DM101B3 - OS/278 System files - diskette 3 of 3 ------------------------------- diskette label: PROGRAM: DM0101JC DECMATE II OS/278 (JC) 5 1/4" FLOPPY DISKETTES (RX50) FORMAT: OS/278 3 of 3 ------------------------------- To create an OS278 format RX50 diskette from the disk image file: The RX50 disk image file (name.BIN) was created with the PUTR utility program which is available on FTP.DBIT.COM in the /pub/putr directory. PUTR has the ability to format, initialize, read and write RX50 format diskettes for use with OS278 and RT-11 operating systems. To copy this RX50 image file to a diskette put the diskette in the drive and use the commands shown below. The following assumes that b: is the 5 1/4" drive, otherwise substitute your drive letter. For more details read the PUTR document file. You can skip the formatting step if you already have a formatted RX50 diskette. ************************************************************************ * NOTE: the /BINARY option is required in the copy command below. * ************************************************************************ C:\>putr DOS prompt PUTR.... PUTR's banner (C:\)>format b: /os8 /rx50 or use drive a: Press ENTER when ready... Format complete Number of info words per dir entry [1]: press ENTER Allocate space for system [N]? press n and ENTER Format more disks (Y/N)? n press n and ENTER ... (C:\)>mount b: /os8 /rx50 mount the diskette (C:\)>copy /device/files/binary name.BIN b: /BINARY option is required ! (C:\)> ********** ... (C:\)>quit C:\> back to DOS All done, the diskette is now ready to use with OS278. ------------------------------- notes: This diskette is an update of the DECUS program DM0101. The only change is to update the firmware to version 422, which lets this diskette boot on DECmate II, III and III+. The original DECUS program would only boot on the DECmate II. This is the volume to boot if you want to install OS/278 on your DECmate hard drive. Follow the instructions on the install menu. ------------------------------- diskette directory: 01-Jan-86 CCL .SV 0070 29 23-Jan-84 0125 2 IM .SV 0127 22 23-Jan-84 SETUP .SV 0155 2 23-Jan-84 BKP .SV 0157 27 23-Jan-84 INST .SV 0212 44 23-Jan-84 VOLDMP.DT 0266 400 23-Jan-84 1106 185 6 Files in 524 Blocks - 187 Free blocks