^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ top bot VCC VCC AX AQ A1 A0 A3 A2 BX B1 B3 CX C1 C3 DX D1 D3 EX E1 E3 FX F1 F3 GX G1 G3 HX H1 H3 0V GND BQ B0 B2 CQ C0 C2 DQ D0 D2 EQ E0 E2 FQ F0 F2 GQ G0 G2 HQ H0 H2 GND 0V >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME >VALUE >NAME <b>EAGLE Design Rules</b> <p> The default Design Rules have been set to cover a wide range of applications. Your particular design may have different requirements, so please make the necessary adjustments and save your customized design rules under a new name.