WPFLOP User's Guide WPFLOP User's Guide WPFLOP User's Guide This document describes the operation of the word processing to OS/8 conversion program, WPFLOP. USAGE USAGE USAGE WPFLOP is used to transfer documents from word processing floppy disks to OS/8 media or from OS/8 media to word processing diskettes. The WPS floppy is accessed using the COS compatible floppy handlers included in this package. There are various modes of conversion which will be explained later. OPERATION OPERATION OPERATION WPS to OS/8 ___________ Before using WPFLOP to access a WPS floppy, one must know the number of the document which is to be read from the WPS floppy. For example, in the sample index below, the column labeled "Document number" is the number that WPFLOP uses to reference a document. -- DOCUMENT INDEX -- Drive: 3, Name: DOC3 , # of Docs: 3, Blocks left: 621 (of 627) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Elapsed Time Number Name Created Modified Size Version Last Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 COS Handler documentation 12/7/79 NO/DA/TE 3 1 0:00 0:00 2 WPFLOP User's Guide 12/7/79 12/7/79 13:09 2 1 0:07 0:07 1 Floppy Index 12/3/79 12/7/79 13:10 1 4 0:00 0:00 The document "WPFLOP User's Guide" is document number 2. Before running WPFLOP, the COS mode floppy handlers must be install- ed in your OS/8 system. See the BUILD chapter in the OS/8 System ____ ______ Reference Manual for details on using BUILD. See the document COSHAN.DC _________ ______ _________ for further information on the handlers. This document assumes that the handlers have been installed with names of "RXB0:" for drive zero, and "RXB1:" for drive one. To copy the document "WPFLOP User's Guide" to a file on the OS/8 system device called WPFLOP.DC, use the following commands: .R WPFLOP (User input underlined) ________ *WPFLOP.DC, W, ., and C) align properly. This is actually easily done, if the WPS editor has been used to align the text to the ruler. All print controls (that is, headers, footers and so forth) are ignored during conversion to OS/8 form. New Page or Page Markers are converted to form feeds (ASCII 14), followed by the number of top lines set in the file's TOP MARGIN (TM) print setting. These blank lines do not appear if Compatibility mode is set. It is a good idea to do a GOLD Page through the document before converting it to break the output into pages. Compatibility mode is used to transfer a WPS file to OS/8 in a form that can be used by, for example, OS/8 BASIC. This allows WPS to be used to enter and edit a source program in any language (for example, BASIC or PAL8). To do this, create the file under WPS and transfer it to OS/8 using compatibility mode. If there are any errors, transfer it back to WPS, edit it there, and then back to OS/8, etc. OS/8 to WPS ___________ To transfer an OS/8 File to WPS, use the following syntax: *wdev:Foobar <#>4<> The form used is: Name space <#>doc#<> The n in the <> must be lower case, and the name must end with a space. My thanks to John Labrie and Dr. M. R. Miller of the Sharpe Tecnical Centre for their suggestions for improvements to this program and documentation.