A summary of CCLX's features visavis CCL's. Most are assembly time options, those that are not are marked permanent. 1) '.ZERO SYS:' or 'ZERO DSK:' are not allowed. 2) If the system date is bad, a correct one is requested and must be entered before a command line is processed. 3) '.RECALL' displays the contents of all remembrance areas. '.RECALL NAME' displays the contents of the remembrance area used by the NAME command. 4) CCLX does not forget remembrances when the date changes (permanent). 5) '.COMMANDS' displays all CCLX command keywords. 6) '.EJECT' sends a form feed and carriage return to device 66 (the standard lineprinter device number). 7) As documented, but not always done, in CCL, '.EDIT' remembers only up to the backarrow (permanent). 8) '.TOMMOROW' and '.YESTERDAY' increment and decrement the date. 9) '.TIDY' deletes all .TM and .WS files on the indicated device. 10) '.DEFINE NAME' adds a command 'NAME' which, when invoked, does a command decode if necessary, then executes NAME.SV. 11) '.LGO' calls LINK, ABSLDR, or LOAD, as appropriate, with the /G option. 12) '.DESCRIBE" executes 'DIR *.WU,*.HL,*.DC'. '.DESCRIBE FILENAME' prints (with PIP) any file FILENAME with the .WU, .HL, or the .DC extension. 13) CCLX ignores extra spaces properly (permanent). 14) CCLX outputs messages and dates in mixed upper/lower case (permanent). 15) CCLX's internal print routine responds to XON and XOFF. 16) Backslash X unsets default switch option X. 17) '.VERSION/E' calls VERSN3.SV to list CUSP version numbers. 18) '.XREF' replaces '.CREF'. 19) '.DIFFER' replaces '.COMPARE'. 20) '.CR' is sufficient for '.CREATE'. 21) '.VIEW' outputs to TV: device. 22) '.FUTIL' calls FUTIL.SV. 23) '.RTPIP' calls RTPIP.SV. 24) '.EDIT' calls VISTA.SV. 25) '.LIST' and '.PRINT' call PRINT.SV, or '.PRINT' calls FOTP.SV. 26) One letter is sufficient to specify several comon commands. 27) '.SQUISH' sets /O (does not ask "ARE YOU SURE?"). 28) '.FLIST' calls revised FLIST.SV. 29) '.FORMAT' calls ACID.SV or RUNOFF.SV depending on the input file extension. A '-NO' switch analogous to the '-NB' switch is allowed. 30) The remembrance code now allows up to fifteen areas of (assembly-time) variable size (permanent). 31) '-R' switch causes CCLX to not store the containing command line in its remembrance area. 32) '.PIP' calls PIP.SV. 33) '.FIX NAME /X' adds /X to the default switch options set every time '.NAME' is invoked. Backslashes similarly unset switches. Several switches can be fixed at a time, and several commands. 34) '.BOOT XX' (with space instead of slash as separator) inserts /. 35) '.FILL MYFILE.TX[139]' adds a file 139(10) blocks long to the directory of the specified device with PIP (no more than 255 blocks). 36) '.DUP RXA1:' without an output device forces /R (verify) option. 37) '.DSK DEVICE' calls DIRECT.SV exactly like '.DIRECT', but does not use a remembrance area. Consequently, '.DSK' defaults to DSK:, not the remembrance.