#usage "Export milling data for a board layout\n" "
" "Author: support@cadsoft.de" // THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED AS IS AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED // 08.05.2002 alf@cadsoft.de - reverse milling // 23.06.2002 alf@cadsoft.dePolygon: - CHANGE THERMAL OFF // 14.05.2003 alf@cadsoft.de - With REFERENCE-Drill to mirror for drilling machine // - Switch On/Off 2. isolate/cupper pouring // - Switch On/Off drills string Version = "Outlines generator for PCB milling. ULP-Version 4.1.01"; /* Complete the following steps to add a new output device definition: 1. Add a new member to the 'enum { devScript = 1, ...' 2. Add the new (unique!) device name to 'DeviceNames[]' 3. Add the necessary 'case dev...' branches to 'DeviceInit()', 'DeviceReInit()', 'DeviceDraw()', 'CircleDraw()', 'ArcDraw()' and 'DeviceEnd()' 4. Add also new Tool values to 'toolFiles()' and 'ValueInit()' */ string DRCinfo = "Distance info:
Distance Copper/Dimension (see DRC) this is the distance between
" "the polygon and outline of the board. If the value for 'Copper/Dimension'
" "in the DRC settings is set higher than the radius of the mill tool#2, the
" "board dimensions will be milled larger by the difference of these two
" "respective values. For the best result, make sure the value for
" "Copper/Dimension in DRC Distance is set on 0.01 mm, or use the
" "same value in the Design Rule's settings as the radius of the milling tool#2
" "is, before running this ULP!

" "Press button Reference to generate a reference Package to place
" "refernece holes on PCB for exact mirroring the bottom side of PCB on milling machine.
" ""; string infoREFERENCE = "Generate a special package with
" + "REFERENCE circles in Layer Holes.
" + "Place it in the layout for milling and
" + "mirroring (bottom side) with offset and
" + "start this ULP again.
"; "The position of the circles are defined
" + "in the NC drill data file which comes
" + "from the NC machine (eg. Excellon).

"; // // The various output devices // int defaultdevice = 2; // set default device int SelectedDevice = 0; string Device; enum { devScript = 1, devHPGL }; string DeviceNames[] = { "Select a device", "SCRIPT", "HPGL" }; string DeviceExt[] = { ".$$$" , ".scr", ".plt" }; string DrillExt[] = { ".$$$" , "_drl.scr" , "" }; string DefaultSuffix = DeviceExt[0]; string DrlDefaultSuffix = DrillExt[0]; string DrillLabel = "D&rill file"; string DrBrowse = "Bro&wse"; // // Parmameters // // *** The milling tool diameter *** real MillToolOutl = 0.2; real MillToolIsolate = 0.0; // int OverlapOutlPercent = 20; // percent, to avoid fine copper lines while milling out the area real MillToolFree = 0.8; // Blow up & free pouring int millfreeyes = 1; // free pouring on/off int OverlapFreePercent = 20; // percent, to avoid fine copper lines while milling out the area real DrillPad = 0.8; real DrillVia = 0.8; real DrillHole = 0.8; int onlydrill = 0; // output only drill on HPGL int generatedrills = 1; // aktivate drills only in one export file // while drills crashed in 2. run. real DimensionMillTool = 0.8; // milling board outline from holder real Distance_Copper_Dimension = 1.016; // default value real Holder_Spacing = 10.0; // in mm, the distance to make a holder spacing for outline miling. // The HPGL PEN list enum { PadDrill = 1, ViaDrill, Contour, ContourPour, Pouring, HoleDrill, DimensionLine } // HPGL Pen select string sToolValue[]; // Tool diameter as String enum { HPGLsolution = 1016 } // Inch/1016 = 0.025 mm real Mirror = 1.0; string ref_pac = "_REFERENCE_HOLE_"; // special package for mirror milling data int mirr_offsetx = 0; int ref_null_offsetX = 0; int ref_null_offsetY = 0; int ref_offsetX[]; int ref_offsetY[]; int ref_cnto = 0; int Layer = 0; string fillstyle = "Interleave"; // 9 Interleave string lOutl; string trueOutline_coordinate; // the generatet polygon outlines for the milling polygon string OutlinesSignalName = "_OUTLINES_"; // reserved Signal name for special polygon string OutlineMillSignal = "$_OUTLINEMILL_$"; string PassDimensionPoly = "PASSDIMESION"; // the true output line defined by Layer 20 Dimension string Pass2 = "PASS_2"; string PassPour = "PASS_POUR"; string PassOutmill = "PASS_OUTLINE"; string InPassDimensionPoly; string InPass2; string InPassPour; string InPassOutmill; int menu = 0; string showpic[]; string info; string infotext; string ulp_path = filedir(argv[0]); string path; string File, FileName; string DrFile, DrillFile; int test = 0; // *** Functions *** void viewtest(string txt) { dlgDialog("test") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgTextEdit(txt); dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing(150); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept(); dlgPushButton("ESC") { dlgReject(); exit(0); } dlgSpacing(400); } }; return; } void Warning(string Message, string Details) { dlgMessageBox("Warning: " + Message + " " + Details, "OK"); return; } void Fatal(string Message, string Details) { dlgMessageBox("ERROR: " + Message + "

\n" + Details); exit(1); } void Error(string Message, string Details) { dlgMessageBox("ERROR: " + Message + "

\n" + Details); } if (!board) Fatal("No board!", "This program can only work in the board editor."); void dirtest(void) { string a[]; int n = fileglob(a, "*.*"); if (n) { dlgMessageBox("Working directory:\n" + filedir(a[0]), "OK"); } return; } string vunit(int val, int unit) { string s; if (unit) sprintf(s, "%.4f", u2mm(val)); else sprintf(s, "%.6f",u2inch(val)); return s; } string getval(string line, real exf, real refholediameter) { int Y = strchr(line, 'Y'); string s; sprintf(s, "(%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n", strtol(strsub(line, 1)) * exf, strtol(strsub(line, Y+1)) * exf, strtol(strsub(line, 1)) * exf + refholediameter/2 * exf, strtol(strsub(line,Y+1)) * exf ); return s; } void setZerroReference(void) { int refunit = 0; int format = 0; string ReferenceUnit[] = { "INCH", "MM", "INCH", "MM" }; real exf[] = { 0.001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.0001 }; // Drillformat 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.4 // Unit Inch Inch MM MM real refhdiameter[] = { 118, 1180, 3000, 30000 }; int Result = dlgDialog(filename(argv[0]) + " - generate refernece and place on Board") { dlgLabel(showpic[17]); dlgLabel(infoREFERENCE); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGroup("Unit") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("INCH", refunit); dlgRadioButton("MM", refunit); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgStretch(1); } dlgGroup("Format") { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgRadioButton("2.3", format); dlgRadioButton("2.4", format); dlgStretch(1); } } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") dlgReject(); } }; if (Result) { board(B) { string usedlibraries = "USE -*;\n"; int u = 0; do { if (used_libraries[u]) { usedlibraries += "USE '" + used_libraries[u] + "';\n"; u++; } } while(used_libraries[u]); string used_scr = filedir(B.name) + "used-lbrs-" + filesetext(filename(B.name), ".scr"); output(used_scr, "wt") { printf("%s", usedlibraries); } dlgMessageBox("After reference package placing start the
" + used_scr + "
to set the used libraries back.", "OK"); string cmd; string ref[]; string reference_file = dlgFileOpen("Select drill reference file (Holes)", "", "*.ncd\n*.*"); if (!reference_file) return; int unit_format = refunit * 2 + format; int l; l = fileread(ref, reference_file); string lbrname; lbrname = filesetext(B.name, "$$$ref_tmp.lbr"); sprintf( cmd, "OPEN '%s';\n", lbrname ); cmd += "Edit '" + ref_pac + ".PAC';\nCHANGE LAYER 45;\nGRID " + ReferenceUnit[refunit] + ";\n"; for (int n = 0; n <= l; n++) { string s = ref[n]; if(s[0] == 'X') cmd += "CIRCLE 0 " + getval(ref[n], exf[unit_format], refhdiameter[unit_format]); } cmd += "WRITE;\n"; cmd += "EDIT '" + B.name + "';\n"; cmd += "DISPLAY 45;\n"; cmd += "GRID " + ReferenceUnit[refunit] + ";\n"; cmd += "WIN FIT; WIN (" + vunit((B.area.x1 + B.area.x2 )/2, refunit) + " " + vunit((B.area.y1 + B.area.y2 )/2, refunit) + ") (" + vunit((B.area.x1 + B.area.x2 )/2 + 1000, refunit) + " " + vunit((B.area.y1 + B.area.y2 )/2 + 1000, refunit) + ") (" + vunit((B.area.x1 + B.area.x2 )/2 + 150 , refunit) + " " + vunit((B.area.y1 + B.area.y2 )/2 + 150 , refunit) + ");\n", cmd += "USE -*; USE '" + lbrname + "';\n"; cmd += "ADD " + ref_pac + "\n"; if (test) viewtest(cmd); exit(cmd); } } return; } // *** Tools in EXCELLON and GERBER (mm) void toolFiles(void) { board(B) { output(filesetext(B.name, ".rac")) { printf("T01 %.1f mm\n", DrillPad); printf("T02 %.1f mm\n", DrillVia); printf("T03 %.1f mm\n", MillToolOutl); printf("T04 %.1f mm\n", MillToolFree); printf("T05 %.1f mm\n", DrillHole); printf("T06 %.1f mm\n", DimensionMillTool); } output(filesetext(B.name, ".whl")) { printf(";aperture wheel file generated by %s %s\n", EAGLE_SIGNATURE, filename(argv[0]) ); printf(";remove the above line to prevent this file from being overwritten!\n"); printf("D11 round %6.4fmm\n", DrillPad); printf("D12 round %6.4fmm\n", DrillVia); printf("D13 round %6.4fmm\n", MillToolOutl); printf("D14 round %6.4fmm\n", MillToolFree); printf("D15 round %6.4fmm\n", DrillHole); printf("D16 round %6.4fmm\n", DimensionMillTool); } } return; } void showRackFile(void) { board(B) { string text; int nChars = fileread(text, filesetext(B.name, ".rac")); dlgDialog("Show rack file") { dlgTextView(text); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; } return; } void showHPGLinfo(void) { string text; int nChars = fileread(text, filesetext(FileName, ".pli")); dlgDialog("Show plot info") { dlgTextView(text); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgPushButton("+&OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); dlgSpacing(200); } }; return; } void ValueInit(void) { sprintf( sToolValue[PadDrill], "%.2f", DrillPad); sprintf( sToolValue[ViaDrill], "%.2f", DrillVia); sprintf( sToolValue[Contour], "%.2f", MillToolOutl); sprintf( sToolValue[ContourPour], "%.2f", MillToolFree); sprintf( sToolValue[Pouring], "%.2f", MillToolFree); sprintf( sToolValue[HoleDrill], "%.2f", DrillHole); sprintf( sToolValue[DimensionLine], "%.2f", DimensionMillTool); return; } void startlineprint( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PD;\nPA%.0f,%.0f;", Mirror * u2inch(x1 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y1 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution, Mirror * u2inch(x2 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution); return; } void nextlineprint( int x2, int y2) { printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;", Mirror * u2inch(x2 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution ); return; } void endlineprint( int x2, int y2) { printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PU;", Mirror * u2inch(x2 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution); return; } void fullineprint( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PD;\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PU;", Mirror * u2inch(x1 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y1 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution, Mirror * u2inch(x2 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution ); return; } real WireLength(real x1,real x2,real y1,real y2) { real WL = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2) + pow(y2-y1,2)); // calculate Wire length WL return WL; } // if the wire longer as longdistance and vertical or horizontal // then make a holder spacing void checkBridge(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int state) { real WL = WireLength(u2mm(x2),u2mm(x1),u2mm(y2),u2mm(y1)); if (WL >= Holder_Spacing && (x1 == x2 || y1 == y2) ) { int bridgewidth = DimensionMillTool * 10000; int xa, xb, ya, yb; switch (state) { case 0: startlineprint(x1, y1, x2, y2); break; case 1: if (x2 > x1 && x2 >= 0) { xa = x2 - (2.5 * bridgewidth); xb = x2 - bridgewidth; } if (x2 < x1 && x2 >= 0) { xa = x2 + (2.5 * bridgewidth); xb = x2 + bridgewidth; } if (x2 > x1 && x2 < 0) { xa = x2 - (2.5 * bridgewidth); xb = x2 - bridgewidth; } if (x2 < x1 && x2 < 0) { xa = x2 + (2.5 * bridgewidth); xb = x2 + bridgewidth; } if (y2 > y1 && y2 >= 0 ) { ya = y2 - (2.5 * bridgewidth); yb = y2 - bridgewidth; } if (y2 < y1 && y2 >= 0) { ya = y2 + (2.5 * bridgewidth); yb = y2 + bridgewidth; } if (y2 > y1 && y2 < 0 ) { ya = y2 - (2.5 * bridgewidth); yb = y2 - bridgewidth; } if (y2 < y1 && y2 < 0) { ya = y2 + (2.5 * bridgewidth); yb = y2 + bridgewidth; } if (x1 == x2) { endlineprint(x1, ya); startlineprint(x1, yb, x1, y2); } else { endlineprint(xa, y1); startlineprint(xb, y1, x2, y2); } break; case 2: endlineprint(x2, y2); break; } return; } else { switch (state) { case 0: startlineprint(x1, y1, x2, y2); break; case 1: nextlineprint(x2, y2); break; case 2: endlineprint(x2, y2); break; } return; } } void DeviceDraw(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int state) { // Actually draw a line on the output device. // 'state' is defined as // 0 = this is the first line of a partial polygon // 1 = this is a "normal" line (neither the first nor the last one) // 2 = this is the last line of a partial polygon // 3 = this is a drill coordinate // 4 = this is one line switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: switch (state) { case 0: printf("WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", Mirror * u2mm(x1 + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(y1 + ref_null_offsetY), Mirror * u2mm(x2 + mirr_offsetx) , u2mm(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)); break; case 1: printf("(%.4f %.4f)\n", Mirror * u2mm(x2 + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)); break; case 2: printf("(%.4f %.4f);\n", Mirror * u2mm(x2 + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)); break; case 3: printf("HOLE (%.4f %.4f);\n", Mirror * u2mm(x2 + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)); break; case 4: printf("WIRE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)\n", Mirror * u2mm(x1 + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(y1 + ref_null_offsetY), Mirror * u2mm(x2 + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)); break; } break; case devHPGL: switch (state) { case 0: if (InPassOutmill) checkBridge(x1, y1, x2, y2, state); else startlineprint(x1, y1, x2, y2); break; case 1: if (InPassOutmill) checkBridge(x1, y1, x2, y2, state); else nextlineprint(x2, y2); break; case 2: if (InPassOutmill) checkBridge(x1, y1, x2, y2, state); else endlineprint(x2, y2); break; case 3: // drilling tool printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PD;", Mirror * u2inch(x2 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution); printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PU;", Mirror * u2inch(x2 + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(y2 + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution); break; case 4: // polygon filling fullineprint(x1, y1, x2, y2); break; } break; } return; } void CircleDraw(int centerx, int centery, int diam, int drilltool) { switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: printf("CHANGE WIDTH %.4f;\n", DrillHole); printf("CIRCLE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n", Mirror * u2mm(centerx + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(centery + ref_null_offsetY), Mirror * u2mm((centerx + diam / 2 - drilltool/2) + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(centery + ref_null_offsetY)); break; case devHPGL: // for HPGL 1. Start point arc, // 2. Center point arc // 3. angel printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PD;", Mirror * (u2inch((centerx + diam / 2 - drilltool / 2) + mirr_offsetx)) * HPGLsolution, u2inch(centery + ref_null_offsetY) * HPGLsolution); printf("\nAA%.0f,%.0f,360;PU;", Mirror * u2inch(centerx + mirr_offsetx) * HPGLsolution, u2inch(centery + ref_null_offsetY) * HPGLsolution ); break; } return; } /* void ArcDraw(int startarcx, int startarcy, int endarcx, int endarcy, int centerarcx, int centerarcy, real angle) { switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: int rx = 2 * (startarcx - centerarcx); int ry = 2 * (startarcy - centerarcy); if (Mirror == 1) printf("ARC CCW "); else printf("ARC CW "); printf("(%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n", Mirror * u2mm(startarcx + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(startarcy + ref_null_offsetY), Mirror * u2mm(startarcx - rx + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(startarcy - ry + ref_null_offsetY), Mirror * u2mm(endarcx + mirr_offsetx), u2mm(endarcy + ref_null_offsetY) ); break; case devHPGL: printf("\nPA%.0f,%.0f;PD;", Mirror * u2inch(startarcx + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(startarcy + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution); printf("\nAA%.0f,%.0f,%.2f;PU;", Mirror * u2inch(centerarcx + mirr_offsetx)*HPGLsolution, u2inch(centerarcy + ref_null_offsetY)*HPGLsolution, Mirror * angle); break; } return; } */ void scriptHeader(void) { printf("GRID mm;\n"); printf("SET OPTIMIZING OFF;\nSET UNDO_LOG OFF;\nSET WIRE_BEND 2;\n"); printf("LAYER %d %s;\nSET FILL_LAYER %d %s;\n", Layer + 100, lOutl, Layer + 100, fillstyle); printf("CHANGE LAYER %d;\n", Layer + 100 ); return; } void DeviceInit(int tool) { // Do anything necessary to initialize the output device switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: // TODO make the layer user definable? if (InPassPour) { real overlap = MillToolFree * OverlapOutlPercent / 100; printf("CHANGE WIDTH %.3f;\n", MillToolFree); printf("SET FILL_LAYER %d %s;\n", Layer + 100, fillstyle); } break; case devHPGL: output(filesetext(FileName,".pli"), "at") { printf("Pen #%d = %s mm\n", tool, sToolValue[tool]); } if (tool = Contour) { printf ("IN; IP 0,0,100,100;SC 0,100,0,100;"); } break; } } void DeviceReInit(int tool) { // Do anything necessary the secondary initialize the output device switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: // TODO make the layer user definable? switch (tool) { case PadDrill: printf("\nCHANGE DRILL %.2f;\n", DrillPad); break; case ViaDrill: printf("\nCHANGE DRILL %.2f;\n", DrillVia); break; case HoleDrill: printf("\nCHANGE DRILL %.2f;\n", DrillHole ); break; case Contour: printf("\nCHANGE WIDTH %.3f;\n", MillToolOutl); break; case ContourPour: printf("\nCHANGE WIDTH %.3f;\n", MillToolFree); break; case Pouring: printf("\nCHANGE WIDTH %.3f;\n", MillToolFree); break; case DimensionLine: printf("\nCHANGE WIDTH %.3f;\n", DimensionMillTool); break; default: ; break; } break; case devHPGL: printf ("\nPU;\nSP%d;\nPA0,0;", tool); // pen select output(filesetext(FileName,".pli"), "at") { printf("Pen #%d = %s mm\n", tool, sToolValue[tool]); } break; } return; } void DeviceEnd(void) { // Do anything necessary to end output to the device switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: break; case devHPGL: printf("\nPU;\nSP0;"); break; } } // TRUE OUTLINE *** void trueOutlineDraw(string SignalName) { board(B) { B.signals(S) { if (S.name == SignalName) { S.polygons(P) { int x1 = INT_MAX, y1 = INT_MAX, x2 = INT_MIN, y2 = INT_MIN; int x0, y0, first = 1; int FrameWire; string s; P.wires(W) { x1 = min(x1, W.x1); x2 = max(x2, W.x1); y1 = min(y1, W.y1); y2 = max(y2, W.y1); } string lasts; P.contours(W) { if (first) { // a new partial polygon is starting x0 = W.x1; y0 = W.y1; FrameWire = (x1 == x0 || x2 == x0) && (y1 == y0 || y2 == y0); sprintf(s, " (%.4f %.4f)", u2mm(W.x1), u2mm(W.y1) ); trueOutline_coordinate = s; lasts = s; first = 0; } else if (W.x2 == x0 && W.y2 == y0) { // this was the last wire of the partial polygon, // so the next wire (if any) will be the first wire // of the next partial polygon sprintf(s, " (%.4f %.4f)", u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); if (lasts != s) trueOutline_coordinate += s; lasts = s; first = 1; } else ; if (!FrameWire) { sprintf(s, " (%.4f %.4f)", u2mm(W.x2), u2mm(W.y2) ); if (lasts != s) trueOutline_coordinate += s; lasts = s; } } } } } return ; } } // *** the return string to start rekursiv *** string RUN_pass(string run_Pass) { string s; sprintf(s, "RUN '%s' '%s' '%.4f' '%.4f' '%.4f' '%d' '%s' '%s' '%s' '%.1f' '%.2f' '%.2f' '%.2f' '%d' '%d' '%.2f' '%.4f' '%d' '%.4f' '%d' '%d' '%s';\n", argv[0], Device, MillToolOutl, MillToolIsolate, MillToolFree, Layer, FileName, DrillFile, run_Pass, Mirror, DrillPad, DrillVia, DrillHole, OverlapOutlPercent, OverlapFreePercent, Distance_Copper_Dimension, DimensionMillTool, millfreeyes, Holder_Spacing, onlydrill, generatedrills, trueOutline_coordinate); return s; } // place a VIA outside the board with the same signal name // for used polygon to calculate the filling with orpahns off // and get no more polygon contours void generateTruePolygonOutlines() { // the true outlines of board board(B) { real x1 = u2mm(B.area.x1) - DimensionMillTool, y1 = u2mm(B.area.y1) - DimensionMillTool, x2 = u2mm(B.area.x2) + DimensionMillTool, y2 = u2mm(B.area.y2) + DimensionMillTool; real distanceDimension = (DimensionMillTool / 2 - Distance_Copper_Dimension) * 2; if (distanceDimension < 0) distanceDimension = 0.001; string Cmd; sprintf(Cmd, "GRID mm FINEST;\n" "CHANGE DRILL 0.3;\nCHANGE DIAMETER 0.5;\nCHANGE SHAPE ROUND;\n" "SET POLYGON_RATSNEST ON;\n" "SET WIRE_BEND 0;\n" "CHANGE RANK 6;\n" "CHANGE POUR SOLID;\n" "CHANGE THERMAL OFF;\n" "CHANGE LAYER %d;\n" "DISPLAY NONE 17 %d;\n", Layer, Layer); // make the 1st virtual Net for Normal Polygon Orphens OFF // to generate the true outline for place the spacial polygon // make a partial WIA for generate Polygon with orphans off string millout; sprintf(millout, "VIA '%s' (%.4f %.4f);\n", OutlineMillSignal, x1 - Distance_Copper_Dimension - 1, y1 - Distance_Copper_Dimension - 1); Cmd += millout; // Width = MillFree-Diameter/2 minus "Distance Copper/Dimension" sprintf(millout, "CHANGE ISOLATE 0;\n"); Cmd += millout; sprintf(millout, "CHANGE ORPHANS OFF;\n"); Cmd += millout; sprintf(millout, "POLYGON '%s' %.4f (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f)(%.4f %.4f);\nRATSNEST;\n", OutlineMillSignal, distanceDimension, x1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension - 2, y1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension - 2, x2 + DimensionMillTool + Distance_Copper_Dimension, y2 + DimensionMillTool + Distance_Copper_Dimension, x1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension - 2, y1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension - 2); Cmd += millout; Cmd += "WINDOW FIT;\n"; Cmd += RUN_pass(PassDimensionPoly); if (test) output(filesetext(B.name, "-cmd.txt"), "wt") printf("%s", Cmd); exit (Cmd); } } // // The actual outlines generator void GenerateOutlines(void) { board(B) { trueOutlineDraw(OutlineMillSignal); string s; real x1 = u2mm(B.area.x1) - MillToolFree, y1 = u2mm(B.area.y1) - MillToolFree, x2 = u2mm(B.area.x2) + MillToolFree, y2 = u2mm(B.area.y2) + MillToolFree; real distanceDimension = MillToolFree / 2 - Distance_Copper_Dimension; if (distanceDimension < 0) distanceDimension = 0.001; // delete virtual Polygon and VIA sprintf( s, "DELETE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n", x1 - MillToolFree - Distance_Copper_Dimension, y1 - MillToolFree - Distance_Copper_Dimension, x2 + MillToolFree + Distance_Copper_Dimension, y2 + MillToolFree + Distance_Copper_Dimension, x1 - distanceDimension, y1 - distanceDimension); string Cmd = s + "SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n"; sprintf(s, "CHANGE ISOLATE %.3f;\n", MillToolIsolate); Cmd += s; sprintf(s, "POLYGOn %s %.3f %s;\nRATSNEST;\n", OutlinesSignalName, MillToolOutl, trueOutline_coordinate); Cmd += s; Cmd += RUN_pass(Pass2); if (test) output(filesetext(B.name, "-cmd.txt"), "at") printf("%s", Cmd); if (test) viewtest(Cmd); exit(Cmd); } } string WriteOutlines(string SignalName) { // OutlinesSignalName board(B) { if (InPassPour && MillToolFree == 0) return ""; if (InPassOutmill && !DimensionMillTool) return ""; // 0 = generate no Dimension with spacing string Cmd; B.signals(S) { if (S.name == SignalName && !onlydrill) { S.polygons(P) { int x1 = INT_MAX, y1 = INT_MAX, x2 = INT_MIN, y2 = INT_MIN; int x0, y0, first = 1; int FrameWire; int State; P.wires(W) { x1 = min(x1, W.x1); x2 = max(x2, W.x1); y1 = min(y1, W.y1); y2 = max(y2, W.y1); } if (InPass2) { // DeviceInit(Contour); DeviceReInit(Contour); } if (InPassPour) DeviceReInit(ContourPour); if (InPassOutmill) DeviceReInit(DimensionLine); P.contours(W) { if (first) { // a new partial polygon is starting x0 = W.x1; y0 = W.y1; FrameWire = (x1 == x0 || x2 == x0) && (y1 == y0 || y2 == y0); State = 0; first = 0; } else if (W.x2 == x0 && W.y2 == y0) { // this was the last wire of the partial polygon, // so the next wire (if any) will be the first wire // of the next partial polygon State = 2; first = 1; } else State = 1; if (!FrameWire) { DeviceDraw(W.x1, W.y1, W.x2, W.y2, State); } } if (InPassPour && millfreeyes) { if (SelectedDevice == devScript) { printf("# pouring\n"); } DeviceReInit(Pouring); State = 4; int fx1[], fy1[], fx2[], fy2[]; int fcnt = 0; P.fillings(F) { fx1[fcnt] = F.x1; fy1[fcnt] = F.y1; fx2[fcnt] = F.x2; fy2[fcnt] = F.y2; fcnt++; } int diry = fy1[0]; for (int m = 0; m <= fcnt; m++) { if (diry == fy1[m]) { DeviceDraw(fx1[m], fy1[m], fx2[m], fy2[m], State); } else { // ****** milling reverse ****** diry = fy1[m]; // next y_line for (int mb = m; mb <= fcnt; mb++) { if (diry == fy1[mb]); else break; } for(int mback = mb -1 ; mback >= m; mback--) { DeviceDraw(fx2[mback], fy2[mback], fx1[mback], fy1[mback], State); // reverse milling 08.05.2002 alf@cadsoft.de } m = mb; diry = fy1[m]; // next y_line m--; } } } DeviceEnd(); } break; } } return Cmd; } } void Pad(UL_PAD P) { DeviceDraw(0, 0, P.x, P.y, 3); } void Package(UL_PACKAGE P) { P.contacts(C) { if (C.pad) Pad(C.pad); } } void Element(UL_ELEMENT E) { Package(E.package); } void PackageHole(UL_PACKAGE P) { P.holes(H) { if (u2mm(H.drill) > DrillHole) { CircleDraw(H.x, H.y, H.drill, DrillHole); } else DeviceDraw(0, 0, H.x, H.y, 3); } } void ElementHole(UL_ELEMENT E) { PackageHole(E.package); } void WriteDrills(void) { board(B) { DeviceReInit(PadDrill); B.elements(E) Element(E); DeviceReInit(ViaDrill); B.signals(S) { S.vias(V) { DeviceDraw(0, 0, V.x, V.y, 3); } } } return; } void WriteHoles(void) { board(B) { DeviceReInit(HoleDrill); B.elements(E) ElementHole(E); B.holes(H) { if (u2mm(H.drill) > DrillHole) { CircleDraw(H.x, H.y, H.drill, DrillHole*10000); // internal unit } else DeviceDraw(0, 0, H.x, H.y, 3); } } return; } // *** Pen assaign void penAssign(void) { dlgDialog("Mill outlines: HPGL Pen Assignment") { string pen_assign = "\n"; string t; sprintf(t, "\n", DrillPad); pen_assign += t; sprintf(t, "\n", DrillVia); pen_assign += t; sprintf(t, "\n", MillToolOutl); pen_assign += t; sprintf(t, "\n", MillToolFree); pen_assign += t; sprintf(t, "\n", DrillHole); pen_assign += t; sprintf(t, "\n", DimensionMillTool); pen_assign += t; pen_assign += "
PadDrill:PEN 1%.1f mm
ViaDrill:PEN 2%.1f mm
Contour:PEN 3%.1f mm
ContourPour:PEN 4%.1f mm
HoleDrill:PEN 5%.1f mm
Mill outline (Dimension):PEN 6%.1f mm
"; dlgLabel(pen_assign); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("OK") dlgAccept(); dlgStretch(1); } }; return; } void selectDevice(void) { File = filesetext(FileName, DeviceExt[SelectedDevice]); if (SelectedDevice != devHPGL) { info = showpic[12 + SelectedDevice]; DrFile = filesetext(DrillFile, DrillExt[SelectedDevice]); DrillLabel = "D&rill file"; DrBrowse = "Bro&wse"; } else { info = showpic[12 + SelectedDevice]; DrFile =""; DrillLabel = "D&rill file"; DrBrowse = "Bro&wse"; } return; } void setMillOffset(void) { board(B) { path = filedir(B.name); B.elements(E) { if (E.package.name == ref_pac) { ref_offsetX[ref_cnto] = E.x; ref_offsetY[ref_cnto] = E.y; ref_cnto++; E.package.circles(C) { if (C.layer == 45) { ref_offsetX[ref_cnto] = C.x; ref_offsetY[ref_cnto] = C.y; ref_cnto++; } } if(ref_offsetX[1] > ref_offsetX[2]) { // if first X > second X then swap ref_offsetX[3] = ref_offsetX[2]; ref_offsetX[2] = ref_offsetX[1]; ref_offsetX[1] = ref_offsetX[3]; } if (ref_cnto == 3) { ref_null_offsetX = ref_offsetX[0] * -1; ref_null_offsetY = ref_offsetY[0] * -1; if (Mirror == -1) { mirr_offsetx = (ref_offsetX[2] + ref_offsetX[1] + ref_null_offsetX) * -1; } else { mirr_offsetx = ref_null_offsetX; } } else { ref_cnto = 0; // more then 2 circles can't use as reference if (dlgMessageBox("The reference Hole-Package contains more then 2 Holes\n" + "generate outlines without reference-offset", "accept", "break") != 0) exit(0); } } } } return; } void setblowinfo(void) { if (MillToolFree) { if (millfreeyes) { // 14.05.2002 alf info = showpic[18]; infotext = "
Tool diameter for blow up
If value set to 0, no second isolate is generated.
"; } else { info = showpic[20]; infotext = "Tool diameter for sec. isolate
If value set to 0, no second isolate is used.
"; } } else { if(millfreeyes) { info = showpic[19]; infotext = "You must set value to blow up/free."; } else { info = showpic[19]; infotext = "No blow up or free is generated while value is set to 0."; } // 14.95.2002 alf } return; } // // Main program: // // get Command-Line parameter if use RUN if (argv[1]) { Device = argv[1]; if (argv[2]) { MillToolOutl = strtod(argv[2]); if (MillToolOutl <= 0) Fatal("Illegal diameter for milling tool #1: " + argv[2], "The diameter must be greater than zero."); MillToolIsolate = strtod(argv[3]); MillToolFree = strtod(argv[4]); if (argv[4]) { Layer = strtol(argv[5]); sprintf(lOutl, "outmil%d", Layer); if (Layer < 0 || Layer > 16) Fatal("Illegal layer: " + argv[5], "The layer must be one of 1..16 or 0 to use the current layer."); if (argv[6]) { FileName = argv[6]; DrillFile = argv[7]; } Mirror = strtod(argv[9]); if (Mirror == 0) Fatal("Illegal mirror value: " + argv[9], "The mirror must be -1 or 1."); DrillPad = strtod(argv[10]); if (DrillPad <= 0) Fatal("Illegal diameter for Pad drill tool: " + argv[10], "The diameter must be greater than zero."); DrillVia = strtod(argv[11]); if (DrillVia <= 0) Fatal("Illegal diameter for Via drill tool: " + argv[11], "The diameter must be greater than zero."); DrillHole = strtod(argv[12]); if (DrillHole <= 0) Fatal("Illegal diameter for Hole drill tool: " + argv[12], "The diameter must be greater than zero."); OverlapOutlPercent = strtol(argv[13]); OverlapFreePercent = strtol(argv[14]); Distance_Copper_Dimension = strtod(argv[15]); DimensionMillTool = strtod(argv[16]); millfreeyes = strtol(argv[17]); Holder_Spacing = strtod(argv[18]); onlydrill = strtol(argv[19]); generatedrills = strtol(argv[20]); trueOutline_coordinate = (argv[21]); } } } if (!FileName) board(B) FileName = filesetext(B.name, DefaultSuffix); if (!DrillFile) board(B) DrillFile = filesetext(B.name, DrlDefaultSuffix); if (Device) { ValueInit(); int n; while (DeviceNames[n]) { // upper case if (strupr(DeviceNames[n]) == strupr(Device)) { SelectedDevice = n; break; } n++; } if (!SelectedDevice) Fatal("Illegal device: " + Device, "Please select one of the known devices."); } if (argv[8] == PassDimensionPoly) InPassDimensionPoly = argv[8]; // generate true outlines if (argv[8] == Pass2) InPass2 = argv[8]; if (argv[8] == PassPour) InPassPour = argv[8]; if (argv[8] == PassOutmill) InPassOutmill = argv[8]; // *** run passes *** if ( !InPass2 && !InPassPour && !InPassOutmill && !InPassDimensionPoly) { showpic[0] = ""; showpic[1] = ""; showpic[2] = ""; showpic[3] = ""; showpic[4] = ""; showpic[5] = ""; showpic[6] = ""; showpic[7] = ""; showpic[8] = ""; showpic[9] = ""; showpic[10] = ""; showpic[11] = ""; showpic[12] = ""; showpic[13] = ""; showpic[14] = ""; showpic[15] = ""; showpic[16] = ""; showpic[17] = ""; showpic[18] = ""; showpic[19] = ""; showpic[20] = ""; info = showpic[10]; infotext = DRCinfo + usage + "
"; string Layers[]; int SelectedLayer = -1; int ForceDialog = (!Device || !MillToolOutl); board(B) { B.signals(S) { if (S.name == OutlinesSignalName) Fatal("There is already a signal named " + OutlinesSignalName + " in this board!", "Please make sure that there is no such signal in this board."); } int n; B.layers(L) { if (L.number <= 16 && L.visible) { if (Layer == L.number) SelectedLayer = n; sprintf(Layers[n++], "%d %s", L.number, L.name); } } if (n == 0) Fatal("No signal layer active!", "Please activate the signal layer to generate outlines for."); if (!Layer) { if (n > 1) ForceDialog = 1; SelectedLayer = 0; } if (SelectedLayer < 0) { string s; sprintf(s, "%d", Layer); Fatal("Invalid layer: " + s, "The layer was not found or is not active."); } if (ForceDialog) { SelectedDevice = defaultdevice; File = FileName; DrFile = DrillFile; DrillLabel = "D&rill file"; selectDevice(); int mir = 0; dlgDialog(Version) { dlgHBoxLayout { dlgGridLayout { dlgCell(0, 0) dlgLabel("&Device"); dlgCell(0, 1) dlgComboBox(DeviceNames, SelectedDevice) { if (SelectedDevice) selectDevice(); else { File = ""; DrFile = ""; } infotext = ""; } dlgCell(0, 3) dlgCheckBox("onl&y drills (HPGL)", onlydrill) { if (onlydrill) { generatedrills = 1; infotext = "Generate only drill file if HPGL selected."; } else { infotext = ""; } } dlgCell(0, 4) dlgPushButton("Pen &Assignment") { penAssign(); }; dlgCell(1, 0) dlgLabel("&Layer"); dlgCell(1, 1) dlgComboBox(Layers, SelectedLayer) { if (SelectedLayer == 0) info = showpic[8]; if (SelectedLayer == 1) info = showpic[9]; infotext = ""; } dlgCell(1, 3) dlgCheckBox("&Mirror", mir) { if (mir) { info = showpic[12]; infotext = "Milling BOTTOM side (set mirror)."; Mirror = -1.0; } else { info = showpic[11]; infotext = "Milling TOP side."; Mirror = 1.0; } } dlgCell(1, 4) dlgPushButton("Refere&nce") { info = showpic[17]; infotext = infoREFERENCE; setZerroReference(); } dlgCell(2, 0) dlgLabel("tool#&1 Isolate"); dlgCell(2, 1) dlgRealEdit(MillToolOutl, 0.1, 10); dlgCell(2, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(2, 4) dlgPushButton("Isolate info") { info = showpic[1];infotext = "Tool diameter for isolate."; } dlgCell(3, 0) dlgLabel("&Overlap isol./free"); dlgCell(3, 1) dlgIntEdit(OverlapOutlPercent, 0, 99); dlgCell(3, 2) dlgLabel("%"); dlgCell(3, 4) dlgPushButton("Overlap info") { info = showpic[2]; infotext = "Overlap isolate diameter in percent %."; } dlgCell(4, 0) dlgLabel("tool#&2 Blow up/free"); dlgCell(4, 1) dlgRealEdit(MillToolFree, 0.0, 10); dlgCell(4, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(4, 3) dlgCheckBox("&free", millfreeyes) setblowinfo(); dlgCell(4, 4) dlgPushButton("Blow up/free info") { info = showpic[18]; setblowinfo(); } dlgCell(5, 0) dlgLabel("Overlap po&ur/pour"); dlgCell(5, 1) dlgIntEdit(OverlapFreePercent, 0, 99); dlgCell(5, 2) dlgLabel("%"); dlgCell(5, 4) dlgPushButton("Overlap info") { info = showpic[4]; infotext = "Overlap pour diameter in percent %."; } dlgCell(6, 0) dlgLabel("&Pad drill"); dlgCell(6, 1) dlgRealEdit(DrillPad, 0.1, 10); dlgCell(6, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(6, 3) dlgCheckBox("Gen. drills", generatedrills) { if (generatedrills) { infotext = "ATTENTION Generate drill data only once."; } else { infotext = "Drills (PAD, VIA, HOLE) are disabled
"; } } dlgCell(6, 4) dlgPushButton("Pad info") { info = showpic[5]; infotext = "Pad drill diameter"; }; dlgCell(7, 0) dlgLabel("&Via drill"); dlgCell(7, 1) dlgRealEdit(DrillVia, 0.1, 10); dlgCell(7, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(7, 4) dlgPushButton("Via info"){ info = showpic[6]; infotext = "Via drill diameter"; } dlgCell(8, 0) dlgLabel("&Hole drill"); dlgCell(8, 1) dlgRealEdit(DrillHole, 0.1, 10); dlgCell(8, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(8, 4) dlgPushButton("Hole info"){ info = showpic[7]; infotext = "Hole drill diameter"; } dlgCell(9, 0) dlgLabel("Dist. &Copper/Dim"); dlgCell(9, 1) dlgRealEdit(Distance_Copper_Dimension, 0.0, 20); dlgCell(9, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(9, 4) dlgPushButton("Distance info") { info = showpic[10]; infotext = infotext = DRCinfo + usage + "
"; } dlgCell(10, 0) dlgLabel("Mill Board/D&im"); dlgCell(10, 1) dlgRealEdit(DimensionMillTool, 0.0, 5); dlgCell(10, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(10, 3) dlgLabel(" (0 = OFF)"); dlgCell(10, 4) dlgPushButton("Dimension info") { info = showpic[16]; infotext = "
Mill diameter for cut out.
Set value for switch ON this function
"; } dlgCell(11, 0) dlgLabel("Holder spac&ing"); dlgCell(11, 1) dlgRealEdit(Holder_Spacing, 1.0, 500); dlgCell(11, 2) dlgLabel("mm"); dlgCell(11, 4) dlgPushButton("Spacing info") { info = showpic[15]; infotext = "This value determins the minimum length of a edge where a spacer will be set.

" + "Spacers will be set on vertical & horizontal and in HPGL-Format only.

" + "The width of the spacer depends on the diameter of tool#2."; } } dlgVBoxLayout dlgSpacing (400); // high of Cell dlgStretch(0); dlgVBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel(info, 1); dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel(infotext, 1); dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); } dlgStretch(1); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel("Mill fil&e"); dlgStretch(0); dlgStringEdit(File); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("&Browse") { string fn = dlgFileSave("Save Outlines file", File); if (fn) { File = fn; FileName = fn; info = showpic[1]; } } dlgStretch(0); } dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgLabel(DrillLabel); dlgStretch(0); dlgStringEdit(DrFile); dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton(DrBrowse) { string fd = dlgFileSave("Save Drill file", DrFile); if (fd) { DrFile = fd; DrillFile = fd; info = showpic[3]; } } dlgStretch(0); } dlgStretch(1); dlgHBoxLayout dlgSpacing(600); dlgHBoxLayout { dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("+OK") { if (!SelectedDevice) Error("No device selected!", "Please select a device."); else { int fault = 0; real distanceDimension = DimensionMillTool / 2 - Distance_Copper_Dimension; if (DimensionMillTool) { // **** if used ? **** if (distanceDimension < 0) { string d; sprintf(d, "%.3f", distanceDimension * -1); fault = dlgMessageBox("The value for Copper/Dimension " "is greater than the mill tool (free pouring) diameter.

" "Change Distance Copper/Dimension in Design Rules DRC

" "or accept a distance of " + d + "mm to board dimension.", "Accept", "Cancel"); } } if (SelectedDevice != devHPGL && onlydrill) { Error("only drill (HPGL)", "used without HPGL device"); fault = 1; } if (!MillToolOutl) { Error("Illegal diameter: 0", "The Isolate diameter must be greater than zero."); fault = 1; } if (!fault) { FileName = File; if (test) output(filesetext(B.name, "-cmd.txt"), "at"); DrillFile = DrFile; sprintf(lOutl, "%d", SelectedLayer + 100); if (mir) Mirror = -1; dlgAccept(); } } } dlgStretch(0); dlgPushButton("-Cancel") { dlgReject(); exit(1); } dlgStretch(1); } }; } Device = DeviceNames[SelectedDevice]; Layer = strtol(Layers[SelectedLayer]); fileerror(); output(FileName, "wt"); // creat new file if (fileerror()) exit (1); output(filesetext(B.name, "_display$tmp-.scr"), "wt") { printf("DISPLAY NONE 17 "); board(B) { B.layers(L) { if (L.visible) printf("%d ",L.number); } } switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: printf(" %d", Layer + 100); printf(";\n"); break; case devHPGL: output(filesetext(FileName,".pli"), "wt") { printf("# file generated by %s from %s\n", argv[0], B.name); } break; } } toolFiles(); // generate Rack and Wheel file generateTruePolygonOutlines(); // generate the true Dimension outline as polygon. } } // *** pass runs **** setMillOffset(); // get info of special package if placed if (InPassDimensionPoly) { GenerateOutlines(); // for milling isolate } if (InPass2) { board(B) { real x1 = u2mm(B.area.x1) - MillToolFree/4 , y1 = u2mm(B.area.y1) - MillToolFree/2 ; output(FileName, "at") { DeviceInit(Contour); switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: scriptHeader(); output(DrillFile, "wt") { DeviceInit(PadDrill); WriteDrills(); } break; case devHPGL: // DeviceInit(PadDrill); WriteDrills(); break; } // DeviceInit(Contour); printf("%s", WriteOutlines(OutlinesSignalName)); // the isolated contour } if (MillToolFree < 0) MillToolFree = 0.2; real overlapfree = MillToolFree * OverlapFreePercent / 100; real overlapoutl = MillToolOutl * OverlapOutlPercent / 100; string Cmd; sprintf(Cmd, "CHANGE WIDTH %.3f (%.4f %.4f);\n" "CHANGE ISOLATE %.3f (%.4f %.4f);\n" "RATSNEST;\n", MillToolFree - overlapfree, x1, y1, MillToolOutl + ( (overlapfree / 2 ) - overlapoutl), x1, y1 ); Cmd += RUN_pass(PassPour); if (test) output(filesetext(B.name, "-cmd.txt"), "at") printf("%s", Cmd); if (test) viewtest(Cmd); exit (Cmd); } } if (InPassPour) { board(B) { output(FileName, "at") { if (SelectedDevice == devScript) printf("# 2. isolate\n"); printf("%s", WriteOutlines( OutlinesSignalName)) ; switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: output(DrillFile, "at") { WriteHoles(); } break; case devHPGL: WriteHoles(); break; default: DeviceEnd(); break; } } real x1 = u2mm(B.area.x1) - MillToolFree/4, y1 = u2mm(B.area.y1) - MillToolFree/2; real x2 = u2mm(B.area.x2) + MillToolFree/4, y2 = u2mm(B.area.y2) + MillToolFree/2; string Cmd; string millout; sprintf(Cmd, "DISPLAY NONE 17 %d;\nDELETE ", Layer); // Delete Outline Polygon string deloutline[]; int n = strsplit(deloutline, trueOutline_coordinate, ' '); string s; for (int x = 0; x < n-6; x++) { // true polygon coorinates sprintf(s, "%s ", deloutline[x]); Cmd += s; } Cmd += ";\n"; // make virtual Net for Normal Polygon Orphen OFF Cmd += "SET WIRE_BEND 2;\n"; sprintf(millout, "VIA '%s' (%.4f %.4f);\n", OutlineMillSignal, x1 - Distance_Copper_Dimension, y1 - Distance_Copper_Dimension); Cmd += millout; real distanceDimension = DimensionMillTool / 2 - Distance_Copper_Dimension; if (distanceDimension < 0) { distanceDimension = 0.001; } // Width = MillFree-Diameter/2 minus "Distance Copper/Dimension" sprintf(millout, "CHANGE ISOLATE 0;\n"); Cmd += millout; sprintf(millout, "CHANGE ORPHANS OFF;\n"); Cmd += millout; Cmd += "SET WIRE_BEND 0;\n"; real dimensionwidth = DimensionMillTool - 2*distanceDimension; if (dimensionwidth < 0) dimensionwidth = 0.1; sprintf(millout, "POLyGON '%s' %.3f (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\nRATSNEST;\n", OutlineMillSignal, dimensionwidth, x1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension, y1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension, x2 + DimensionMillTool + Distance_Copper_Dimension, y2 + DimensionMillTool + Distance_Copper_Dimension, x1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension, y1 - DimensionMillTool - Distance_Copper_Dimension); Cmd += millout; Cmd += RUN_pass(PassOutmill); if (test) output(filesetext(B.name, "-cmd.txt"), "at") printf("%s", Cmd); if (test) viewtest(Cmd); exit (Cmd); } } if (InPassOutmill) { board(B) { string Cmd; real x1 = u2mm(B.area.x1) - DimensionMillTool/4, y1 = u2mm(B.area.y1) - MillToolFree/2, x2 = u2mm(B.area.x2) + DimensionMillTool/4, y2 = u2mm(B.area.y2) + MillToolFree/2; // delete Virtual Polygon and VIA sprintf(Cmd, "DELETE (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f) (%.4f %.4f);\n", x1, y1, x2, y2, x1, y1 ); output(FileName, "at") { if (SelectedDevice == devScript) printf("# milling dimension\n"); printf("%s", WriteOutlines( OutlineMillSignal)) ; } switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: Cmd += "SCRIPT '" + FileName + "';\n"; // execute script Cmd += "SCRIPT '" + filesetext(B.name, "_display$tmp-.scr") + "';\n"; break; case devHPGL: Cmd += "script '" + filesetext(B.name, "_display$tmp-.scr") + "';\n"; break; } if (test) output(filesetext(B.name, "-cmd.txt"), "at") printf("%s", Cmd); Cmd += "GRID LAST;\nSET UNDO_LOG ON;\nSET OPTIMIZING ON;\nWIN;\n"; switch (SelectedDevice) { case devScript: break; case devHPGL: if (test) showHPGLinfo(); break; } // if (test) showRackFile(); if (test) viewtest(Cmd); exit (Cmd); } }