Retrieval Number: KTL-79-XXX-XX-S File: [KTL017.MEM] +---------------+ | d i g i t a l | I n t e r o f f i c e M e m o r a n d u m +---------------+ To: Date: 8-May-79 From: Kevin Lefebvre CC: SWE Tech Archive Dept: LCG-Comm/Nets (KLFE) Ext: 5038 Loc: MR1-2/E89 Subj: FE STATUS BLOCK __ ______ _____ RSX-20F VERSION 13-26 _______ _______ _____ TOPS-10/1090 ____________ COMMON GLOBAL DATA ______ ______ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 001000 2 .FESTB Length of FE status block in words 001002 4 .EXEND Limits of Front-End word 1- base address of executive word 2- high address of executive 001006 2 .CRTSK Pointer to ATL node of current task 001010 4 .COMEF Common event flags (flags 33-64) flag 59- (EF.CRI)comm region is invalid flag 60- (EF.PFR)power fail restart in progress flag 61- (EF.RKP)KLINIK parameters received flag 62- (EF.PR2)secondary protocol running flag 63- (EF.PR1)primary protocol running flag 64- (EF.CTC)control C flag 001014 2 .SERFG Significant event flag bit 0- (EV.SE)sig event to be recognized bit 1- (EV.AS)power fail is required bit 7- (EV.PF)power down has occured 001016 2 .SEWFL Significant event wait flag 001020 2 SPSAV Save area for stack pointer during crash 001022 4 PARSAV Save area for parity registers when parity error 001026 2 .PFAIL Indicates power fail in progress if non-zero 001030 2 .PFIOW Power fail recovery flag, set during power up 001032 2 PWRXSP Buffer for stack pointer during power up 001034 2 CROBAR Power-up crobar timer, power up attempts=6 001036 12 .VERNO RSX-20F ascii version number 001050 2 .CKASS Clock AST address for current task FE Status Block Page 2 Common Global Data 001052 2 .PFASS Power fail AST address for current task 001054 40 001114 2 .MSIZE Memory size in 64 byte blocks 001116 2 EMTSTK SP saved during EMT execution 001120 2 TRPASV Saved PS during EMT/TRAP execution 001122 1 .NOERR Don't recognize KL error if non-zero 001123 1 .NOHLT Don't recognize KL halts if non-zero 001124 2 .TKTN TKTN required if non-zero, checked by null task 001126 2 .KLITK KLI requested bit 0- (KS.TSP)ten halted bit 1- (KS.CES)clock error stop bit 2- (KS.EPE)E box parity error bit 3- (KS.DEX)deposit/examine error bit 4- (KS.CST)keep alive stopped bit 5- (KS.TRR)ten request's re-boot bit 6- (KS.PFT)power fail restart bit 7- (KS.PTO)protocol timeout 001130 2 .KLIWD KLI word to determine boot parameters bit 0- (KL.LRM)load rams bit 1- (KL.CFM)configure memory bit 2- (KL.LVB)load VBOOT bit 3- (KL.VBN)VBOOT start at START+1 bit 4- (KL.VBD)dump monitor bit 5- (KL.SPF)start at loc 70 (power fail) bit 6- (KL.LCA)load cache bit 7- (KL.SSC)start at loc 407 (system crash) bit 8- (KL.CFL)if 0, configure from file bit 9- (KL.KAC)keep alive ceased error 001132 2 .TICKS Clock tick counter 001134 2 .CLKSW Clock overflow switch 001136 2 .DATE Front-End date valid flag 001140 2 .YEAR Decimal year (1979) 001142 1 .DAY Day of month 001143 1 .MON Month of year 001144 1 .DST Daylight savings time flag 001145 1 .DOW Day of week index FE Status Block Page 3 Common Global Data 001146 2 .SSM Elapsed time in seconds since midnight 001152 2 .TKPS Clock rate in jiffies 001154 2 .SYUIC System UIC ([5,5]) 001156 2 .BTPRM Boot parameter from switch register 001160 2 .BTSCH Character saved for secondary protocol 001162 2 .ACKAL Send acknowlege-all protocol message 001164 2 .KLERW KLI word for error reporting by SETSPD 001166 2 .FEMOD Front-End console mode flag for PARSER 1= (LG.OPR)operator 3= (LG.PRM)programmer 7= (LG.ALL)maitenance 001170 2 .KLRLD KL reload flag 001172 2 .KLFLG Flag for PARSER to indicate state of KL bit 6- (KF.CES)clock error stop bit 7- (KF.CON)KL continuable bit 8- (KF.KLO)instruction mode bit 9- (KF.BRM)burst mode bit 10- (KF.SPM)single pulse EBOX mode bit 11- (KF.SMC)single pulse MBOX mode bit 12- (KF.SIM)single instruction mode bit 13- (KF.MRS)master reset flop set bit 14- (KF.RUN)run flop on bit 15- (KF.CLK)clock running FE Status Block Page 4 KLINIK DATA BASE ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 001174 2 .KLNPB KLINIK parameter block length 001176 2 .KLNBC Byte count for transfer 001200 2 .KLNFT KLINIK enable start time 001202 4 .KLNFD KLINIK enable start date 001206 2 .KLNTT KLINIK enable end time 001210 4 .KLNTD KLINIK enable end date 001214 2 .KLNMD KLINIK console mode byte 0- console mode 1= (LG.OPR)operator 3= (LG.PRM)programmer 7= (LG.ALL)maitenance byte 1- status 0=disabled 1=remote -1=user 001216 6 .KLNPW ASCII password for KLINIK 001224 2 .KLNSW KLINIK line status byte 0- line use 0=disabled 1=remote -1=user byte 1- current status 1=clear KLINIK, recall PARSER 2=report carrier loss 3=diconnect, recall PARSER 4=disconnect and exit FE Status Block Page 5 QUEUED PROTOCOL DATA BASE ______ ________ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 001226 2 COMBSE Base of communication area 001230 2 PRMEMN My processor number 001232 2 DEPOF Deposit offset from examine 001234 12 PROTBL 001246 2 .CRQZ Size of current TO-10 buffer 001250 2 .CPFN Function in current TO-10 buffer 001252 2 .CPDV Device in current TO-10 buffer 001254 2 .CRSZ Size left in current TO-10 buffer 001256 2 .CRPB Pointer to open word in current TO-10 buffer 001260 2 .CRHD Head of current TO-10 queue 001262 2 .CRSB Pointer to current function/size in TO-10 buffer 001264 2 DTEMSK DTE device event flag mask 001266 2 DTEADR DTE device indirect flag address 001270 2 TO11NP Pointer to current received node 001272 2 TO11HD Count of bytes in this queue 001274 2 TO11FN Current received TO-11 function code 001276 2 TO11DV Current received TO-11 device number 001300 2 TO11SP Space 001302 2 TO11FW First word of function 001304 2 TO11GW Guard word for DTE20 001306 2 TO11QP TO-11 queue entry count 001310 2 TO11AS Address save 001312 2 TO11BS Byte count of TO-11 transfer saved 001314 2 TO10SZ Byte count of transfer FE Status Block Page 6 Queued Protocol Data Base 001316 2 TO10AS TO-10 transfer address saved 001320 6 STSTT TO-10 status 001326 4 TO10Q Listhead for TO-10 queue 001332 2 EQSZ TO-11 queue size 001334 2 TO11Q Head of TO-11 queue 001336 6 STATI Status/scratch word for examine/deposit 001344 2 DEXST DEX done timeout 001346 2 DEXTM3 Examine word 3 001350 2 DEXTM2 Examine word 2 001352 2 DEXTM1 Examine word 1 001354 2 .PRADR Address of priviledged offset table entry 001356 2 .PRSTA Address of priviledged DTE20 status 001360 2 .PRDTE Address of priviledged DTE20 001362 2 .PRDCT Doorbell counter for KLINIT 001364 1 .EPFFL EBUS parity error snapshot interlock 1=snapshot exists 0=no snapshot exists 001365 1 .EPEFL EBUS parity error processing flag 0=retry succeeded 1=no EBUS parity error -1=retry failed 001366 2 .EBPEQ Ptr to EBUS error snapshot 001370 2 .PRPSE Protocol pause flag FE Status Block Page 7 KEEP ALIVE DATA BASE ____ _____ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 001372 6 KPAL0 Current KL10 keep alive value 001400 2 OKPAL0 KL10 saved keep alive value 001402 6 KPAL1 Current RSX20F keep alive value 001410 2 .KPAC Counter of keep alive for XCT 71 byte 0- keep alive counter byte 1- XCT 71 counter 001412 2 .KACFL XCT 71 retry flag FE Status Block Page 8 CORE MANAGER DATA BASE ____ _______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 001414 4 .BGBUF Big buffer space word 1- pointer to first node in free space word 2- current total size of space 001420 4 .FREPL Free pool list word 1- address of first node in free pool word 2- current total size of free pool 001424 4 .POLLH Pool header for ATL and send nodes word 1- pointer to start of list word 2- pointer to end of list 001430 700 .POLST Pool list (14 entries) 16 word entries word 1- pointer to next block word 2- pointer to previous block 002330 40 .POLND Pool end 16 word entry word 1- pointer to next block word 2- pointer to previous block FE Status Block Page 9 CLOCK REQUEST LIST _____ _______ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 002370 204 .CLKBA Clock list 6 word entries word 1- (C.AT)ATL node address of requestor word 2- (C.AS)AST trap address of requestor word 3- (C.SD)schedule delta in ticks word 4- (C.RS)reschedule delta in ticks word 5- (C.FM)flag mask word 6- (C.FA)flags word address 002574 2 .CLKEA End of clock list guard words FE Status Block Page 10 TERMINAL SERVICE DATA BASE ________ _______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 002576 2 .INHDM Inhibit/enable remote lines (0=enable) 002600 2 .ABCNT Count of auto bauded lines 002602 2 .ABFLG Flag for SETSPD 002604 2 .SNDLP Pointer to sendall buffer in use 002606 10 .SNDBF Sendall ring buffer pointer 002616 10 .SNDCN Sendall TTY count for sendall pending 002626 2 .CRSND Current sendall node pointer 002630 2 .BRKCH Break character (control \) 002632 2 .TTP11 TTY PDP11 input in progress flag 002634 2 .CTYPT CTY line pointer 002636 2 .KLNPT KLINIK line pointer 002640 2 $UNIT DH unit number if CTY 002642 2 $BTMSK Mask to start CTY if DH 002644 2 DMTMP Saved DM11/BB controller number 002646 2 DHTMP Saved DH11 controller number 002650 2 DLTMP Saved DL11 controller number 002652 2 DHSTSV Saved DH11 table pointer from PS 002654 2 .TTELQ Terminal error logging queue ptr 002656 2 .TTELB Temp buffer ptr for error logging 002660 2 TMOCNT Terminal timeout counter 002662 40 CTYSTS CTY status block word 1- (STATS)status word bit 0- (FLBT)unprocessed fill count bit bit 0-3- (FLCT)unprocessed fill count field bit 4- (RUBP)rubout sequence in progress bit 5- (CTLO)output disabled bit 8- (EOLS)end of line seen bit 9- (CRJT)CR typed just typed FE Status Block Page 11 Terminal Service Data Base bit 10- (CRTY)carriage control at EOL bit 11- (LFBT)unprocessed LF add/sub bit bit 11-14- (LFCT)unprocessed LF count field bit 15- (MODE)terminal busy(1=output,0=input) word 2- (STRBF)current input buffer address word 3- byte 0- (RMBYT)remaining bytes in buffer byte 1- (FNBYT)terminal byte word 4- (CURBF)starting buffer address word 5- byte 0- (MECNT)multi-echo byte count byte 1- (FLBYT)fill byte word 6- (MEBUF)multi-echo buffer address word 7- (MBUFR)dynamic multi-echo buffer word 8- (HORPS)horizontal position of carriage word 9- (DHBUF)DH character buffer if CTY a DH 002722 2 CNT I/O packet size 002724 2 BYCNT I/O packet size 002726 2 CRADR Current I/O address 002730 2 TTPKT I/O packet address FE Status Block Page 12 TERMINAL DRIVER DATA BASE ________ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 002732 44 DMTBL DM11/BB table 2 word entries (9 entries) word 1- DM11/BB base address word 2- pointer to DH11 table entry 002776 10 DLTBL DL11/C table 4 word entry for each DL11/C line (1 entry) word 1- (THRED)output thread word pointer word 2- (TTYEXP)device base address word 3- (STSW0)status word 0 DL11- input flag DH11- line speed word 4- (STSW1)status word 1 bit 0- (TT.OUT)TTY output flag bit 1- (TT.ECH)echo flag bit 2- (TT.CRW)waiting for carrier bit 3- (TT.ABN)auto-baud wait bit 4- (TT.XEN)XON/XOFF enabled bit 5- (TT.ABL)auto-baud line bit 6- (TT.RMT)remote line bit 7- (TT.XOF)line is XOFF'D bit 8- (TT.CTY)console TTY bit 9- (TT.SIP)send-all in progress bit 10- (TT.RIP)remote in progress bit 11- (TT.NSA)suppress send-alls bit 14- (TT.SNI)increment send-all index bit 14-15- (TT.SND)index of next send=all 003006 40 DLETBL DL11/E table 4 word entry for each DL11/E line (4 entries) see above 003046 2000 DHTBL DH11 table 4 word entry for each DH11 line (128 entries) see above 005046 4 TTYEND End of table guard words (2 zeros) FE Status Block Page 13 FLOPPY DRIVER DATA BASE ______ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005052 2 DXRTC Error retry count (8) 005054 2 DXCNT Byte count of transfer 005056 2 DXBUF Address of buffer 005060 14 DXVCB word 1- logical or physical sector number word 2- bytes to transfer on current sector word 3- current function code word 4- physical sector number(1-26.) word 5- physical track number(0-77.) word 6- status register after interrupt 005074 2 DXUNIT Current unit number 005076 2 DXPKT I/O packet address FE Status Block Page 14 DECTAPE DRIVER DATA BASE _______ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005036 2 DTRTC Error retry count and reset flag 005040 2 DTRNA Request node address 005042 4 DTBUF DECtape buffer 005046 2 DTCNT Buffer size 005050 2 DTCW2 005052 2 DTCW3 FE Status Block Page 15 DISC DRIVER DATA BASE ____ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005100 2 RPRTC Error retry count (8) 005102 2 RPRNA Address of request node 005104 4 RPBUF Address of buffer word 1- high order of address word 2- low order of address 005110 2 RPCNT Transfer size 005112 2 RPUNIT Current unit number 005114 2 RPCW2 FE Status Block Page 16 FE DRIVER DATA BASE __ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005116 10 FETBL Table of FE device states 1 word per FE device (4) bit 10- (FE.DET)more data 11 to 10 to be sent bit 11- (FE.DTE)more data 10 to 11 expected bit 13- (FE.SER)servicing 11 transfer request bit 14- (FE.STR)servicing 10 transfer request 005126 2 NODADR Current request node address 005130 2 ADRSAV Address saved 005132 2 BYTESA Byte count of transfer 005134 4 STSWD I/O status words 005140 22 TO10PK 11 request to 10 packet address 005162 2 DNBLK Responce to 10 request 005164 6 DNFCN Function 005172 6 DNSTS Status 005200 40 BLKTT Data buffer 005240 2 .RPUNT RP unit number 005242 2 .FEACT FE device available for DB access 005244 4 .RPADR 005250 4 .RPSIZ FE Status Block Page 17 CD-11 DRIVER DATA BASE _____ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005254 2 CREVFG Address of CR task's event flags 005256 2 CRCEVF Current event flags 005260 2 CRHUNG Count of times CR found hung 005262 2 .CRPFL Power fail flag for card reader 005264 2 CRSTBH Header word of status block 005266 16 CRSTBK Status return block to 10 word 1- 1st status word bit 0- (DV.NXD)non-existent device bit 1- (DV.OFL)device off-line bit 2- (DV.OIR)hardware error, opr required bit 3- (DV.SCN)sotware error, ack required bit 4- (DV.IOP)I/O in progress bit 5- (DV.EOF)end of file encountered bit 6- (DV.LOG)error logging required bit 7- (DV.URE)un-recoverable error bit 8- (DV.F11)error on from 11 request bit 9- (DV.HNG)device hung word 2- 2nd status word, device dependent bit 0- (DD.RCK)read check bit 1- (DD.PCK)pick check bit 2- (DD.SCK)stack check bit 3- (DD.HEM)hopper empty bit 4- (DD.SFL)stacker full word 3- control and status register word 4- column count register word 5- bus address register word 6- data buffer register 005304 2 CRBUFH Header word of data buffer 005306 240 CRBUFF Data buffer from CD11 005546 2 Data buffer overrun area 005550 2 CRTHD Threaded list pointer 005552 2 CREXP Device external page address 005554 2 CRSTS Status bits bit 8- (CR.NSF)not stacker full bit 9- (CR.NXD)non-existent CD-11 bit 10- (CR.RHN)reader hung during read bit 11- (CR.ACK)acknowledge received FE Status Block Page 18 CD-11 Driver Data Base bit 12- (CR.IOD)I/O done bit 13- (CR.IOP)I/O in progress bit 14- (CR.SST)device status changed bit 15- (CR.HNG)CR hung 005556 2 Unused FE Status Block Page 19 LP-20 DRIVER DATA BASE _____ ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005560 2 LPUNIT LP unit number from PS on interrupt 005562 2 LPEVFG Address of where to set event flags for LP task 005564 2 LPCEVF Current event flags 005566 2 LPHUNG Count of times LP was hung 005570 2 .LPPFL Power fail flag 005572 2 LPSTBH Header word of status block 005574 30 LPSTBK Status return block to 10 word 1- 1st status word bit 0- (DV.NXD)non-existent device bit 1- (DV.OFL)device off-line bit 2- (DV.OIR)hardware error, opr required bit 3- (DV.SCN)sotware error, ack required bit 4- (DV.IOP)I/O in progress bit 5- (DV.EOF)end of file encountered bit 6- (DV.LOG)error logging required bit 7- (DV.URE)un-recoverable error bit 8- (DV.F11)error on from 11 request bit 9- (DV.HNG)device hung word 2- 2nd status word, device dependent bit 0- (DD.PGZ)page counter passed zero bit 1- (DD.CHI)character interrupt from RAM bit 2- (DD.VFE)VFU error bit 3- (DD.LER)error with VF/RAM file bit 4- (DD.OVF)printer has optical VFU bit 5- (DD.RME)RAM parity error word 3- byte 0- no. bytes device dependent info (2.) byte 1- no. bytes device registers (16.) word 4- byte 0- accumulated checksum byte 1- retry count word 5- control and status register A word 6- control and status register B word 7- bus address register word 8- byte count register(2's complement) word 9- page counter register word 10- RAM data register word 11- byte 0- character buffer register byte 1- column count register word 12- byte 0- printer data register FE Status Block Page 20 LP-20 Driver Data Base byte 1- checksum register 005624 20 LPTBL LP first device table 4 word entry for unit 0 word 1- (LPSTS)status bits bit 0-1- (LP.UNT)unit number bit 7- (LP.EOF)end of file encountered bit 8- (LP.F10)from 10 request queued bit 9- (LP.LIP)load VFU in progress bit 10- (LP.CLR)clear RAM required bit 11- (LP.WAT)LP waiting for responce bit 12- (LP.MCH)multi-char printing bit 13- (LP.PZI)page zero interrupt enabled bit 14- (LP.SST)send status to 10 bit 15- (LP.HNG)device hung word 2- (LPCSA)external page address word 3- (LPTHD)thread list pointer word 4- (LPITH)current buffer pointer 4 word entry for unit 1 005644 20 LPTBL2 LP second device table 4 word entry for unit 0 word 1- (LPMCB)multi-character buffer word 2- (LPCSM)accumulated checksum word 3- (LPRTY)retry counter word 4- 4 word entry for unit 1 005664 20 LPTBL3 LP third device table 4 word entry for unit 0 word 1- (LPRMA)VFU data address word 2- (LPRMZ)VFU data buffer size word 3- (LPRMC)current ptr into VFU data word 4- 4 word entry for unit 1 005704 4 LPUTBL Unit table pointer word 1- unit 0 pointer in LPTBL word 2- unit 1 pointer in LPTBL FE Status Block Page 21 SYSTEM TASK DIRECTORY ______ ____ _________ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 005710 2 .STDTA Pointer to STD list 005712 2 .STDTC Maximum STD list size (18 entries) 005714 2 .STDTZ Current size of STD list 005716 44 .STDTB STD table 18 pointers to task's STD entries word 1- card reader driver word 2- DTE driver word 3- FE driver word 4- floppy driver word 5- F11ACP task word 6- line printer driver word 7- queued protocol task word 8- disk driver word 9- terminal driver word 10- install task 005762 40 STDDTE DTE driver STD entry 16 word task STD entry word 1- (S.TN)task name (1st 3 chars) word 2- task name (2nd 3 chars) word 3- (S.TD)default task partition word 4- (S.FW)flags word bit 0- (SF.TA)task active bit 1- (SF.FX)task fixed bit 2- (SF.EX)task to be removed bit 14- (SF.IR)install requested bit 15- (SF.ST)system task word 5- byte 0- (S.DP)default priority byte 1- (S.DI)system disk indicator word 6- (S.BA)1/64th of base address word 7- (S.LZ)size of load image word 8- (S.TZ)max task size word 9- (S.PC)initial PC word 10- (S.SP)initial SP word 11- (S.RF)send/req queue forward ptr word 12- (S.RB)send/req queue backward ptr word 13- (S.SS)SST vector table address word 14- (S.DL)load image low disk address word 15- load image high disk address word 16- zero 006022 40 STDFED FE driver STD entry see above FE Status Block Page 22 System Task Directory 006062 40 STDDX Floppy driver STD entry 006062 40 STDDTP DECtape driver STD entry see above 006122 40 STDF11 F11ACP STD entry see above 006162 40 STDRPT RP device STD entry see above 006222 40 STDINS Install STD entry see above 006262 40 STDLPT LP driver STD entry see above 006322 40 STDCDR CR driver STD entry see above 006362 40 STDTTY TTY driver STD entry see above 006422 40 STDQPR Queued protocol STD entry see above FE Status Block Page 23 ACTIVE TASK LIST ______ ____ ____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 006462 4 .ATLLH ATL header word 1- forward pointer (DTE) word 2- backward pointer (null task) 006466 40 DTETSK DTE task ATL entry 16 word ATL entry word 1- forward linkage word 2- backward linkage word 3- (A.SP)SP of running task word 4- (A.PD)run partition word 5- (A.RP)run priority word 6- (A.HA)1/64th of base address word 7- byte 0- (A.TS)task status 2= (TS.LRQ)load request queued 4= (TS.TKN)waiting for TKTN 6= (TS.LRF)load request failed 10= (TS.RUN)task running 12= (TS.SUS)task suspended 14= (TS.WF0)waiting for flag 1-16 16= (TS.WF1)waiting for flag 17-32 20= (TS.WF2)waiting for flag 33-48 22= (TS.WF3)waiting for flag 49-64 24= (TS.WF4)waiting for flag 1-64 26= (TS.EXT)task exited byte 1- (A.FB)task flags byte bit 7- (AF.PP)primary protocol task word 8- (A.TD)STD entry address word 9- (A.EF)task event flags 1-16 word 10- task event flags 17-32 word 11- (A.FM)task event flags mask 1-16 word 12- task event flags mask 17-32 word 13- task event flags mask 33-48 word 14- task event flags mask 49-64 word 15- (A.PF)power fail AST trap address word 16- zero 006526 40 TTYTSK TTY task ATL entry see above 006566 40 RPTSK RP task ATL entry see above 006626 40 LPTSK LP task ATL entry see above 006666 40 CDTSK CD task ATL entry see above FE Status Block Page 24 Active Task List 006726 40 FETSK FE task ATL entry 006726 40 DTTSK DECtape task ATL entry see above 006766 40 DXTSK Floppy task ATL entry 006766 40 FETSK FE task ATL entry see above 007026 40 QPRTSK Queued protocol task ATL entry see above 007066 40 NULTSK Null task ATL entry see above FE Status Block Page 25 TASK PARTITION DIRECTORY ____ _________ _________ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 007126 20 INSTPD Install TPD entry 8 word TPD entry word 1- (T.PN)partition name (1st 3 chars) word 2- partition name (2nd 3 chars) word 3- (T.BA)base address of partition word 4- (T.PZ)size of partition word 5- (T.FW)partition flags word bit 1- (TF.OU)partition occupied word 6- (T.HP)1/64th base addr of 1st hole word 7- (T.RF)MRL forward linkage word 8- (T.RB)MRL backward linkage 007146 20 DTETPD DTE TPD entry see above 007166 20 FETPD FE TPD entry see above 007206 20 TTYTPD TTY TPD entry see above 007226 20 LPTPD LP TPD entry see above 007246 20 CDRTPD CR TPD entry see above 007266 20 QPRTPD Queued protocol TPD entry see above 007306 20 DXTPD Floppy TPD entry 007306 20 DTTPD DECtape TPD entry see above 007326 20 RPDTE RP TPD entry see above 007346 20 F11TPD F11ACP TPD entry see above 007366 20 GENTPD GEN partition TPD entry see above FE Status Block Page 26 DEVICE QUEUE POINTERS ______ _____ ________ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 007406 40 .DQPBA CTY and DL11 queue Entry for all terminals Entry for DL11 lines 8 words per entry word 1- address of device table list word 2- size of entry in device table word 3- address of device start routine word 4- address of device stop routine word 5- spare word 6- address of acknowledge routine word 7- spare word 8- device count 007446 20 .DQDH0 DH11 queue Entry for DH11 lines 007466 120 .DQDLS Data line scanner queue entry for all terminals entry for line printer entry for card reader entry for clock entry for FE device 007606 2 IGNO Ignore device operation routine (return) FE Status Block Page 27 LOGICAL UNIT TABLES _______ ____ ______ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 007610 50 TTPEN Terminal PUD entry 20 word entry word 1- (U.DN)ascii device name word 2- byte 0- (U.UN)unit number byte 1- (U.FB)flags byte bit 5- (UF.OFL)device offline bit 6- (UF.TL)recognizes load/record bit 7- (UF.RH)handler resident word 3- (U.C1)characteristics word bit 0- (UC.REC)record oriented device bit 1- (UC.CCL)carriage control device bit 2- (UC.TTY)TTY device bit 3- (UC.DIR)directory device bit 4- (UC.SDI)single directory device bit 5- (UC.SQD)sequential device bit 6- (UC.ETB)18 bit mode bit 8- (UC.NB)intermediate buffered bit 9- (UC.SWL)software write locked bit 10- (UC.ISP)input spooled bit 11- (UC.0SP)output spooled bit 12- (UC.PSE)pseudo device bit 13- (UC.COM)communications channel bit 14- (UC.F11)files 11 device bit 15- (UC.MNT)mountable device word 4- (U.C2)characteristics word bit 0-(CH.LAB)labled tape bit 3-(CH.NDC)no control functions bit 4-(CH.NAT)no attaching bit 5-(CH.UNL)dismount pending bit 6-(CH.FOR)foreign volume bit 7-(CH.OFF)volume offline word 5- (U.C3)characteristics word word 6- (U.C4)characteristics word word 7- (U.AF)ATL node of task word 8- (U.RP)redirect pointer word 9- (U.HA)handler task ATL node word 10- (U.RF)request forward linkage word 11- (U.RB)request backward linkage word 12- (U.VA)address of control block word 13- (U.UI)owner UIC byte 0- (U.PC)programmer code byte 1- (U.GC)group code word 14- (U.VP)volume protection word word 15- (U.AR)access rights word 16- (U.DACP)default ACP name word 17- (U.ACP)STD address of ACP word 18- (U.TF)terminal privilege word FE Status Block Page 28 Logical Unit Tables bit 0- (UT.PR)terminal privileged bit 1- (UT.SL)TTY slaved bit 2- (UT.LG)TTY logged on word 19- (U.LBH)high order no. of blocks word 20- (U.LBN)low order no. of blocks 007660 50 RPPEN 1st disk PUD entry see above 007730 50 .RP1PE 2nd disk PUD entry see above 010000 50 .RP2PE 3rd disk PUD entry see above 010050 50 .RP3PE 4th disk PUD entry see above 010120 50 .RP4PE 5th disk PUD entry see above 010170 50 .RP5PE 6th disk PUD entry see above 010240 50 .RP6PE 7th disk PUD entry see above 010310 50 .RP7PE 8th disk PUD entry see above 010360 50 DX0PEN 1st floppy PUD entry 010360 50 DT0PEN 1st DECtape PUD entry see above 010430 50 DX1PEN 2nd floppy PUD entry 010430 50 DT1PEN 2nd DECtape PUD entry see above 010500 50 LP0PUD Line printer PUD entry see above 010550 50 FE0PUD FE PUD entry see above 010620 50 SY0PUD System PUD entry see above FE Status Block Page 29 EMERGENCY STACK _________ _____ ADDRESS SIZE NAME USE _______ ____ ____ ___ 010670 106 INITLM Once only initialization code 010776 0 EMGSTK Emergency stack base address