This code starts from the M8416C schematic in the parent directory. First, the files M8416Cprts.txt and M8416Cpins.txt are exported from Eagle, using the Export->Partlist and Export->Pinlist commands. They then contain the BOM and the netlist (in part-pin order), which are used to generate the CUPL equivalent of the logic of the M8416C. The M8416C uses a fair number of DEC23xxxxx programmed parts in the design. Each of these has a directory, ../23xxxxx, containing CUPL code for a (hopefully equivalent) programmed device. Each of these is assembled using CUPL (in device independent mode), creating an output ../23xxxxx/23xxxxx.doc file. To extract the optimized logic and convert it into a Perl code generation module, the routine "" takes these .doc files as input, and outputs a suitable (though ugly) code generator on standard output. The command to do this is: ./ ../23*/23*.doc > The file "" will then contain project-specific code generators for the DEC23xxxxx parts. The file "" contains code generators for 74xxx logic parts and various other industry standard logic parts commonly used in DEC designs. It also has the code to parse the parts and pin lists, invoking the code generators appropriately to generate CUPL code equivalent to the input schematic. (Various warnings are emitted for parts, such as the sn74221, which aren't logic, and therefore aren't translated. The invocation to do this is: ./topld M8416C which reaquires the matching prts.txt and pins.txt files to do it's thing. The result is "M8416C.PLD", which is then compiled with the CUPL compiler. The compiler will actually fail to generate code, as there are a couple of places in the design where cross-coupled gates are used to build flip-flops, which generates a "signal depends on itself" error. So, going back to the schematic, M8416P is a version of the M8416 with these logic loops replaced with proper flip-flops, then the logic extraction is done again, leading to M416P.PLD. Many of these processes are error prone. It is likely that minor errors exist in the transcription of the schematic. At some point, the board layout needs to get traced, and when that is done, it provides a valuable check on the veracity of the schematic. The logic in the ../23xxxxx directories may not correctly reflect the actual programming found in the original DEC parts. The translation of these into code generators will propogate those errors, and has the potential to introduce new ones. There are dozens of code generators involved in the translation of industry standard parts, almost all of which are hand-written and potential sources of error. The general strategy for dealing with errors is to automate as much of the translation as possible. Then, if there's an error in the schematic, just fix that and rebuild. If there's a problem with a code generator, fix it and rebuild, etc. Hope this helps! Vince