/* * JR-IDE Project * - (c) 2017 Alan Hightower * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ `define state_IDLE 3'b000 `define state_START 3'b001 `define state_SHIFT 3'b010 `define state_STOP 3'b011 `define state_STOP2 3'b100 `define state_STOP3 3'b101 `define state_WRITE 3'b110 /* verilator lint_off DECLFILENAME */ /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ /* verilator lint_off CASEINCOMPLETE */ module uart_rx #( parameter CLK_FREQ = 25000000, parameter BAUD_RATE = 115200 ) ( input clk, input pad, output [7:0] data, output strobe ); localparam DIVISOR = CLK_FREQ / BAUD_RATE; reg [7:0] rsr = 8'h00; // Receiver Shift Register reg [3:0] bitcnt = 4'h0; // # of bits shifted in so far reg [2:0] state = `state_IDLE; // Current FSM state reg [15:0] counter = 16'h0000; // Bit hold counter - from divisor assign data = rsr; // Buffered & delayed input for start bit edge detection reg pad_d0 = 1'b1; reg pad_d1 = 1'b1; always @(posedge clk) begin pad_d0 <= pad; pad_d1 <= pad_d0; end always @(posedge clk) begin case (state) `state_IDLE: begin if (~pad_d0 & pad_d1) // falling edge state <= `state_START; counter <= DIVISOR - 1; end `state_START: begin if (counter == (DIVISOR/2)) begin if (pad_d0) state <= `state_IDLE; end rsr <= 0; bitcnt <= 4'h0; if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else begin state <= `state_SHIFT; counter <= DIVISOR - 1; end end `state_SHIFT: begin if (counter == (DIVISOR/2)) begin rsr <= { pad_d0, rsr[7:1] }; bitcnt <= bitcnt + 1; end if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else begin if (bitcnt == 8) state <= `state_STOP; counter <= DIVISOR - 1; end end `state_STOP: begin if (counter == (DIVISOR/2)) begin if (~pad_d0) // Stop bit invalid - ignore byte state <= `state_IDLE; else state <= `state_WRITE; end else counter <= counter - 1; end `state_WRITE: state <= `state_IDLE; endcase end assign strobe = (state == `state_WRITE); endmodule module uart_tx #( parameter CLK_FREQ = 25000000, parameter BAUD_RATE = 115200 ) ( input clk, input [7:0] data, input strobe, output pad, output ready ); localparam DIVISOR = CLK_FREQ / BAUD_RATE; reg pad_d0 = 1'b1; // Current presentation bit reg [7:0] tsr = 8'h00; // Transmit Shift Register reg [3:0] bitcnt = 4'h0; // # of bits shifted out so far reg [2:0] state = `state_IDLE; // Current FSM state reg [15:0] counter = 16'h0000; // Bit hold counter - from divisor always @(posedge clk) begin case (state) `state_IDLE: begin pad_d0 <= 1'b1; if (strobe) begin state <= `state_START; counter <= DIVISOR - 1; tsr <= data; bitcnt <= 0; end end `state_START: begin pad_d0 <= 1'b0; if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else begin counter <= DIVISOR - 1; state <= `state_SHIFT; end end `state_SHIFT: begin pad_d0 <= tsr[0]; if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else begin counter <= DIVISOR - 1; tsr <= { 1'b0, tsr[7:1] }; bitcnt <= bitcnt + 1; if (bitcnt == 7) state <= `state_STOP; end end `state_STOP: begin pad_d0 <= 1'b1; if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else begin state <= `state_STOP2; counter <= DIVISOR - 1; end end `state_STOP2: begin if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else begin state <= `state_STOP3; counter <= DIVISOR - 1; end end `state_STOP3: begin if (counter) counter <= counter - 1; else state <= `state_IDLE; end endcase end assign pad = pad_d0; assign ready = (state == `state_IDLE); endmodule /* lint_on */