module sheet32(initialize_, iop2, mb03_, mb04_, mb05, mb06_, mb07_, mb08_, pwr_low_, pwr_skip_, restart, restart_, shut_down_, stop_ok, dclk); input dclk; // synthesis attribute CLOCK_SIGNAL of dclk is "yes"; input initialize_; input iop2; input mb03_; input mb04_; input mb05; input mb06_; input mb07_; input mb08_; output reg pwr_low_; output pwr_skip_; output restart; output restart_; input shut_down_; output wand stop_ok; // Sheet 32 always @(negedge initialize_, negedge shut_down_) begin if (~initialize_) pwr_low_ <= 1; else pwr_low_ <= 0; end assign pwr_low = ~pwr_low_; assign pwr_skip_ = ~(mb03_ & mb04_ & mb05 & mb06_ & mb07_ & mb08_ & iop2 & pwr_low); Monostable #(1000000) a04a(dclk, shut_down_, stop_ok); // TODO: kp8i_enable should be a switch, which would require // an input pin. `ifdef kp8i_enable Monostable #(200000000) a04b(dclk, stop_ok & shut_down_, a04c1); `else assign a04c1 = 1'b0; `endif Monostable #(1000000) a04c(dclk, a04c1, restart); assign restart_ = ~restart; endmodule