.R LDF *L G HEADER DEVICE NAME? SYS or SYS: or DSK or RKB1 or RXA1: etc. DEVICE LENGTH? 737 or 3248 or 494 or 988 etc. (total) if the device contains a system area the following applies: SYSTEM ID? OS/8, OS/12, OS/78, DS/8, or PS/8 VERSION NO.? 3 or whatever RELEASE CODE? C or D or ...... if there is no system area the questions above are skipped LOGICAL DEVICE NAME? CHEM or BOB: or LDF or 1234 (1-4 chars) VOLUME NO.? 1 or any number up to 4095; 0 = none DESCRIPTIVE LABEL: Here you may enter any identifying information (UPPER/lower case, as you wish) - up to 128 characters, including CR/LF. Terminate input with a CTRL/Z. Rubout, linefeed and CTRL/U work in their normal OS/8 fashion. End input with a CTRL/Z *L Q (or type CTRL/C) .R DIRECT or DIR DEV:/H *DEV:/H$ This will list the header information you have just written.