DM1115 - OS/278 Source code - diskette 5 of 5 ------------------------------- diskette label: PROGRAM: DM0111JE DECmateII OS/278 Source Code (JE) 5 1/4" FLOPPY DISKETTES (RX50) FORMAT: OS/278 5 OF 5 ------------------------------- To create an OS278 format RX50 diskette from the disk image file: The RX50 disk image file (name.BIN) was created with the PUTR utility program which is available on FTP.DBIT.COM in the /pub/putr directory. PUTR has the ability to format, initialize, read and write RX50 format diskettes for use with OS278 and RT-11 operating systems. To copy this RX50 image file to a diskette put the diskette in the drive and use the commands shown below. The following assumes that b: is the 5 1/4" drive, otherwise substitute your drive letter. For more details read the PUTR document file. You can skip the formatting step if you already have a formatted RX50 diskette. ************************************************************************ * NOTE: the /BINARY option is required in the copy command below. * ************************************************************************ C:\>putr DOS prompt PUTR.... PUTR's banner (C:\)>format b: /os8 /rx50 or use drive a: Press ENTER when ready... Format complete Number of info words per dir entry [1]: press ENTER Allocate space for system [N]? press n and ENTER Format more disks (Y/N)? n press n and ENTER ... (C:\)>mount b: /os8 /rx50 mount the diskette (C:\)>copy /device/files/binary name.BIN b: /BINARY option is required ! (C:\)> ********** ... (C:\)>quit C:\> back to DOS All done, the diskette is now ready to use with OS278. ------------------------------- notes: This is diskette 5 (of 5) containing the DECUS DM0111 release of the source code for OS/278. ------------------------------- diskette directory: 01-Jan-86 NOTES .TX 0007 3 01-Dec-84 TTY .PA 0012 28 01-Dec-84 BAT .PA 0046 12 01-Dec-84 LPTS .PA 0062 17 01-Dec-84 COM0 .PA 0103 23 01-Dec-84 COM1 .PA 0132 23 01-Dec-84 COMM .PA 0161 26 01-Dec-84 RX02SY.PA 0213 41 01-Dec-84 RX2A .PA 0264 32 01-Dec-84 RX2B .PA 0324 32 01-Dec-84 RX50SY.PA 0364 34 01-Dec-84 RX5A .PA 0426 28 01-Dec-84 RX5B .PA 0462 29 01-Dec-84 RL01SY.PA 0517 31 01-Dec-84 RL0 .PA 0556 29 01-Dec-84 RL1 .PA 0613 29 01-Dec-84 RLC .PA 0650 28 01-Dec-84 RL02SY.PA 0704 32 01-Dec-84 R0AB .PA 0744 33 01-Dec-84 R0CD .PA 1005 33 01-Dec-84 R1AB .PA 1046 33 01-Dec-84 R1CD .PA 1107 33 01-Dec-84 R01E .PA 1150 28 01-Dec-84 RD51SY.PA 1204 24 01-Dec-84 RD5A .PA 1234 32 01-Dec-84 RD5B .PA 1274 33 01-Dec-84 1335 34 26 Files in 726 Blocks - 34 Free blocks