`timescale 1ns / 1ps //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 18:32:36 10/19/10 // Design Name: // Module Name: 8itop // Project Name: // Target Device: // Tool versions: // Description: // // Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 - File Created // Additional Comments: // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// module top8i(dclk, S3_SSER_N, S3_SCK, S3_SCL_N, LSER, LCLK, LCL_N); input dclk; // synthesis attribute CLOCK_SIGNAL of dclk is "yes"; input S3_SSER_N; output S3_SCK, S3_SCL_N; output LSER, LCLK, LCL_N; wire [0:5] conf; // Extra pseudo-switches // Power fail/restart wire power_ok_, power_clear_; // pp8i paper tape punch wire [1:8] hole; wire sync_pun, feed_hole, pun_feed_switch_; // pr8i paper tape reader wire [1:8] rd_hole; wire s_feed_hole, ba_, ba, bb_, bb, pwr, rdr_feed_switch; // pen plotter wire pen_right, pen_left, drum_up, drum_down, pen_up, pen_down; wire x_axis, y_axis, z_axis, light_pen; // dl8i? wire b_line_hold_, btp3, b_mem_to_lsr, b_c_, bstlr, b_dc_inst, lhs_, b_r0_; // front panel switches wire [0:2] dfsr; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of dfsr is "yes"; wire [0:2] ifsr; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of ifsr is "yes"; wire [0:11] sr; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of sr is "yes"; wire key_st_, key_la_, key_dp_, key_ex_, key_cont_, key_stop_, key_ss_, key_si_; // front panel lights wire [0:2] df_; wire [0:2] if_; wire [0:11] pc_; wire [0:11] ma_; wire [0:11] mb_; wire [0:11] ac_; wire [0:11] mq_; wire [0:4] sc_; wire link_; wire word_count_, defer_, int_enable_, opr_, current_address_, break_, run_, iot_, jmp_, pause_, and_, fetch_, isz_, execute_, dca_, jms_, tad_; // mm8i bus wire [0:2] ea; wire [0:11] bma; wire [0:11] mcbmb_; wire mem_p; wire [0:11] mem; wand mem_done_; wire b_mem_start, strobe_, mb_parity_odd, btp2; // vc8i wire x_strobe, clear_x_; wire y_strobe, clear_y_; // cr8i wire [1:12] zone_index; wire cr_ready, index_markers, cr_read, c_i_r; // ka8i posibus wire [0:11] bac; wire [0:11] bmb; wire [3:8] bmb_; wire [0:11] in; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of in is "yes"; wire biop1_, biop2_, biop4_, bts3, bts1, binitialize_; // synthesis attribute CLOCK_SIGNAL of biop1_ is "yes"; // synthesis attribute CLOCK_SIGNAL of biop2_ is "yes"; // synthesis attribute CLOCK_SIGNAL of biop4_ is "yes"; wire skipb, irq, acclr, brun_, btt_inst_, line_in; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of skipb is "yes"; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of irq is "yes"; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of acclr is "yes"; // synthesis attribute PULLUP of line_in is "yes"; // data break wire [0:11] da; wire [0:11] d; wire brq, d_in_, bbreak, badd_accepted_, mem_incr; wire n3cycle, ca_incr_, bwc_overflow, eda2, eda1, eda0; // ?? wire io_pc_load; // tty wire rx_data, tx_data, reader_run_; // rtc wire clock; pdp8i cpu( dfsr[0], dfsr[1], dfsr[2], ifsr[0], ifsr[1], ifsr[2], sr[0], sr[1], sr[2], sr[3], sr[4], sr[5], sr[6], power_ok_, power_clear_, sr[7], sr[8], sr[9], sr[10], sr[11], key_st_, key_la_, key_dp_, key_ex_, key_cont_, key_stop_, key_ss_, key_si_, sync_pun, feed_hole, hole[1], hole[8], hole[7], hole[6], hole[5], hole[4], hole[3], hole[2], pun_feed_switch_, link_, if_[1], if_[2], sc_[4], df_[0], sc_[3], sc_[1], if_[0], sc_[2], df_[2], df_[1], sc_[0], rd_hole[1], rd_hole[2], rd_hole[3], rd_hole[4], rd_hole[5], rd_hole[6], rd_hole[7], rd_hole[8], s_feed_hole, ba_, ba, bb_, bb, pwr, rdr_feed_switch, pen_right, pen_left, drum_up, drum_down, pen_up, pen_down, x_axis, y_axis, z_axis, light_pen, b_line_hold_, btp3, b_mem_to_lsr, b_c_, bstlr, b_dc_inst, lhs_, b_r0_, word_count_, defer_, int_enable_, opr_, current_address_, break_, run_, iot_, jmp_, pause_, and_, fetch_, isz_, execute_, dca_, jms_, tad_, mb_[5], ac_[5], pc_[4], pc_[5], mb_[3], ma_[5], ma_[3], mq_[4], mb_[2], mq_[5], ac_[3], ac_[2], pc_[0], mb_[4], ma_[2], ma_[4], mq_[3], ac_[4], mq_[1], pc_[3], mq_[2], mb_[1], pc_[2], mb_[0], ma_[1], pc_[1], mq_[0], ac_[1], ma_[0], ac_[0], mb_[11], ac_[11], pc_[10], pc_[11], mb_[9], ma_[11], ma_[9], mq_[10], mb_[8], mq_[11], ac_[9], ac_[8], pc_[6], mb_[10], ma_[8], ma_[10], mq_[9], ac_[10], mq_[7], pc_[9], mq_[8], mb_[7], pc_[8], mb_[6], ma_[7], pc_[7], mq_[6], ac_[7], ma_[6], ac_[6], ea[0], ea[1], ea[2], bma[0], bma[1], bma[2], bma[3], bma[4], bma[5], bma[6], bma[7], bma[8], bma[9], bma[10], bma[11], mcbmb_[0], mcbmb_[1], mcbmb_[2], mcbmb_[3], mcbmb_[4], mcbmb_[5], mcbmb_[6], mcbmb_[7], mcbmb_[8], mcbmb_[9], mcbmb_[10], mcbmb_[11], mem_p, mem[0], mem[1], mem[2], mem[3], mem[4], mem[5], mem[6], mem[7], mem[8], mem[9], mem[10], mem[11], b_mem_start, strobe_, mem_done_, mb_parity_odd, btp2, x_strobe, clear_x_, y_strobe, clear_y_, cr_ready, zone_index[1], zone_index[2], zone_index[3], index_markers, zone_index[4], zone_index[5], zone_index[6], zone_index[7], zone_index[8], cr_read, c_i_r, zone_index[9], zone_index[10], zone_index[11], zone_index[12], bac[0], bac[1], bac[2], bac[3], bac[4], bac[5], bac[6], bac[7], bac[8], bac[9], bac[10], bac[11], biop1_, biop2_, biop4_, bts3, bts1, binitialize_, bmb[0], bmb[1], bmb[2], bmb_[3], bmb[3], bmb_[4], bmb[4], bmb_[5], bmb[5], bmb_[6], bmb[6], bmb_[7], bmb[7], bmb_[8], bmb[8], bmb[9], bmb[10], bmb[11], in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3], in[4], in[5], in[6], in[7], in[8], in[9], in[10], in[11], skipb, irq, acclr, brun_, btt_inst_, line_in, da[00], da[1], da[2], da[3], da[4], da[5], da[6], da[7], da[8], da[9], da[10], da[11], brq, d_in_, bbreak, badd_accepted_, mem_incr, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8], d[9], d[10], d[11], n3cycle, ca_incr_, bwc_overflow, eda2, eda1, eda0, io_pc_load, rx_data, tx_data, reader_run_, clock, dclk ); mm8i core(dclk, power_clear_, mem_start, btp2, ea, bma, mcbmb_, mb_parity_odd, mem, mem_p_, mem_done_); lightsMux lights(sclk, power_clear_, LSER, LCLK, LCL_N, pc_, ma_, mb_, ac_, mq_, df_, if_, sc_, link_, and_, tad_, isz_, dca_, jms_, jmp_, iot_, opr_, fetch_, defer_, exec_, ion_, pause_, run_, wc_, ca_, break_); switchesDeMux switches(dclk, power_clear_, S3_SSER_N, S3_SCK, S3_SCL_N, dfsr, ifsr, sr, key_st_, key_la_, key_dp_, key_ex_, key_cont_, key_stop_, key_ss_, key_si_, conf); endmodule