.TH TU58 1 "21 January 1984" .UC 4 .SH NAME tu58 \- emulate a tu58 tape drive over a serial line .SH SYNOPSIS .B tu58 [ \-options ] serial_device file1 [ file2 ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Tu58 will read and decode input from .I serial_device according to the radial serial protocol. It will act in accord with this protocol using .I file1 and\/or .I file2 as a storage device. In this way these files resemble tu58 tapes. .PP .I Tu58 options include: .TP .B \-c Create the files. .TP .B \-cn Create file number n. .TP .B \-i Initialize the files as rt11 directories with no entries. .TP .B \-in Initialize file number n as an rt11 directory with no entries. .TP .B \-r Files are read only. .TP .B \-rn File number n is read only. .TP .B \-sn Set the speed for .I serial_device at n baud. .PP In place of .I serial_device a \- can be used to indicate i/o from the standard input and output. In addition error output is always sent to the standard error output. .SH FILES .ta 2i /usr/local/tu/dk\? files in rt11 format suitable as tu58 files .br .SH "SEE ALSO" rtpip(1) .SH BUGS It can only output at 9600 baud. It has to be used at 4800 baud for both input and output.