module buggy(clock, mem, la, ex, dp, st, cont, sr, pc, ac, ma, mb, l, ts, ms, ir, run); `define CLOCKMHZ 50 // Mhz `define CLOCKNS (1000/`CLOCKMHZ) // ns/tick `define IOP1SETUP (150/`CLOCKNS) // ticks (7) `define IOP1HOLD (550/`CLOCKNS) // ticks (27) `define IOP2SETUP (250/`CLOCKNS) // ticks (12) `define IOP2HOLD (550/`CLOCKNS) // ticks `define IOP4SETUP (250/`CLOCKNS) // ticks `define IOP4HOLD (550/`CLOCKNS) // ticks // TODO: Realistic IOT timing. // TODO: Make IOTs actually do stuff. `define TS1 0 `define TS2 1 `define TS3 2 `define TS4 3 `define MFT0 4 `define MFT1 5 `define MFT2 6 `define IOP1 7 `define IOP2 8 `define IOP4 9 `define FETCH 0 `define DEFER 1 `define EXEC 2 `define BREAK 3 `define INTR 4 `define WC 5 `define CURRENT_ADDR 5 input clock; input [0:11] mem; input la, ex, dp, st, cont; input [0:11] sr; output reg [0:11] pc; output reg [0:11] ac; output reg [0:11] ma; output reg [0:11] mb; output reg l; output reg [0:2] ts = `TS4; output reg [0:2] ms; output reg [0:2] ir; output reg run; reg skip; wire st_ex_dp; reg [0:11] lshift; reg [0:11] rshift; assign st_ex_dp = st + ex+ dp; always @(posedge clock) begin case (ts) // 0: ts = TS4; `TS4: // Remain in TS4 until running, interrupt, DMA, etc. begin // We seem to have finished an instruction ma = pc + skip; skip = 0; if (run) begin ms = `FETCH; ts = `TS1; end else if (la | cont | st_ex_dp) begin ts = `MFT0; end // else TS4; end `TS1: // The job of TS1 is to do the memory read, if any. // The MA register should have been set in ts4. begin if (ms == `FETCH) begin pc = ma + 1; end ts = `TS2; end `TS2: begin if (ms == `FETCH) begin mb = mem; ir = mem[0:2]; end else if (st_ex_dp) begin if (ex) mb = mem; else if (dp) mb = sr; end ts = `TS3; end `TS3: begin ts = `TS4; // Time state 3 does a lot of the actual calculation. if ((ms == `FETCH) & (ir == 3'b111)) begin if (~mb[3]) begin // NB: L and AC must use blocking assignment here! if (~mb[4] & ~mb[6]) ac = ac; else if (~mb[4] & mb[6]) ac = ~ac; else if (mb[4] & ~mb[6]) ac = 0; else if (mb[4] & mb[6]) ac = ac + ~ac; if (~mb[5] & ~mb[7]) l = l; else if (~mb[5] & mb[7]) l = ~l; else if (mb[5] & ~mb[7]) l = 0; else if (mb[5] & mb[7]) l = l + ~l; if (mb[8] | mb[9]) begin // Shifts on the 8/i are done by calculating the right and left shifts, then enabling their // complements through and-or-invert gates. The net result is therefore the logical AND of // the shifted results when more than one shift is enabled. if (mb[9]) if (mb[10]) lshift = { ac[1:11], l, ac[0] }; else lshift = { ac, l }; else lshift = ~0; if (mb[8]) if (mb[10]) rshift = { ac[0:1], l, ac[2:11] }; else rshift = { ac[0], l, ac[1:11] }; else rshift = ~0; { l, ac } = lshift & rshift; end if (mb[11]) { l, ac } = { l, ac } + 1; end else if (~mb[11]) begin if (mb[6] && (ac == 0)) skip = 1; else if (mb[5] & ac[0]) skip = 1; else if (mb[7] & l) skip = 1; if (mb[8]) skip = ~skip; if (mb[10]) run = 0; end if (mb[4]) ac = 0; if (mb[9] & ~mb[11]) ac = ac | sr; end else if (st | cont) begin run = 1; end end `MFT0: // Not sure what "Reset major state" means, as we must have been halted to get here. ts = `MFT1; `MFT1: begin if (st_ex_dp) ma = pc; ts = `MFT2; end `MFT2: begin if (la) pc = sr; else if (st) begin ac = 0; l = 0; ms = `FETCH; end else if (st_ex_dp) begin pc = ma + 1; end // BUGBUG: mem_start? ts = `TS2; end endcase end endmodule