! Keywords for the /NAMES qualifier for non UNIX compilers. ! define type names_opt_non_unix keyword UPPERCASE, nonnegatable,default keyword LOWERCASE, nonnegatable ! Keywords for the /CROSS_REFERENCE qualifier for all compilers. ! define type cross_opt_all keyword MULTIPLE, negatable ! Keywords for the /DESIGN qualifier for all compilers. ! define type design_opt_all keyword COMMENTS, negatable keyword PLACEHOLDERS, negatable ! Keywords for the /CHECK qualifier for 64 bit gem compilers. ! define type check_opt_gem_64 keyword ADDRESS_TAKEN, negatable keyword ALIGNMENT, negatable, default keyword ALL keyword NONE keyword FIELD, negatable, default keyword OPTIMIZE, negatable, default keyword REDECLARE, negatable keyword LONGWORD, negatable keyword SHARE, negatable, default ! ! Keywords for the /ENVIRONMENT qualifier for GEM compilers. define type env_opt_gem keyword FP, negatable ! Keywords for the /GRANULARITY qualifier for GEM compilers. ! define type gran_gem keyword BYTE keyword LONGWORD keyword QUADWORD, default ! Keywords for the /LANGUAGE qualifier define type language_opt_all keyword COMMON keyword BLISS16 keyword BLISS32 keyword BLISS36 keyword BLISS32M keyword BLISS32E keyword BLISS64E ! Keywords for the /OPTIMIZE qualifier for GEM compilers. ! define type opt_opt_gem keyword LEVEL, value(required) ! Keywords for the /SOURCE qualifier for GEM compilers. ! define type src_opt_gem keyword EXPAND_MACROS, negatable keyword LIBRARY, negatable keyword PAGE_SIZE, value(required) keyword REQUIRE, negatable keyword SOURCE, negatable, default keyword TRACE_MACROS, negatable ! Keywords for the /TERMINAL qualifier for GEM compilers. ! define type term_opt_gem keyword ERRORS, negatable, default ! Keywords for /ASSUME=BLOCK_ALIGNMENT ! define type block_alignment_options keyword FULLWORD, default keyword NATURAL ! Keywords for the /ASSUME qualifier for 64 bit GEM compilers. ! define type assume_opt_gem_64 keyword ALIAS, negatable keyword LONG_DEFAULT, negatable keyword BLOCK_ALIGNMENT,value(required,type=block_alignment_options) keyword REF_LONG, negatable !++ ! ! Definition of the BLISS command syntax ! !-- define verb B64 image user1:[harding.pgp.bliss]BLISS64EN parameter p1, label=file, prompt="File:" ! Output file qualifiers. ! qualifier ANALYSIS_DATA, placement=positional, value(type=$outfile) qualifier DIAGNOSTICS placement=positional, value(type=$outfile) qualifier LIBRARY, placement=positional, value(type=$outfile) qualifier LIST, placement=positional, value(type=$outfile), batch qualifier OBJECT, placement=positional, value(type=$outfile), default qualifier INCLUDE, placement=positional, value(list), nonnegatable ! Yes/No qualifiers. qualifier CODE, placement=positional, default qualifier COUNT, placement=positional qualifier INITIAL_PSECT,placement=positional, default qualifier MACHINE_CODE, placement=positional, default qualifier DEBUG, placement=positional qualifier TRACEBACK, placement=positional, default qualifier TIE, placement=positional ! Numeric value qualifiers. qualifier ERROR_LIMIT, placement=positional, value(default=1) qualifier VARIANT, placement=positional, value(default=1), nonnegatable qualifier SYNTAX_LEVEL, placement=positional, value(default=2), nonnegatable ! Keyword list qualifiers. qualifier CHECK, placement=positional, value(required,list,type=check_opt_gem_64), nonnegatable, default qualifier CROSS_REFERENCE, placement=positional, value(list,type=cross_opt_all) qualifier ENVIRONMENT, placement=positional, value(list,type=env_opt_gem), nonnegatable qualifier GRANULARITY, placement=positional, value(type=gran_gem), nonnegatable qualifier LANGUAGE, placement=positional, value(required,list,type=language_opt_all), nonnegatable qualifier OPTIMIZE, placement=positional, value(list,type=opt_opt_gem), default qualifier SOURCE_LIST, placement=positional, value(required,list,type=src_opt_gem), nonnegatable, default qualifier TERMINAL, placement=positional, value(required,list,type=term_opt_gem) nonnegatable, default qualifier ASSUME, placement=global, value(list,type=assume_opt_gem_64), nonnegatable qualifier NAMES, placement=positional, value(type=names_opt_non_unix), nonnegatable, default ! Developer-only qualifiers qualifier BREAKPOINTS, label=gem_breakpoints, placement=global, value(list,required) qualifier GEMDEBUG, label=gem_debug, placement=global qualifier DUMPS, label=gem_dumps, placement=global, value(list,required) qualifier SWITCHES, label=gem_switches, placement=global, value(list,required) qualifier GEMTRACEPOINTS,label=gem_tracepoints, placement=global, value(list,required) disallow LIBRARY AND OBJECT