This is the D Bit public FTP archive, maintained by John Wilson. 8bit Stuff having to do with 8-bit CPUs. alpha Programs for the DEC Alpha. cwsdpmi Freeware DPMI server from DJGPP. DPMI used to be needed for the full version of E11, not any more. e11 Ersatz-11, a PDP-11 simulator for PCs. flx Paul Koning's utility for accessing RSTS file systems under DOS or UNIX. ibm370 Random programs for IBM mainframes running MTS. ibmpc IBM PC utilities and demo code, including Strobe Data's PDPXASM. misc Files for systems that don't have their own top-level subdirectory. pdp10 PDP-10 documentation and software. pdp11 PDP-11 documentation and software. pdp8 PDP-8 documentation. putr A utility for accessing OS/8, RT-11, and RSTS file systems under DOS.