Eagle3D (v1.04) (c)2002,2003 Matthias Weißer matthias@matwei.de Instructions and License please see Eagle3D_e.pdf This Converter runs only in a Board Eagle3D (v1.04) Input Parameters Global Render Parts Polygons Wires Holes (real) Pads & SMD Holes (fast mode) Export OBJ data Unknown Parts User Assigned Models Board short Pins Rectangular Board Silk Screen Surrounding Under test. Please give reports to matthias@matwei.de Attention! Real holes takes a lot of CPU power and rendering time (Takes more than 10 times of fast mode holes) Destination file Browse Destination file Board Dimensions PCB-Board Thickness (in mm) PCB-Copper Thickness (in mm) [[[[]]]] Camera Position Camera Position: Camera Target: Lens Cone Angle: Activate Spot Color: Spot Position: Spot Target: Spotlight Radius: Falloff: No Shadows Colors manual Selection Board Wires Pads and SMD Holes Background Silk Screen New Color Red Green Blue Label Color Add Cancel No Filename selected POVRay-File created by Board Pads&SMD/Parts Pads/Vias Signals Polygons Holes(real)/Parts Holes(real)/Vias Holes(real)/Board Holes(fast)/Parts Holes(fast)/Vias Holes(fast)/Board Silk Screen Parts Parts without Macro (e.g. SMD Solderjumper) Select Color Transparent? Select height Standard height HC49: 3mm Standard height HC18: 12mm Assign Part Assign as unknown part Light Rotation Angle Board Socket Socketed Not socketed Multilayer Layer movement actual assign no model Use assignment from brdname.mpd Polygon width lower than 0.1mm! This can cause very large POVRay files. This takes a lot of rendering time. You have to use Eagle v4.08 or higher real holes from (mm) //translates the camera that <0,0,0> is over the Eagle <0,0> Throug holes color preset select color preset User defined FR4 with Solder Mask very colored create POV-File Select Output Directory FR4 with Solder Mask (Muecke) The file exist. Overwrite? Yes No all socketed all unsocketed normal PCB round PCB Cut outs Solder Mask over VIA's up to (mm) create POV-File and Exit Error while writing POV-File Comment Search package Search POVRay-macro Search comment Intensity POVRay-File succesfully written Cancel user assigning models Set to Board-Path These layers are used for Silk Screen Wire from Package Wire from Board Text from Package Text from Board Jumper on pinheader without Jumper Jumper open Jumper closed all without Jumper all Jumper open all Jumper closed No Image available show image anheben um: Miscellaneous Animation data No/not enough Animation Data available (min. 3 points) Number of Frames Flight path View path Package creation layers Without soldermask Logo on IC No logo