Changes from old M868 schematic to M868H.sch: Added missing C45 bypass cap from VCC to GND. There was confusion between the active high and active low versions of CC_SETDLY. Previously sheet 2 had connected CC_SETDLY\ to what should be CC_SETDLY, and failed to identify CC_SETDLY. This affected E03 pad 5, not 6 now outputs CC_SETDLY\. E03 pad 6 now outputs CC_SETDLY. E02 pad 5 and E04 pad 2 are now CC_SETDLY, not CC_SETDLY\. The stuff on sheet 1 that references CC_SETDLY\ is now connected to E03 pad 5. E02 pad 9 is now correctly connected to CC_T/M_EN instead CC_T/M_EN\. The WTM switch has pads 1 and 2 exchanged. E12 pads 9 and 10 (DATA01 and CC_67X\) were swapped. E13 pad 3 is now documented to float high (NC). E37 pad 3 now correctly connects to E36 pad 11, not E13 pad 11. Power connections for E24 have been corrected. Pad 1 is GND, pad 8 is VCC; previously pad 14 had been VCC, and pad 7 had been GND. E25 has is now a 14 pad spare, to match the actual board, instead of a 16 pad spare. E27 pads 1 and 2 (CC_CLK_TE\ and CC_INIT\) have been swapped. E28 pads 4 and 5 (INITIALIZE and GND) have been swapped. E40 pads 4 and 6 are now documented to float high (NC). They had previously been shown connected to CC_PWR_OK. R13 and R14 are now correctly identified. (Previosly they had been swapped.) R26 has been replaced with a part of the correct footprint, been flipped to correctly show pads 2 and 3 connected to VCC, and the value has been corrected to show a 20K potentiometer.