One-wide female edge connector V U T S R P N M L K J H F E D C B A 1 2 2 1 >Name >Name One-wide female edge connector, 18 pin V U T S R P N M L K J H F E D C B A >Name >Name One-wide female edge connector, Side 2 only V U T S R P N M L K J H F E D C B A 1 2 2 1 >Name >Name GND >Part >Part VCC GND >Part H L 0 -V >Part >Value >Part C1 >Value >Part >Value >Part >Part +3V +5V >Part -15V 0 -3 0 3 >Part >VALUE >Part M907 Diode Clamp <qt><b>Bus Data Interface</b> <p> The M101 contains 15 two-input NAND gates. One input of each gate is tied to a common line so that all data signals can be enabled simultaneously. <p>Each data signal presents one TTL load. The common input presents 15 loads. <p> Each output can drive 10 loads.<p> Power: 5V@82ma (max.) </qt> One-sided 9 pin connector/cable with grounds (Negibus). Two-sided Posibus cable/connector. Empty card slot M651 - Negative Output Converter M517 Negative Bus Converter Date: >LAST_DATE_TIME Sheet: >SHEET REV: TITLE: Document Number: >DRAWING_NAME <b>FRAME</b><p> DIN A3, landscape with extra doc field >VALUE >VALUE >VALUE <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> Empty Slots: