HEADER.SV is a program for creating DECSYSTEM-8 header blocks, which are used for machine-readable identification of each media 'volume'. The header information is stored in block 6, which is the last block used by the directory. On small devices, such as DECtapes or floppy disks, this block is never used; on large disks, however, the header block may ultimately be overwritten, in which case the header infor- mation will be lost, but no other side-effects will occur. The descriptive information written by HEADER can be printed as part of the directory listing by the DECUS version of DIRECT (DIRECT-V7). While for most users this is the main utility of the program, HEADER is also used for the 'auto-assign' feature in DECSYSTEM-8. The pro- gram contains its own 'help' file, so just respond with a 'Y' to get help when running the program. Authors: Doug Wrege, Bob Hassinger.