# Read an ASCII format STL file
# solid 1170Handle
# facet normal -0.000148266570749099 -0.00460401291523558 0.999989390484769
# outer loop
# vertex 0.000140744572064588 1.4493726055151 0.146
# vertex -0.0370754460367823 1.67815054731263 0.146999999999999
# vertex -0.0413711642044813 1.68852132837323 0.146999999999999
# endloop
# endfacet
# endsolid 1170Handle
# Round every endpoint to the specified precision.
$resolution = 1000;
$fmt = '%5.3f';
$f = $ARGV[0];
open(INPUT, $f) || die "$f: $!";
$_ = ;
die "$f: Not an ASCII STL file" unless /^solid /;
print $_;
while () {
if (/(\s*)vertex ([-e\d.\s]+)$/i) {
$indent = $1;
$this = $2;
($x1, $y1, $z1) = split(/\s+/, $this);
# Round each coordinate to the desired resolution.
$x1 = int($x1*$resolution+0.5)/$resolution;
$y1 = int($y1*$resolution+0.5)/$resolution;
$z1 = int($z1*$resolution+0.5)/$resolution;
printf "${indent}vertex $fmt $fmt $fmt\r\n", $x1, $y1, $z1;
# print $_;
} else {
print $_;
last if /^\s*endsolid /;
next if /^\s*facet /;
next if /^\s*endloop/;
next if /^\s*outer loop/;
next if /^\s*endfacet/;
die "syntax error: $_";
exit 0;