Bus Connector paddles for Negibus and Posibus
- 8j-merge is a merge of the 34-pin and 40-pin paddles.
- 8j-merge2 is a merge of the 34-pin and 40-pin paddles, with various extras to make various cable ends.
- BusConOld is an early version based on the work of Charles Morris.
- BusCon40 is an early incompatible version with better ground planes than BusConOld.
- PosiBus is a wacky idea with a molex connector.
- BusConuses two 34-wire cables to carry Posibus, or just one for Negibus.
- BusConPoly is BusCon with Polygon fill.
- tester is another attempt at a backplane probe.
- x-talk is an attempt at a crosstalk measurement jig for Posibus cables.
- BC08J is essentially a BC08J paddle with a cheaper ribbon connector.
- merge4 is four 8j-merge paddles on a single board.
- Doug is a Posibus/Negibus paddle using parts from Warren by way of Doug.