DEC Edge Connectors and Parts Quad-Height DEC edge connector DV1 DU1 DT1 DS1 DR1 DP1 DN1 DM1 DL1 DK1 DJ1 DH1 DF1 DE1 DD1 DC1 DB1 DA1 DV2 DU2 DT2 DS2 DR2 DP2 DN2 DM2 DL2 DK2 DJ2 DH2 DF2 DE2 DD2 DC2 DB2 DA2 CV1 CU1 CT1 CS1 CR1 CP1 CN1 CM1 CL1 CK1 CJ1 CH1 CF1 CE1 CD1 CC1 CB1 CA1 CV2 CU2 CT2 CS2 CR2 CP2 CN2 CM2 CL2 CK2 CJ2 CH2 CF2 CE2 CD2 CC2 CB2 CA2 BV1 BU1 BT1 BS1 BR1 BP1 BN1 BM1 BL1 BK1 BJ1 BH1 BF1 BE1 BD1 BC1 BB1 BA1 BV2 BU2 BT2 BS2 BR2 BP2 BN2 BM2 BL2 BK2 BJ2 BH2 BF2 BE2 BD2 BC2 BB2 BA2 AV1 AU1 AT1 AS1 AR1 AP1 AN1 AM1 AL1 AK1 AJ1 AH1 AF1 AE1 AD1 AC1 AB1 AA1 AV2 AU2 AT2 AS2 AR2 AP2 AN2 AM2 AL2 AK2 AJ2 AH2 AF2 AE2 AD2 AC2 AB2 AA2 A 0.8 inch electrolytic. >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b><p> grid 5 mm, outline 2.5 x 7.5 mm >NAME >VALUE <b>CAPACITOR</b><p> grid 20.3 mm, outline 5.4 x 22.9 mm >NAME >VALUE NC Jumper, circular lobes >Name NC Jumper, rextangular lobes >Name Single-Height DEC board Single-Height DEC board 3 Standard Single-height boards stuck together Quad-Height DEC board Double-Height DEC board Double-Height DEC board Quad-Height DEC board >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >Name >Value Quad-Height DEC board A 0.8 inch electrolytic. Capacitors with funky DEC lead spacing. Normally closed SMD Jumper (Generates a DRC error.) Board outlines for DEC boards. <b>Supply Symbols</b><p> GND, VCC, 0V, +5V, -5V, etc.<p> Please keep in mind, that these devices are necessary for the automatic wiring of the supply signals.<p> The pin name defined in the symbol is identical to the net which is to be wired automatically.<p> In this library the device names are the same as the pin names of the symbols, therefore the correct signal names appear next to the supply symbols in the schematic.<p> <author>Created by</author> >VALUE >VALUE <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>Frames for Sheet and Layout</b> Date: >LAST_DATE_TIME Sheet: >SHEET REV: TITLE: Document Number: >DRAWING_NAME <b>FRAME</b> C Size , 17 x 22 INCH, Landscape<p> 5V CPLD w/ISP 32 Macrocell, low power w/ISP, 5V <b>100-lead Thin Quad Flat Pack Package Outline</b> >NAME >VALUE TQFP 100 R PQFP100 Quad flat pack 14mm x 20mm >NAME >VALUE Through-hole adapter mounted pqfp-100 part. 1 >NAME >VALUE Experimental 100 pin PQFP "pachage". 1 >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >VALUE >NAME ATF150x in 100 pin package. <b>Supply Symbols</b><p> GND, VCC, 0V, +5V, -5V, etc.<p> Please keep in mind, that these devices are necessary for the automatic wiring of the supply signals.<p> The pin name defined in the symbol is identical to the net which is to be wired automatically.<p> In this library the device names are the same as the pin names of the symbols, therefore the correct signal names appear next to the supply symbols in the schematic.<p> <author>Created by</author> >VALUE INT >VALUE IO <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>SUPPLY SYMBOL</b> <b>HARTING</b> 10 >NAME >VALUE 1 2 <b>HARTING</b> 1 2 >NAME >VALUE 10 <b>3M</b> >NAME >VALUE <b>3M</b> >NAME >VALUE >VALUE >NAME <b>HARTING</b> <b>AMP Connectors, Type QUICK</b><p> <author>Created by</author> <b>AMP QUICK CONNECTOR</b> 1 >NAME >VALUE >VALUE >NAME <b>AMP QUICK CONNECTOR</b> E-CS-M8341-0-1 EAE Multiplexers and Timing Generator E