/Value

" "counter specifies the number of elements that should be found before ending the search, " "all sets the counter to 1000. PIN | PAD search also for Pin- and Pad-Name

" "

" "Searching order:

" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "
1. Device name1. Element
2. Net name2. Signal/Wires/Vias
3. Bus name3. Pads
4. Pin/Pad name if option PIN | PAD *** is given.4. Value
5. Value Searching for values is not case sensitive.
" "Restriction: Due to the bus name convention it is not possible" "to search for bus members like address or data nets named, for example, D0, D1, D3." "The net name does not occur in a bus name like D[0..n], so we can't search for it.

Starten Sie dieses ULP auch aus der Kommandozeile mit:

" + "RUN find

" + "RUN find name

" + "RUN find name Zähler

" + "RUN find name all PIN|PAD ***

" + "Suchbegriff ist der name des Device/Package/Net/Bus/Pin/Pad/Signal/Value

" + "Zähler ist die Anzahl der gefundenen Elemente, nach der die Suche beendet wird.

" "all setzt den Zähler im Programm auf 1000.

" + "PIN | PAD sucht zusätzlich nach PIN oder PAD Namen.

" + "

" + "Find sucht in der Reihenfolge:

" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "" + "
1. Device-Name1. Element
2. Netz-Name2. Signal/Wires
3. Bus-Name3. Pads
4. Pin/Pad-Name falls PIN | PAD *** gesetzt ist.4. Value
5. Value In Values, wird in der Schreibweise, so wie mit Großschreibung gesucht.
" + "Einschränkung: Netznamen von Daten- und Adressbussen wie D0, D1, D3..." + "werden innerhalb des Busses in der Schreibweise D[0..n] abgelegt. " + "Somit kann das Netz D1 innerhalb eines Busses nicht gefunden werden."; */ string Version = "4.1.0"; string find; string vfind; string again; string fpin; string fndpin = "Element"; string foundelement = ""; string fPinPad[] = { "", "PIN", "PAD" }; int fcnt = 0; int all; int cnt; int Result; int mx, my; real lastZoom = 0; int lastSheet = 0; int test = 0; string fileName = argv[0]; string scriptfile = filesetext(fileName, "$$$.scr"); int gridunit = 3; string unit[] = { "Micron", "mm", "Mil", "Inch" }; real u2u(int val) { switch (gridunit) { case GRID_UNIT_MIC : return u2mic(val); case GRID_UNIT_MM : return u2mm(val); case GRID_UNIT_MIL : return u2mil(val); case GRID_UNIT_INCH : return u2inch(val); } } string dpbacksl(string fs) { int l = 0; do { if (fs[l] == '\\') { string fs1 = strsub(fs, 0 , l + 1); string fs2 = strsub(fs, l + 1 ); fs = fs1 + "\\" + fs2; l += 2; } l++; } while (fs[l]); return fs; } void showrepeat(string text) { dlgDialog("FIND.ULP") { dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(600); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(300); dlgTextEdit(text); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return; } string returnfind(void) { string rs; if (!fpin) fndpin = "Element"; sprintf(rs, "run ulpmessage.ulp '%d %s(s) %s found!' '%s';\n", fcnt, fndpin, find, foundelement ); return dpbacksl(rs); } void check(string repeat) { repeat += returnfind(); if (test) showrepeat(repeat); repeat += "GRID LAST;\n"; // bis *** gridunit *** wieder klappt exit (repeat); } void helpENG(void) { dlgMessageBox(usage, "OK"); return; } string getfind() { string f; all = 1; int pin = 0; Result = dlgDialog("Find element"){ dlgHBoxLayout { dlgVBoxLayout { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel("&Name"); dlgSpacing(5); dlgStringEdit(f); dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel("&Counts"); dlgIntEdit(all, 0, 999); dlgStretch(1); } dlgGroup("Find PIN | PAD name in SCH") { dlgRadioButton("n&o", pin); dlgRadioButton("P&IN", pin); dlgRadioButton("P&AD", pin); } dlgStretch(0); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+Find") { dlgAccept(1); fpin = fPinPad[pin]; all--; } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(0); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("&Help") helpENG(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(1); } }; if (Result && !f) { dlgMessageBox("No search string!", "OK"); f = ""; } return f; } string show_B(real x, real y, real zoom1, real zoom2, string findb, int fist) { fcnt++; string cmd = ""; if (lastZoom) { sprintf(cmd, "\n;WINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n" "SHOW '%s';\n", x, y, x, y, x, y, findb ); } else { sprintf(cmd, "WINDOW FIT;\n" "WINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\n" "SHOW '%s';\n", x, y, x + zoom1, y, x + zoom2, y, findb ); lastZoom = zoom2; } return cmd; } string show_S(int s, real x, real y, real zoom1, real zoom2, string finds) { fcnt++; string cmd = ""; if (s != lastSheet) { lastSheet = s; sprintf(cmd, "EDIT .s%d;\nWINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\nSHOW '%s';\n", s, x, y, x + zoom1, y, x + zoom2, y, finds ); } else { sprintf(cmd, "WINDOW (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f) (%.6f %.6f);\nSHOW '%s';\n", x, y, x, y, x, y, finds ); } return cmd; } real zfactor(real x1, real y1, real x2, real y2) { return sqrt( pow(x2 - x1, 2) + pow(y2 - y1, 2) ); } int findBus(string name, string sfind) { string bn[]; int b = strsplit(bn, name, ','); for (int x = 0; x <= b; x++) { if(bn[x] == sfind) return 1; } return 0; } // Main find = strupr(argv[1]); again = strupr(argv[2]); if ( strupr(argv[2]) == "PAD" || strupr(argv[3]) == "PAD") fpin = "PAD"; if ( strupr(argv[2]) == "PIN" || strupr(argv[3]) == "PIN") fpin = "PIN"; if (again == "ALL") all = 1000; else all = strtol(again) - 1; if (!find) find = strupr(getfind()); if (!find) exit (0); cnt = all + 1; string repeat = "GRID INCH;\n"; // bis *** gridunit *** wieder klappt vfind = find; // *** Board coord. *** if (board) { board(B) { gridunit = (B.grid.unit); mx = B.area.x2 + (B.area.x1 * -1); my = B.area.y2 + (B.area.y1 * -1); B.elements(E) { if (E.name == find) { repeat += show_B(u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y), 2, 5, find, all); sprintf(foundelement, "Element %s on (%.3f %.3f)", E.name ,u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y) ); check(repeat); } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == find) { S.contactrefs(C) { repeat += show_B(u2u(C.contact.x), u2u(C.contact.y), 2, 5, find, all); if (all <= 0) check (repeat); all--; } } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == find ) { S.wires(W) { real z = zfactor( u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), u2u(W.x2), u2u(W.y2) ); repeat += show_B( u2u((W.x1 + W.x2)/2), u2u((W.y1 + W.y2)/2), z/(z/2) , z/(z/5), find, all); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } B.signals(S) { if (S.name == find ) { S.vias(V) { repeat += show_B(u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), 1, 5, find, all); fndpin = "VIA"; sprintf(foundelement, "Element on (%.3f %.3f) %s
", u2u(V.x), u2u(V.y), unit[gridunit], u2u(V.diameter[1]), u2u( (V.diameter[1] - V.drill) / 2), u2u(V.diameter[2]), u2u( (V.diameter[2] - V.drill) / 2), u2u(V.diameter[16]), u2u( (V.diameter[16] - V.drill) / 2), u2u(V.drill) ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } B.elements(E) { if (E.value == vfind || E.value == find) { repeat += show_B(u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y), 2, 5, E.name, all); sprintf(foundelement, "Element %s on (%.3f %.3f)", E.name ,u2u(E.x), u2u(E.y) ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } B.elements(E) { if (fpin == "PAD") { E.package.contacts(C) { if (C.pad) { if (C.pad.name == find) { fndpin = "PAD"; repeat += show_B(u2u(C.pad.x), u2u(C.pad.y), 2, 5, E.name, all); sprintf(foundelement, "
PAD %s on (%.3f %.3f) %s [Element %s]
", C.pad.name, u2u(C.pad.x), u2u(C.pad.y), unit[gridunit], E.name, u2u(C.pad.diameter[1]), u2u( (C.pad.diameter[1] - C.pad.drill) / 2), u2u(C.pad.diameter[2]), u2u( (C.pad.diameter[2] - C.pad.drill) / 2), u2u(C.pad.diameter[16]), u2u( (C.pad.diameter[16] - C.pad.drill) / 2), u2u(C.pad.drill) ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } if (C.smd) { if (C.smd.name == find) { fndpin = "SMD"; repeat += show_B(u2u(C.smd.x), u2u(C.smd.y), 2, 5, E.name, all); sprintf(foundelement, "
SMD %s on (%.3f %.3f) %s [Element %s]", C.smd.name, u2u(C.smd.x), u2u(C.smd.y), unit[gridunit], E.name ); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } } if (repeat) check(repeat); dlgMessageBox("" + dpbacksl(find) + " not found!", "OK"); exit (0); } // *** Schematic coord. *** if (schematic) { lastSheet = 0; schematic(S) { gridunit = (S.grid.unit); // if (dlgMessageBox(unit[gridunit], "OK", "esc") != 0) exit(-99); // bis *** gridunit *** wieder klappt S.sheets(SH) { mx = SH.area.x2 + (SH.area.x1 * -1); my = SH.area.y2 + (SH.area.y1 * -1); if (fpin == "PIN") { SH.parts(PA) { PA.instances(IN) { IN.gate.symbol.pins(P) { // Pin if (P.name == find) { fndpin = "Pin"; real sym = zfactor( u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2) ); real z = zfactor( u2u(mx), u2u(my), 1.0, 1.0 ); sprintf(foundelement, "PIN %s in sheet %d on (%.3f %.3f)", P.name , IN.sheet, u2u(P.x), u2u(P.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(P.x), u2u(P.y), sym , z, PA.name); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } if (fpin == "PAD") { SH.parts(PA) { PA.instances(IN) { IN.gate.symbol.pins(P) { if (P.contact) { if (P.contact.name == find) { fndpin = "Pad"; real sym = zfactor( u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2) ); real z = zfactor( u2u(mx), u2u(my), 1.0, 1.0 ); sprintf(foundelement, "PAD %s (PIN %s) in sheet %d on (%.3f %.3f)", PA.name, P.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(P.x), u2u(P.y), sym, z, PA.name); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } } SH.parts(PA) { if (PA.name == find) { PA.instances(IN) { // Gate if (IN.sheet) { real sym = zfactor( u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2) ); real z = zfactor( u2u(mx), u2u(my), 1.0, 1.0 ); sprintf(foundelement, "Device %s in sheet %d on (%.3f %.3f)", PA.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y), sym , z, PA.name); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } SH.nets(N) { if (N.name == find) { N.segments(SEG) { SEG.wires(W) { fndpin = "NET"; real z = zfactor(u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), u2u(W.x2), u2u(W.y2) ); repeat += show_S(SH.number, u2u((W.x1 + W.x2) /2), u2u((W.y1 + W.y2) / 2), z, u2u(mx), find); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } SH.busses(B) { if (findBus(B.name, find)) { B.segments(SEG) { SEG.wires(W) { fndpin = "BUS"; real z = zfactor(u2u(W.x1), u2u(W.y1), u2u(W.x2), u2u(W.y2) ); repeat += show_S(SH.number, u2u((W.x1 + W.x2) /2), u2u((W.y1 + W.y2) / 2), z, u2u(mx), B.name); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } SH.parts(PA) { PA.instances(IN) { // Gate if (PA.value == vfind || PA.value == find) { real sym = zfactor( u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y1), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.x2), u2u(IN.gate.symbol.area.y2) ); real z = zfactor( u2u(mx), u2u(my), 1.0, 1.0 ); sprintf(foundelement, "Device %s in sheet %d on (%.3f %.3f)", PA.name , IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y) ); repeat += show_S(IN.sheet, u2u(IN.x), u2u(IN.y), sym, z, PA.name); if (all <= 0) check(repeat); all--; } } } } } check(repeat); } else { dlgMessageBox("Start this ULP from schematic or board!", "OK"); exit (0); }