RT-11 Floppy Interchange Program vice was specified for input or output without giving a file name. Written by: Dick Murphy Digital Equipment Out dev full The OS/8 output device did not have sufficient empty space for the dCorporation Santa Clara, CA 95051 User's nirectory listing. OS/8 File overflow The empty space on the OS/otes This program is used to manipulate RT-11 floppy disk file structures under OS/8 device was too small to hold the output file. SQUISH or try another device. 8. Both single and double density floppies can be accessed. The operations available a File not found The input file specified could not be found. llow most of the functions of OS/8 PIP to be simulated on the RT-11 disk. These functions inclu Segment full (SQUEEZE floppy) The last open segment of the RT-11 directory is full. RTy) No Input file Both input and output files were requirFLOP cannot create a new file on this floppy. A SQUEEZE under RT-11 may fix this. ed, but no "<" separator character was found. Handler fetch failed No room on floppy There was not enough room on the floppy f An attempt to fetch the OS/8 handler specified failed. This usually means that a non-exor the output file. SQUEEZE or delete files to create room. Floppy Iistant device was specified. OS/8 I/O Error An I/O error ocur/O error An input or output error ocurred on the floppy. Read errors are retried eight red reading or writing the OS/8 file. Cannot specify RT-11 device Atimes before this message. Write errors fail immediately.