D Bit boot PROMs ================ This directory contains my clean-room re-implementations of some of DEC's 23-xxxA9-00 boot PROMs (as used on the M9312 boot/diag board, as well as the on-board PROM sockets on the 11/24 and 11/44). These have been tested only under E11, not against real hardware, so it's possible there are bugs, and I definitely need to fix my understanding of the various entry points (currently the diags are never called). All of these files are in the public domain. They may be copied and/or used for any purpose. Files: (.mac is source, .bin is image as it appears in PDP-11 memory) dkprom DK: (RK02/03/05), DT: (TU55/TU56) dlprom DL: (RL01/02) dmprom DM: (RK06/07) duprom DU: (MSCP disks) dxprom DX: (RX01) dyprom DY: (RX02) You can build the binary file under RT-11 as follows: MACRO DKPROM LINK DKPROM/NOBITMAP The bootstrap is now in the first 128. bytes of DKPROM.SAV. Note that this is an image of the bootstrap as it will be seen by the PDP-11; in order to burn it into a boot PROM (82S130, Am27S13, 74S571) you need to re-shuffle the data because the PROM is only 4 bits wide (and only half of it is used), and is re-assembled into 16-bit words on the fly by the M9312 hardware. This can be done using this DOS program: ftp://ftp.dbit.com/pub/ibmpc/util/cvt9312.asm (source/doc) ftp://ftp.dbit.com/pub/ibmpc/util/cvt9312.com (executable) John Wilson 21-Oct-2000