module M8650 ( sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6, clk, // n_t_165x, n_t_1x, n_t_32x, n_t_3x, n_t_50x, n_t_58x, n_t_74x, n_t_84x, n_t_86x, n_t_90x, n_t_95x, n_t_96x, // stp_mark, tx_rate, bd1200, bd150, bd2400, bd300, bd600, c0_l, c1_l, data04_l, data05_l, data06_l, data07_l, data08_l, data09_l, data10_l, data11_l, // eia_in, eia_out, int_enab, initialize, int_rqst_l, internal_io_l, io_pause_l, line, md03_l, md04_l, md05_l, md06_l, md07_l, md08_l, md09_l, md10_l, md11_l, // n15v, // n_t_119x, n_t_146x, n_t_161x, n_t_162x, n_t_45x, n_t_59x, n_t_89x, n_t_92x, n_t_93x, power_ok, r_run_l, // reader_run, reader_run_or, rtsdtr, rx20ma_data, rx_20ma, rx_20ma_or, rx_active, rx_data, rx_rate, serial_in, skip_l, testp4, tp3 // tx_20ma, tx_20ma_or, tx_active ); input sw1, sw2, sw3, sw4, sw5, sw6; input clk; //input n_t_165x; //MD05 Jumper //input n_t_1x; //MD05 Jumper //input n_t_32x; //MD03 Jumper //input n_t_3x; //MD04 Jumper //input n_t_50x; //MD03 Jumper //input n_t_58x; //MD07 Jumper //input n_t_74x; //MD04 Jumper //input n_t_84x; //MD06 Jumper //input n_t_86x; //MD06 Jumper //input n_t_90x; //MD07 Jumper //input n_t_95x; //MD08 Jumper //input n_t_96x; //MD08 Jumper //input stp_mark; //input tx_rate; //inout reg bd1200; //output reg bd150; //inout reg bd2400; //inout reg bd300; //inout reg bd600; output c0_l; output c1_l; inout data04_l; inout data05_l; inout data06_l; inout data07_l; inout data08_l; inout data09_l; inout data10_l; inout data11_l; //output eia_in; ///output eia_out; input initialize; //inout int_enab; output int_rqst_l; output internal_io_l; input io_pause_l; output reg line; input md03_l; input md04_l; input md05_l; input md06_l; input md07_l; input md08_l; input md09_l; input md10_l; input md11_l; //output n15v; //inout reg n_t_119x; //stp_mark Jumper //inout reg n_t_146x; //stp_mark Jumper //output n_t_161x; //MD05 Jumper //output reg n_t_162x; //tx_rate Jumper //output n_t_45x; //MD03 Jumper //output n_t_59x; //MD04 Jumper //output n_t_89x; //MD06 Jumper //output n_t_92x; //MD07 Jumper //output n_t_93x; //MD08 Jumper input power_ok; output reg r_run_l; //output reader_run; //output reader_run_or; //output rtsdtr; //output rx20ma_data; //output rx_20ma; //output rx_20ma_or; //inout reg rx_active; //output rx_data; //inout reg rx_rate; input serial_in; inout skip_l; output testp4; input tp3; //output tx_20ma; //output tx_20ma_or; //inout tx_active; reg ck_pulse_m; reg enab_m; reg gdollar_7_m; reg gdollar_8_m; reg int_enab_l_m; reg last_unit_m; reg line_m; reg n_t_119x_m; reg n_t_146x_m; reg n_t_56x_m; reg n_t_60x_m; reg n_t_61x_m; reg n_t_62x_m; reg n_t_63x_m; reg n_t_65x_m; reg n_t_66x_m; reg p_pulse_l_m; reg r_run_l_m; reg rflg_l_m; reg rx_active_m; reg rx_div2_l_m; reg rx_div4_l_m; reg rx_div8_m; reg spike_det_l_m; reg start_l_m; reg tflg_l_m; reg tx_active_l_m; reg tx_data_m; reg tx_div_m; reg rx_div; reg ck_pulse; reg rx_div2_l; reg rx_div4_l; reg n_t_155x; reg gdollar_0; reg gdollar_1; reg rx7; reg n_t_34x; reg n_t_36x; reg n_t_35x; reg p_pulse_l; reg last_unit; reg rx_div8; reg n_t_37x; reg n_t_38x; reg n_t_39x; reg n_t_40x; reg tx_div; reg spike_det_l; reg gdollar_2; reg gdollar_3; reg tx_active_l; reg start_l; reg gdollar_4; reg gdollar_5; reg gdollar_6; reg n_t_154x; reg gdollar_7; reg gdollar_8; reg n_t_60x; reg n_t_62x; reg n_t_56x; reg n_t_61x; reg enab; reg n_t_63x; reg n_t_65x; reg n_t_66x; reg tx_data; reg tflg_l; reg int_enab_l; reg rflg_l; //VRS: Made these local. reg n_t_119x; //stp_mark Jumper reg n_t_146x; //stp_mark Jumper assign stp_mark = (~sw1 & ~sw2 & ~sw3)? n_t_146x: n_t_119x; reg n_t_162x; //tx_rate Jumper assign tx_rate = n_t_162x; //BUGBUG: rx_rate here? assign testp4 = (~sw1 & ~sw2 & ~sw3) & bd110 | (~sw1 & ~sw2 & sw3) & bd300 | (~sw1 & sw2 & ~sw3) & bd600 | (~sw1 & sw2 & sw3) & bd1200 | ( sw1 & ~sw2 & ~sw3) & bd9600 | ( sw1 & ~sw2 & sw3) & bd38400 | ( sw1 & sw2 & ~sw3) & bd115200 | ( sw1 & sw2 & sw3) & bd230400; // internal nodes wire ckkcc_l; wire ckkcf; wire ckkie; wire cktcf; wire cktfl; wire dokcc; wire dokrs; wire dotcf; wire dotpc; wire flgs; wire kcc_l; wire kcf_l; wire kie_l; wire krb_l; wire krs_l; wire ksf_l; wire kskp; wire n_t_108x; wire n_t_152x; wire n_t_16x; wire n_t_19x; wire n_t_21x; wire n_t_23x; wire n_t_25x; wire n_t_28x; wire n_t_29x; wire n_t_41x; wire n_t_42x; wire n_t_46x; wire n_t_47x; wire n_t_48x; wire n_t_49x; wire n_t_52x; wire n_t_53x; wire n_t_54x; wire n_t_55x; wire n_t_68x; wire n_t_69x; wire n_t_70x; wire n_t_76x; wire n_t_77x; wire n_t_81x; wire n_t_8x; wire n_t_91x; wire n_t_94x; wire rx_active8_l; wire rx_again_l; wire rx_bot; wire rx_last_l; wire rx_sel_l; wire selected_l; wire tcf_l; wire tfl_l; wire tkskp; wire tls_l; wire tpc_l; wire tsf_l; wire tsk_l; wire tskp; wire tx7; wire tx8; wire tx_sel_l; wire tx_shift_l; wire stp_mark, tx_rate, tx_active; reg rx_rate, rx_active; reg bd230400, bd115200, bd38400, bd9600, bd2400, bd1200, bd600, bd300, bd150, bd110; wire int_enab; // code nodes // equations // dl1: rcl_l_100 //VRS: Clock comes in from offboard oscillator. assign n_t_152x = clk; // e1: sp380n //assign n_t_93x = ~(md08_l | io_pause_l); //assign n_t_59x = ~(io_pause_l | md04_l); //assign n_t_45x = ~(io_pause_l | md03_l); // e2: sn97401 // data07_l = !(n_t_35x & dokrs); // data06_l = !(dokrs & n_t_36x); // data05_l = !(n_t_34x & dokrs); // data04_l = !(dokrs & rx7); // e3: sn7474 always @(posedge rx_rate) if (rx_rate) begin rx_div <= n_t_76x; end always @(rx_active8_l, rx_rate, 1'b1) if (~rx_rate) begin ck_pulse_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(~rx_active8_l)) begin ck_pulse_m <= 1'b1; end always @(rx_active8_l, rx_rate, ck_pulse_m) if (~rx_rate) begin ck_pulse <= 1'b0; end else if (~rx_active8_l) begin ck_pulse <= ck_pulse_m; end // e4: sn7474 always @(rx_div, rx_last_l, rx_div2_l) if (~rx_last_l) begin rx_div2_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(~rx_div)) begin rx_div2_l_m <= ~rx_div2_l; end always @(rx_div, rx_last_l, rx_div2_l_m) if (~rx_last_l) begin rx_div2_l <= 1'b1; end else if (~rx_div) begin rx_div2_l <= rx_div2_l_m; end always @(rx_div2_l, rx_last_l, rx_div4_l) if (~rx_last_l) begin rx_div4_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(rx_div2_l)) begin rx_div4_l_m <= ~rx_div4_l; end always @(rx_div2_l, rx_last_l, rx_div4_l_m) if (~rx_last_l) begin rx_div4_l <= 1'b1; end else if (rx_div2_l) begin rx_div4_l <= rx_div4_l_m; end // e5: sn7493 always @(posedge n_t_154x) if (n_t_154x) begin n_t_155x <= ~n_t_155x; end always @(posedge n_t_155x) if (n_t_155x) begin gdollar_0 <= ~gdollar_0; end always @(posedge gdollar_0) if (gdollar_0) begin gdollar_1 <= ~gdollar_1; end always @(posedge gdollar_1) if (gdollar_1) begin bd2400 <= ~bd2400; end // e6: dec8271 always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin rx7 <= ~serial_in & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_34x <= rx7 & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_36x <= n_t_34x & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_35x <= n_t_36x & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end // e7: sn7474 always @(n_t_70x, power_ok, rx_again_l, 1'b0) if (~power_ok) begin rx_active_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~rx_again_l) begin rx_active_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(~n_t_70x)) begin rx_active_m <= 1'b0; end always @(n_t_70x, power_ok, rx_again_l, rx_active_m) if (~power_ok) begin rx_active <= 1'b0; end else if (~rx_again_l) begin rx_active <= 1'b1; end else if (~n_t_70x) begin rx_active <= rx_active_m; end always @(rx_active, rx_div4_l, 1'b0) if (~rx_div4_l) begin p_pulse_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(rx_active)) begin p_pulse_l_m <= 1'b0; end always @(rx_active, rx_div4_l, p_pulse_l_m) if (~rx_div4_l) begin p_pulse_l <= 1'b1; end else if (rx_active) begin p_pulse_l <= p_pulse_l_m; end // e8: sn7474 always @(ck_pulse, n_t_91x, rx_bot) if (~n_t_91x) begin last_unit_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(ck_pulse)) begin last_unit_m <= rx_bot; end always @(ck_pulse, n_t_91x, last_unit_m) if (~n_t_91x) begin last_unit <= 1'b0; end else if (ck_pulse) begin last_unit <= last_unit_m; end always @(rx_div4_l, rx_last_l, rx_div8) if (~rx_last_l) begin rx_div8_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(rx_div4_l)) begin rx_div8_m <= ~rx_div8; end always @(rx_div4_l, rx_last_l, rx_div8_m) if (~rx_last_l) begin rx_div8 <= 1'b0; end else if (rx_div4_l) begin rx_div8 <= rx_div8_m; end // e9: sp314n //assign rx_sel_l = n_t_165x // | io_pause_l // | n_t_86x // | n_t_3x // | n_t_96x // | n_t_50x // | n_t_90x; //VRS: Use the DIP switches instead of the jumper farm to determine the receive IOT address. // IOT Address Input (456): // sw4 sw5 sw6 md03 md04 md05 md06 md07 md08 Note // 0 0 0 X X X X X X Disabled // 0 0 1 _ _ _ O I I 03/04 // 0 1 0 1 _ _ _ _ O 40/41 // 0 1 1 1 _ _ _ 1 O 42/43 // 1 0 0 1 _ _ 1 _ O 44/45 // 1 0 1 1 _ _ 1 1 O 46/47 // 1 1 0 _ 1 1 1 _ O 34/35 // 1 1 1 _ _ 1 _ O I 11/12 wire md03_set, md04_set, md05_set, md06_set, md07_set, md08_set; wire md03_ok, md04_ok, md05_ok, md06_ok, md07_ok, md08_ok; wire md06_in, md07_in, md08_in; wire md06_out, md07_out, md08_out; assign md03_set = (~sw4 & sw5) | ( sw4 & ~sw5); assign md04_set = ( sw4 & sw5 & ~sw6); assign md05_set = ( sw4 & sw5); assign md06_in = ( sw4 & ~sw5) | ( sw4 & sw5 & ~sw6); assign md06_out = md06_in | ( sw4 & sw5 & sw6); assign md07_set = (~sw4 & sw5 & sw6) | ( sw4 & ~sw5 & sw6); assign md07_in = md07_set | (~sw4 & ~sw5 & ~sw6); assign md07_out = md07_set | ( sw4 & sw5 & sw6); assign md08_in = (~sw4 & ~sw5 & ~sw6) | ( sw4 & sw5 & sw6); assign md08_out = ~md08_in; assign md03_ok = ( md03_set & ~md03_l) | (~md03_set & md03_l); assign md04_ok = ( md04_set & ~md04_l) | (~md04_set & md04_l); assign md05_ok = ( md05_set & ~md05_l) | (~md05_set & md05_l); assign rx_sel_l = ~(md03_ok & md04_ok & md05_ok & ((md06_in & ~md06_l) | (~md06_in & md06_l)) & ((md07_in & ~md07_l) | (~md07_in & md07_l)) & ((md08_in & ~md08_l) | (~md08_in & md08_l))); // e10: dec8271 always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_37x <= n_t_35x & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_38x <= n_t_37x & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_39x <= n_t_38x & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end always @(posedge n_t_41x) if (n_t_41x) begin n_t_40x <= n_t_39x & p_pulse_l | ~p_pulse_l; end assign rx_bot = ~n_t_40x; // e11: sn7402 assign n_t_81x = ~spike_det_l | serial_in; assign n_t_41x = ~ck_pulse | n_t_42x; assign n_t_42x = ~p_pulse_l | rx_div2_l; // e12: sn7400 assign rx_active8_l = ~rx_active & rx_div8; assign n_t_91x = ~(~rx_active & rx_div8); assign n_t_76x = ~rx_div & rx_last_l; assign rx_last_l = ~(~last_unit & ~rx_active); // e13: sn7493 always @(posedge bd2400) if (bd2400) begin bd1200 <= ~bd1200; end always @(posedge bd1200) if (bd1200) begin bd600 <= ~bd600; end always @(posedge bd600) if (bd600) begin bd300 <= ~bd300; end always @(posedge bd300) if (bd300) begin bd150 <= ~bd150; end // e14: sp314n //assign tx_sel_l = n_t_84x // | n_t_1x // | n_t_58x // | n_t_32x // | n_t_95x // | io_pause_l // | n_t_74x; //VRS: Use the DIP switches instead of the jumper farm to determine the transmit IOT address. assign tx_sel_l = ~(md03_ok & md04_ok & md05_ok & ((md06_out & ~md06_l) | (~md06_out & md06_l)) & ((md07_out & ~md07_l) | (~md07_out & md07_l)) & ((md08_out & ~md08_l) | (~md08_out & md08_l))); // e15: sn97401 // data11_l = !(n_t_40x & dokrs); // data10_l = !(dokrs & n_t_39x); // data09_l = !(n_t_38x & dokrs); // data08_l = !(dokrs & n_t_37x); // e16: sn7474 always @(tx_rate, initialize, n_t_94x) if (initialize) begin tx_div_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(tx_rate)) begin tx_div_m <= n_t_94x; end always @(tx_rate, initialize, tx_div_m) if (initialize) begin tx_div <= 1'b1; end else if (tx_rate) begin tx_div <= tx_div_m; end always @(rx_active8_l, rx_again_l, initialize, 1'b1) if (~rx_again_l) begin spike_det_l_m <= 1'b0; end else if (initialize) begin spike_det_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(rx_active8_l)) begin spike_det_l_m <= 1'b1; end always @(rx_active8_l, rx_again_l, initialize, spike_det_l_m) if (~rx_again_l) begin spike_det_l <= 1'b0; end else if (initialize) begin spike_det_l <= 1'b1; end else if (rx_active8_l) begin spike_det_l <= spike_det_l_m; end // e17: 1489n // e18: sn7493 always @(posedge testp4) if (testp4) begin rx_rate <= ~rx_rate; end always @(posedge rx_rate) if (rx_rate) begin gdollar_2 <= ~gdollar_2; end always @(posedge gdollar_2) if (gdollar_2) begin gdollar_3 <= ~gdollar_3; end always @(posedge gdollar_3) if (gdollar_3) begin n_t_162x <= ~n_t_162x; end // e19: sn7410 assign rx_again_l = ~(serial_in & ~rx_last_l & rx_rate); assign tx8 = ~(n_t_68x & ~tx_div & n_t_69x); assign tx7 = ~n_t_69x & n_t_68x; // e20: sn7474 always @(tx_rate, initialize, n_t_108x) if (initialize) begin tx_active_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(tx_rate)) begin tx_active_l_m <= n_t_108x; end always @(tx_rate, initialize, tx_active_l_m) if (initialize) begin tx_active_l <= 1'b1; end else if (tx_rate) begin tx_active_l <= tx_active_l_m; end assign tx_active = ~tx_active_l; always @(tx_active, tx_rate, 1'b0) if (~tx_rate) begin start_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(tx_active)) begin start_l_m <= 1'b0; end always @(tx_active, tx_rate, start_l_m) if (~tx_rate) begin start_l <= 1'b1; end else if (tx_active) begin start_l <= start_l_m; end // e21: sn7404 // e22: sn74193 always @(negedge (~n_t_152x)) if (~(~n_t_152x)) begin gdollar_4 <= ~gdollar_4; end always @(negedge (~n_t_152x & gdollar_4)) if (~(~n_t_152x & gdollar_4)) begin gdollar_5 <= ~gdollar_5; end always @(negedge (~n_t_152x & gdollar_4 & gdollar_5)) if (~(~n_t_152x & gdollar_4 & gdollar_5)) begin gdollar_6 <= ~gdollar_6; end always @(negedge (~n_t_152x & gdollar_6 & gdollar_4 & gdollar_5)) if (~(~n_t_152x & gdollar_6 & gdollar_4 & gdollar_5)) begin n_t_154x <= ~n_t_154x; end // e23: sp380n assign selected_l = ~(~rx_sel_l | ~tx_sel_l); //assign n_t_92x = ~(io_pause_l | md07_l); //assign n_t_161x = ~(md05_l | io_pause_l); //assign n_t_89x = ~(io_pause_l | md06_l); // e24: n8815 assign n_t_69x = ~n_t_56x | enab | n_t_60x | n_t_62x; assign n_t_68x = ~n_t_63x | n_t_65x | n_t_66x | n_t_61x; // e25: sn7450 assign n_t_108x = ~stp_mark & enab | tx_active & tx8; assign tx_shift_l = ~tp3 & dotpc | tx_div; // e26: dec8271 always @(tx_rate, tx_div, tx_active_l) if (~tx_div) begin n_t_146x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(~tx_rate)) begin n_t_146x_m <= tx_active_l; end always @(tx_rate, tx_div, n_t_146x_m) if (~tx_div) begin n_t_146x <= 1'b0; end else if (~tx_rate) begin n_t_146x <= n_t_146x_m; end always @(tx_rate, tx_div, n_t_146x) if (~tx_div) begin gdollar_7_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(~tx_rate)) begin gdollar_7_m <= n_t_146x; end always @(tx_rate, tx_div, gdollar_7_m) if (~tx_div) begin gdollar_7 <= 1'b0; end else if (~tx_rate) begin gdollar_7 <= gdollar_7_m; end always @(tx_rate, tx_div, gdollar_7) if (~tx_div) begin n_t_119x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(~tx_rate)) begin n_t_119x_m <= gdollar_7; end always @(tx_rate, tx_div, n_t_119x_m) if (~tx_div) begin n_t_119x <= 1'b0; end else if (~tx_rate) begin n_t_119x <= n_t_119x_m; end //always @(tx_rate, tx_div, n_t_119x) // if (~tx_div) begin // gdollar_8_m <= 1'b0; // end else // if (~(~tx_rate)) begin // gdollar_8_m <= n_t_119x; // end //always @(tx_rate, tx_div, gdollar_8_m) // if (~tx_div) begin // gdollar_8 <= 1'b0; // end else // if (~tx_rate) begin // gdollar_8 <= gdollar_8_m; // end // e27: sp380n assign n_t_47x = ~(data05_l | ~dotpc); assign n_t_46x = ~(~dotpc | data04_l); assign n_t_49x = ~(data07_l | ~dotpc); assign n_t_48x = ~(~dotpc | data06_l); // e28: dec8271 always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, enab, dotpc, n_t_46x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_60x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_60x_m <= enab & ~dotpc | n_t_46x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_60x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_60x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_60x <= n_t_60x_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_60x, dotpc, n_t_47x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_62x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_62x_m <= n_t_60x & ~dotpc | n_t_47x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_62x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_62x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_62x <= n_t_62x_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_62x, dotpc, n_t_48x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_56x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_56x_m <= n_t_62x & ~dotpc | n_t_48x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_56x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_56x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_56x <= n_t_56x_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_56x, dotpc, n_t_49x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_61x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_61x_m <= n_t_56x & ~dotpc | n_t_49x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_61x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_61x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_61x <= n_t_61x_m; end // e29: sn7474 always @(tx_div, start_l, tx_active, tx_data) if (~start_l) begin line_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~tx_active) begin line_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(tx_div)) begin line_m <= tx_data; end always @(tx_div, start_l, tx_active, line_m) if (~start_l) begin line <= 1'b0; end else if (~tx_active) begin line <= 1'b1; end else if (tx_div) begin line <= line_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, dotpc) if (initialize) begin enab_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(~tx_shift_l)) begin enab_m <= dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, enab_m) if (initialize) begin enab <= 1'b0; end else if (~tx_shift_l) begin enab <= enab_m; end // e30: sp380n assign n_t_53x = ~(data09_l | ~dotpc); assign n_t_52x = ~(~dotpc | data08_l); assign n_t_55x = ~(data11_l | ~dotpc); assign n_t_54x = ~(~dotpc | data10_l); // e31: dec8271 always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_61x, dotpc, n_t_52x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_63x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_63x_m <= n_t_61x & ~dotpc | n_t_52x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_63x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_63x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_63x <= n_t_63x_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_63x, dotpc, n_t_53x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_65x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_65x_m <= n_t_63x & ~dotpc | n_t_53x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_65x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_65x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_65x <= n_t_65x_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_65x, dotpc, n_t_54x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin n_t_66x_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin n_t_66x_m <= n_t_65x & ~dotpc | n_t_54x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_66x_m) if (initialize) begin n_t_66x <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin n_t_66x <= n_t_66x_m; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, n_t_66x, dotpc, n_t_55x, dotpc) if (initialize) begin tx_data_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(tx_shift_l)) begin tx_data_m <= n_t_66x & ~dotpc | n_t_55x & dotpc; end always @(tx_shift_l, initialize, tx_data_m) if (initialize) begin tx_data <= 1'b0; end else if (tx_shift_l) begin tx_data <= tx_data_m; end // e32: 1488n // e33: sn97401 // c0_l = !dokcc; // c1_l = !dokrs; // tx_sel_l = tx_sel_l; // c1_l = !dokcc; // e34: sp384n assign n_t_8x = io_pause_l | data11_l; // e35: sn74h00 assign n_t_29x = ~(ckkcc_l & ~initialize); assign n_t_94x = ~tx_div & tx_active; // e36: sp384n // e37: sn97401 // internal_io_l = tx_sel_l; // internal_io_l = rx_sel_l; // skip_l = skip_l; // int_rqst_l = !(flgs & int_enab); // e38: sn7474 always @(tx_div, cktfl, n_t_16x, tx7) if (cktfl) begin tflg_l_m <= 1'b0; end else if (n_t_16x) begin tflg_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(tx_div)) begin tflg_l_m <= tx7; end always @(tx_div, cktfl, n_t_16x, tflg_l_m) if (cktfl) begin tflg_l <= 1'b0; end else if (n_t_16x) begin tflg_l <= 1'b1; end else if (tx_div) begin tflg_l <= tflg_l_m; end always @(ckkie, initialize, n_t_8x) if (initialize) begin int_enab_l_m <= 1'b0; end else if (~(ckkie)) begin int_enab_l_m <= n_t_8x; end always @(ckkie, initialize, int_enab_l_m) if (initialize) begin int_enab_l <= 1'b0; end else if (ckkie) begin int_enab_l <= int_enab_l_m; end assign int_enab = ~int_enab_l; // e39: sn7450 assign n_t_70x = ~rx_active8_l & last_unit | n_t_81x & ck_pulse; // e40: dec8251 assign tfl_l = ~(~tx_sel_l & ~n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); assign tsf_l = ~(~tx_sel_l & ~n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & n_t_25x); assign tcf_l = ~(~tx_sel_l & ~n_t_23x & n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); assign tpc_l = ~(~tx_sel_l & n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); assign tsk_l = ~(~tx_sel_l & n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & n_t_25x); assign tls_l = ~(~tx_sel_l & n_t_23x & n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); // e41: sn7400 assign n_t_16x = ~(~initialize & cktcf); assign dotpc = ~tls_l & tpc_l; assign dotcf = ~tls_l & tcf_l; assign cktcf = ~dotcf & tp3; // e42: sn7404 // e43: dec8251 assign kcf_l = ~(~rx_sel_l & ~n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); assign ksf_l = ~(~rx_sel_l & ~n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & n_t_25x); assign kcc_l = ~(~rx_sel_l & ~n_t_23x & n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); assign krs_l = ~(~rx_sel_l & n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); assign kie_l = ~(~rx_sel_l & n_t_23x & ~n_t_21x & n_t_25x); assign krb_l = ~(~rx_sel_l & n_t_23x & n_t_21x & ~n_t_25x); // e44: sn7400 assign flgs = ~rflg_l & tflg_l; assign dokrs = ~krb_l & krs_l; assign dokcc = ~krb_l & kcc_l; assign ckkcc_l = ~dokcc & tp3; // e45: sn7402 assign cktfl = ~(tfl_l | ~tp3); assign tkskp = ~(~kskp | tskp); assign n_t_19x = ~tsk_l | int_enab_l; assign tskp = ~tflg_l | tsf_l; // e46: sp380n assign n_t_21x = ~(md10_l | selected_l); assign n_t_23x = ~(selected_l | md09_l); assign n_t_25x = ~(md11_l | selected_l); // e47: sn7402 assign n_t_28x = ~n_t_29x | ckkcf; assign ckkcf = ~(~tp3 | kcf_l); assign ckkie = ~(kie_l | ~tp3); assign kskp = ~ksf_l | rflg_l; // e48: sn7474 always @(ck_pulse, n_t_28x, rx_bot) if (~n_t_28x) begin rflg_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(ck_pulse)) begin rflg_l_m <= ~rx_bot; end always @(ck_pulse, n_t_28x, rflg_l_m) if (~n_t_28x) begin rflg_l <= 1'b1; end else if (ck_pulse) begin rflg_l <= rflg_l_m; end always @(rx7, ckkcc_l, initialize, 1'b1) if (~ckkcc_l) begin r_run_l_m <= 1'b0; end else if (initialize) begin r_run_l_m <= 1'b1; end else if (~(~rx7)) begin r_run_l_m <= 1'b1; end always @(rx7, ckkcc_l, initialize, r_run_l_m) if (~ckkcc_l) begin r_run_l <= 1'b0; end else if (initialize) begin r_run_l <= 1'b1; end else if (~rx7) begin r_run_l <= r_run_l_m; end // ja12: j10mm // ja13: j10mm // jb12: j10mm // jb13: j10mm // jc13: j10mm // jc24: j10mm // jd13: j10mm // jd24: j10mm // je13: j10mm // je24: j10mm // jf12: j10mm // jf24: j10mm // jj23: j10mm // r1: r_us_ // r2: r_us_ // r3: r_us_ // r4: r_us_ // r5: r_us_ // r6: r_us_ // r7: r_us_ // r8: r_us_ // r9: r_us_ // r10: r_us_ // r11: 750 // r12: 1.5k // r13: r_us_ // r14: r_us_ // r15: r_us_ // r16: 750 // r17: 560 // r18: r_us_ // r19: r_us_ // r20: r_us_ // r21: r_us_ // r22: r_us_ // r23: r_us_ // r24: r_us_ // r25: 1.5k // r26: r_us_ // t1: 16_09651 // y1: 19.661 // open collector 'wire-or's assign c0_l = dokcc? ~dokcc: 1'bz; assign c1_l = dokrs | dokcc? ~dokrs | dokcc: 1'bz; assign data04_l = dokrs & rx7? ~dokrs & rx7: 1'bz; assign data05_l = n_t_34x & dokrs? ~n_t_34x & dokrs: 1'bz; assign data06_l = dokrs & n_t_36x? ~dokrs & n_t_36x: 1'bz; assign data07_l = n_t_35x & dokrs? ~n_t_35x & dokrs: 1'bz; assign data08_l = dokrs & n_t_37x? ~dokrs & n_t_37x: 1'bz; assign data09_l = n_t_38x & dokrs? ~n_t_38x & dokrs: 1'bz; assign data10_l = dokrs & n_t_39x? ~dokrs & n_t_39x: 1'bz; assign data11_l = n_t_40x & dokrs? ~n_t_40x & dokrs: 1'bz; assign int_rqst_l = flgs & int_enab? ~flgs & int_enab: 1'bz; assign internal_io_l = (~tx_sel_l) | (~rx_sel_l)? 1'b0: 1'bz; assign skip_l = ~(~n_t_19x & flgs | tkskp)? ~n_t_19x & flgs | tkskp: 1'bz; endmodule