STDV45 - SYSTEM TEST Version 4.5 ------------------------------- diskette label: BL-HV86A-MV DM SYSTEM TEST DISKETTE V4.5 (c) 1986 DIGITAL EQUIP. CORP. ------------------------------- To create an OS278 format RX50 diskette from the disk image file: The RX50 disk image file (name.BIN) was created with the PUTR utility program which is available on FTP.DBIT.COM in the /pub/putr directory. PUTR has the ability to format, initialize, read and write RX50 format diskettes for use with OS278 and RT-11 operating systems. To copy this RX50 image file to a diskette put the diskette in the drive and use the commands shown below. The following assumes that b: is the 5 1/4" drive, otherwise substitute your drive letter. For more details read the PUTR document file. You can skip the formatting step if you already have a formatted RX50 diskette. ************************************************************************ * NOTE: the /BINARY option is required in the copy command below. * ************************************************************************ C:\>putr DOS prompt PUTR.... PUTR's banner (C:\)>format b: /os8 /rx50 or use drive a: Press ENTER when ready... Format complete Number of info words per dir entry [1]: press ENTER Allocate space for system [N]? press n and ENTER Format more disks (Y/N)? n press n and ENTER ... (C:\)>mount b: /os8 /rx50 mount the diskette (C:\)>copy /device/files/binary name.BIN b: /BINARY option is required ! (C:\)> ********** ... (C:\)>quit C:\> back to DOS All done, the diskette is now ready to use with OS278. ------------------------------- notes: This version of the DECmate System Test is updated for the DECmate III+ and the RD31 20 MB hard drive. Also on this diskette is version 422 of the DECmate firmware. ------------------------------- diskette directory: 01-Jan-85 UCGRAM.RM 0070 6 31-Aug-82 MAINKB.SV 0076 3 31-Aug-82 RD51 .ER 0101 1 09-Jun-83 RX12 .SV 0102 5 02-May-83 COLOR .MU 0107 1 12-Oct-83 ALIGN .MU 0110 1 01-Nov-83 STRTUP.SV 0111 2 16-Mar-83 DMTERM.SV 0113 4 09-Jun-83 EXRUPD.IN 0117 1 09-Jun-83 MENU .PM 0120 1 09-Jun-83 PRINT .SV 0121 4 10-Jan-84 SETUP .PA 0125 3 09-Jun-83 WRITE2.IN 0130 1 09-Jun-83 WRITE3.IN 0131 1 09-Jun-83 WRITE5.IN 0132 1 09-Jun-83 WRITE4.IN 0133 1 16-Oct-84 EXER .PM 0134 1 09-Jun-83 PRINT .ER 0135 1 09-Jun-83 SBC .ER 0136 1 09-Jun-83 SCREEN.IN 0137 1 09-Jun-83 EXER .IN 0140 1 09-Jun-83 APLUPD.IN 0141 1 09-Jun-83 WRITE0.IN 0142 1 09-Jun-83 RX12 .ER 0143 1 09-Jun-83 WRITE1.IN 0144 1 09-Jun-83 RX50 .ER 0145 1 09-Jun-83 MENU .ER 0146 2 29-Jun-83 SELECT.MU 0150 1 09-Jun-83 WINUPD.ER 0151 1 12-Jun-84 FSMENU.MU 0152 1 01-Nov-83 WINUPD.MU 0153 1 12-Oct-83 RD51 .SV 0154 10 08-Mar-78 RDFRMT.IN 0166 1 05-May-84 EXER .CT 0167 1 12-Oct-83 RX50 .SV 0170 8 27-Apr-84 SCREEN.BN 0200 3 06-Jul-84 HEADER.TX 0203 1 27-Mar-84 MAINT .MU 0204 1 27-Mar-84 CHRAM .DA 0205 44 23-Jan-84 FMWARE.SV 0261 28 28-Dec-82 WINUPD.IN 0315 1 05-May-84 WINUPD.SV 0316 4 16-Oct-84 CPM .SV 0322 7 24-May-84 GRAFIX.SV 0331 10 27-Jun-84 CPM .ER 0343 1 27-Jun-84 GRAFIX.ER 0344 1 27-Jun-84 HALT .PA 0345 2 28-Dec-82 SCREEN.PA 0347 24 06-Mar-84 SCREEN.SV 0377 27 27-Jun-84 MODEM .ER 0432 1 16-Oct-84 MODEM .SV 0433 15 13-Mar-85 WINI .MU 0452 1 07-Jan-78 SBC .SV 0453 6 08-Mar-78 0461 1 EXR .SV 0462 17 07-Jan-78 RDFRMT.SV 0503 12 08-Mar-78 RD51 .PA 0517 35 08-Mar-78 MENU .MU 0562 1 20-Nov-78 0563 396 57 Files in 314 Blocks - 397 Free blocks