#usage "Export data for SMD glue dispenser equipment\n" "

" "This program is used in conjunction with gluemark.ulp.
" "It generates top and bottom glue data from circles on layers 111 and 112." "

" "Define output format in function outputdata." "

" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED string top_data_filename = "gluetop.dat"; string bottom_data_filename = "gluebot.dat"; void outputdata (UL_CIRCLE C){ //**** change the following line to adjust the output format ****** printf("Gluepoint coordinates: %f %f\n", u2inch(C.x),u2inch(C.y)); } void header (UL_BOARD B){ printf("#%s\n\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE); printf("#Gluepoints exported from %s\n#at %s\n\n", B.name, t2string(time())); } if (board) { output(top_data_filename) { board(B){ header(B); B.circles(C){ if (C.layer == 111) { outputdata(C); } } } } output(bottom_data_filename) { board(B){ header(B); B.circles(C){ if (C.layer == 112) { outputdata(C); } } } } } else { dlgMessageBox("\n Start this ULP in a Board \n"); exit (0); }