.MACRO AUTOSPOOL AUTOSPOOL Automatic transparent spooling SYNTAX See PIP and other output-oreinted utilities. SEMANTICS Autospool is an operating-system feature that supports automatic transparent spooling for local and remote devices such as line printers, facsimile printers, voice codecs and bitmap displays. It is invoked when output is directed to any of a number of network virtual devices indicated in the configuration tables. The output is spooled in a special file preceeded by control information. When the file is closed an internal message is sent to the spooling daemon PRTQ, which then transmits the file to a local device or forwards it to another host for processing there. See help information for MPM, PRINT, PRTQ, SPQSRV and UDP for further information. Note that for both the FTP and TFTP file-transfer servers, a destination device specification of an autospool device will cause the file to be processed by the spooling system. This feature is intended primarily for use by IBM Personal Computers with the MIT PC-IP software, but can be used in other applications as well. The autospool system can also be used to exchange apool files between Unix and Fuzzball machines, since the protocols used are compatable. For example, it is possible to spool files from Fuzzball to Unix-compatible print servers and from Unix machines to Fuzzball devices, such as Dacom facsimile printers and LPC voice codecs. The autospool system is also used with the Multi-Media Mail (MMM) system. See Help information under MMM for further information. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO BINCOM BINCOM Binary compare program SYNTAX BINCOM ;invoke BINCOM.SAV *[listfile][,SIPPfile]=oldfile,newfile[/options] *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS /B Compares bytes instead of words /D Compares two entire volumes /E:n Ends comparison at block n /H Prints help information on terminal /O Creates a difference listing file or SIPP command file even if no differences between the input files are found /Q Suppresses terminal output of differences /S:n Starts comparison at block n EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO BUP BUP Backup utility program SYNTAX BUP ;invoke BUP.SAV *[/options]=[/options] *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS /I Backs up a large volume on multiple smaller volumes /L Lists directory of a backup volume /X Restores a large file or, with /L, a large volume from multiple backup volumes /Z Initializes a volume for backup no option Backs up a large file on multiple smaller volumes EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO CONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION Configuration SYNTAX None SEMANTICS There are four tables which must be adjusted for each configuration. These are normally part in a module which is included in every fuzzball sharing a single net/subnet configuration and is the same in every fuzzball. The name of this module is usually something like DCN.MAC, where DCN represents the generic name of the configuration. Internet address/mask (.NETID) This establishes the subnet address and address mask for the physical host (note there can be one or more virtual hosts co-resident in that host). The format is as illustrated below, in decimal, where the first field represents the subnet address and the host ID (HID) represents the subfield used for subnet addressing. The second field represents the address mask, which is used only to determine whether an arbitrary address is local or foreign to the subnet. Note that the convention in assigning zero and one bits is opposite to that used in some other systems (e.g. MIT PCIP) and that the bits corresponding to the HID field must be one. Following is an example: .NETID <128,4,0,HID>,<0,0,0,255> ;internet address/mask A standard mask-and-match operation consists of first exclusive-ORing the arbitrary address and the subnet address above, then clearing the bits of the result corresponding to the one bits of the address mask. If the result is zero the arbitrary address is in the same subnet, otherwise not. Clock synchronizing table This table consists of a list of host/network addresses used to syncrhonize the local clock. The entries are used in the order listed. The system will lock on the first address in the list that is up, according to the routing algorithm. Following is an example: .CLKID <128,4,0,15> ;dcn1 clock .CLKID <128,4,0,14> ;dcn6 clock .CLKID <128,5,0,0> ;fordnet clock .CLKID <35,0,0,0> ;umichnet clock .CLKID ;end of table Local host table This table establishes the mapping of Internet address to host ID for all local-net addresses (e.g. those that pass the mask-and-match test implied by the above Internet address/mask quantities). Each line in the table consists of (a) Internet address, (b) HID, (c) address mask (defaults to <0,0,0,0>), (d) flags field. Ordinarily, only those local-net hosts and gateways participating in the Hello routing algorithm need have entries in this table; however, space must be allocated for those hosts whose routing is handled by ARP and/or EGP. Ordinarily, only the last and automatic-ARP lines (defaults) have a nonzero address mask, which is constructed so as to capture all addresses not matched by the preceding items. If the HID field of any entry is set to something larger than the largest possible value (determined from the routing table described later) such as 255, the routing function returns a "destination unreachable;" otherwise, the default HID determines the route. The flags field in the default item is set to NGB to discourage accidental routing updates from broken neighbor hosts that may have invalid subnet addresses. The flags field of the last entry is set to END to avoid castrophe if the automatic-ARP table becomes full. $LOCAD: .GATBL <128,4,0,0>,0 ;broadcast .GATBL <128,4,0,1>,1 ;dcn1 (pogo) .GATBL <128,4,0,2>,2 ;dcn2 (boombah) .GATBL <128,4,0,3>,3 ;dcn3 (albert) .GATBL <128,4,0,4>,4 ;umichnet agent .GATBL <128,4,0,5>,5 ;dcn5 (hepzibah) .GATBL <128,4,0,6>,6 ;dcn6 (backroom) .GATBL <128,4,0,7>,7 ;dcn7 (snavely) .GATBL <128,4,0,8>,8 ;dcn8 (porkypine) .GATBL <128,4,0,9>,9 ;dcn9 (churchy) .GATBL <128,4,0,11>,11 ;fordnet agent .GATBL <128,4,0,12>,12 ;umdnet agent .GATBL <128,4,0,13>,13 ;default agent .GATBL <128,4,0,14>,14 ;dcn6 clock/echo .GATBL <128,4,0,15>,15 ;dcn1 clock/echo .GATBL <128,4,0,17>,17 ;dcn17 (bridgeport) .GATBL <128,4,0,18>,18 ;dcn18 (miggle) .REPT 3 .GATBL <0,0,0,0>,23,<255,255,255,255>,NGB ;subnet 0 agent .ENDR .GATBL <0,0,0,0>,23,<255,255,255,255>,END+NGB ;subnet 0 agent Note the inclusion of several copies of the default entry in the table. More than one copy is necessary only when the automatic-ARP feature is used (see below). Foreign host table This table establishes the mapping of Internet address to physical host ID for all foreign-net addresses (e.g. those that do not pass the mask-and-match test implied by the above Internet address/mask quantitues). The structure of this table is identical to the local host table above, although non-zero masks are more common. The automatic-ARP feature (see below) can be used in this table as in the local host table, but in the example shown an explicit gateway is shown instead. $GATAD: .GATBL <10,0,0,111>,1,,NGB ;dcn1 (pogo) .GATBL <10,0,1,111>,6,,NGB ;dcn6 (backroom) .GATBL <10,0,2,111>,4,,NGB ;gw.umich.edu .GATBL <10,0,0,0>,10,<0,255,255,255>,EGP ;arpanet agent .GATBL <35,0,0,0>,4,<0,255,255,255>,EGP+HLO,<128,4,0,4> ;umichnet agent .GATBL <128,4,1,0>,19,<0,0,0,255> ;subnet 1 agent .GATBL <128,4,0,0>,255,<0,0,255,255>,EGP+NGB ;trap remaining subnets .GATBL <128,5,0,0>,11,<0,0,255,255>,EGP+HLO,<128,4,0,11> ;fordnet agent .GATBL <128,8,0,0>,12,<0,0,255,255>,ALT+HLO,<128,4,0,12> ;umdnet agent .GATBL <0,0,0,0>,13,<255,255,255,255>,END+NGB,<128,4,0,13> ;egp agent In the example a single isolate for is shown, which illustrates the capability to tunnel foreign addresses to or through the subnet. The hop-count field is set nonzero to avoid neighbor routing updates from disturbing the routing for the generic ARPANET Note the default gateway is specified as, in which case this address must also occur in the local host table (default agent) above. The hop-count field in the default item is set nonzero to avoid accidental updates; however, this field would ordinarily be set to zero for nets without an EGP default agent. Routing table The routing table determines the packet routes, including local leader (i.e. Ethernet address), process ID (PID) and other information. It consists of two parts, the Hello portion followed by the ARP portion and is preceeded by a count of the total and Hello portions. The Hello portion corresponds to the entities covered by the DCN Hello algorithm, which automatically determines routes between the entities using Hello messages. Those Ethernet entities that do not participate in the Hello algorthm, but do support ARP, are assigned HIDs in the ARP portion. Note that these assignements have nothing to do with the Internet addresses, which are determined by the local and foreign host tables. Each item consists of (a) PID of the network process (defaults to zero, which is interpreted as undefined), (b) delay (milliseconds) (defaults to 30 seconds, which is interpreted as "down"), (c) a flag "B" for broadcast or a string for local leader (defaults to zero). .BYTE 30,24 ;number of (total,routing) entities $HOSAD: .HSTBL 6,100,B ;0 broadcast .HSTBL ;1 dcn1 (pogo) .HSTBL ;2 dcn2 (boombah) .HSTBL ;3 dcn3 (albert) .HSTBL ,,,WWV ;4 umichnet agent .HSTBL ;5 dcn5 (hepzibah) .HSTBL ;6 dcn6 (backroom) .HSTBL ;7 dcn7 (snavely) .HSTBL ;8 dcn8 (porkypine) .HSTBL ;9 dcn9 (churchy) .HSTBL ;10 arpanet agent .HSTBL ,,,GOES ;11 fordnet agent .HSTBL ;12 umdnet agent .HSTBL ;13 default agent .HSTBL ,,,WWV ;14 dcn6 clock/echo .HSTBL ,,,WWVB ;15 dcn1 clock/echo .HSTBL ;16 dcn16 (beauregard) .HSTBL ;17 dcn17 (bridgeport) .HSTBL ;18 dcn18 (miggle) .HSTBL ;19 subnet 1 agent .HSTBL ;20 .HSTBL ;21 .HSTBL ;22 .HSTBL 6,100 ;23 subnet 0 agent .HSTBL ;24 .HSTBL ;25 .HSTBL ;26 .HSTBL ;27 .HSTBL ;28 .HSTBL ;29 In principle, only the broadcast agent and local-net agent (subnet 0 agent in the example) need to have explicit values, since all others are determined automatically by either the Hello algorithm or ARP. In addition, of course, the clock sources must be declared. The above configuration handles the routing for seven entities, including one isolate, three neighbor nets 128.5, 128.8 and 35, two subnets 128.4.0 and 128.4.1, and a default which in this case is the EGP process. Note that 128.5 and 35 share the same PID and presumably the same circuit to the neighbor entity. The host for which the tables are shown here "belongs" to subnet 128.4.0, as determined by the Internet address/mask. For all except the default the routing will depend upon ARP response, assuming this host is on an Ethernet; while, for the default case all traffic will be sent to the Ethernet entity responding to the specified gateway address Note that in this configuration a reference to a 128.4 subnet other than 128.4.0 or 128.4.1 will select the default foreign host entry. Presumably, the agent servicing this traffic will return a "net unreachable" ICMP message if the subnet is undefined. In other cases, an entry such as .GATBL <128,4,0,0>,255,<0,0,255,255> can be positioned after all 128.4 references in the foreign host table to trap undefined subnets and avoid routing loops. Automatic ARP In the case of Ethernet hosts (and in future EGP), a feature is included so that hosts not subscribing to the Hello protocols can be supported without explicitly configuring them in the tables. What happens is this: When a host not appearing in the local or foreign host tables is found the specified default is used. For local-subnet hosts in the example configuration shown this results in an Ethernet ARP broadcast for the designated IP destination address but no adjustment in the table entries. The ARP reply causes a search for that address, which lands on the default. A special check inserted at that point causes new entries to be created in either the local/foreign host tables and the routing table. The entry is created with a mask field of zero, so that in the case of foreign hosts a separate entry will be created for very distinct address, not for every generic network. The alternative, which is used in the example configuration, is to explicitly declare a default gateway. Subsequently, the ARP-created entries are used just as if created a-priori. The feature should be of value in configurations including hosts that cannot be modified to support the Hello protocol, such as IBM PCs and silicon front-ends. Note however that a hellod is available for Unix 4.2 systems that does support that protocol. In the current version no provisions are included to discard old ARP-created entries and the only way an old leader can be discarded is if the host goes down with respect to the Hello algorithm. This is slated for early attention. Routing explained The routing function is activated at the time a datagram arrives or is created internally in the host. It first determines whether the destination is in the same subnet or not using the Internet address/mask, then selects either the local or foreign host tables. The tables are constructed so that a match always occurs, if not otherwise at the default. A match results in the following information: (a) the HID of the routing table entry, and thus (b) the PID and (c) the leader (Ethernet address) and, in addition, (d) the gateway address from the local/foreign net table. At this point the datagram buffer is forwarded to the output process with indicated PID and a field in the buffer header filled in with (c) the leader (if nonzero) or (d) the gateway address (if the leader is zero) or the original destination address (if both leader and gateway address are zero). The coding of the field is such that the output process can determine whether the contents are a leader or an IP address. The output process extracts the field from the buffer header and proceeds accordinaly: If a leader is present it is incorporated in the Ethernet leader and the packet forwarded directly. If not, an ARP request is constructed (in a separate buffer) including the specified IP address and the original datagram buffer held for 500 milliseconds. Upon completion of the holding interval the output process calls the routing function again, which results in a recomputation of the buffer header as before, but based on current table contents. If a leader is found the datagram is transmitted as indicated; if not, it sinks without a trace. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO CRMAIL CRMAIL Create mail and log files SYNTAX CRMAIL ;invoke CRMAIL.SAV > ;> is CRMAIL prompt SEMANTICS This program creates a mail or log file with name and length . The file is initialized with the first byte set to SUB (^Z) and the remaining bytes set to zero. OPTIONS None EAAMPLES CRMAIL >unsent.msg 500 .ENDM .MACRO DACOM DACOM Facsimile to Bitmap conversion SYNTAX DACOM ;invoke DACOM.SAV *=[/options] *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS This program converts a file in Dacom (compressed) facsimile format to Sun bitmap format (version 2.0) without scaling or clipping. The resulting file requires 475200 octets (922 blocks) for the 1726 x 2200 x 1 raster. Sun graphics tools presently cannot handle such a large file directly, although the Fuzzball SUNFAX and VCG programs can (See Help information). OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO DIR DIR Directory program SYNTAX DIR ;invoke DIR.SAV *[/options] ;* is CSI prompt *... *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS The syntax of date is dd.:mmm:yy. where dd-day, mmm-month, yy-year /A Lists the directory alphabetically /B Includes starting block numbers in directory listing /C:n Lists directory in n columns; n can be 1 to 9 /D:date Includes only files with date /E Lists entire directory, including unused spaces /F lists short format directory in five columns /G Lists directory entry of specified file and all subsequent directory entries /J:date Lists files created on or after date /K:date Lists files created before date /L Lists volume directory in order of entry /M Lists unused areas /N Lists directory summary /O Gives sizes and block numbers in octal /P Lists all files except those you specify /Q Lists deleted files /R Sorts directory in reverse order; use with /S /S:xxx Sorts directory listing; xxx can be DAT, NAM, POS, SIZ or TYP /T Lists only protected files /U Lists only unprotected files /V:ONL Includes volume ID and owner name as part of directory listing; with ONL lists only ID and name EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO DUMP DUMP File dump program SYNTAX DUMP ;invoke DUMP.SAV *[/options]=[/options] *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS /B Outputs octal bytes /E:n Ends output at block n /G Ignores input errors /N Suppresses ASCII output /O:n Outputs only block n /S:n Starts output at block n /T Defines a magtape as non-RT-11 file structured /W Outputs octal words /X Outputs Radix-50 characters EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO DUP DUP Device utility program SYNTAX DUP ;invoke DUP.SAV *[/options] ;* is CSI prompt *... *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS /B:RET Writes FILE.BAD entries over bad blocks; use with /Z; with RET, retains FILE.BAD entries created on previous initialization /C Creates a file; use with /G:n /D Restores previously initialized volume /E:n Specifies last block number; use with /I or /K /F Prints names of bad blocks; use with /K /G:n Specifies starting block number; use with /C, /I, or /K /H Verifies after copying; use with /I /I Copies image of one volume to another /K Scans a device for bad blocks /N:n Defines number of directoy segments; use with /Z; n can be 1 to 37 (octal) /O Boots a volume or file (not supported in BOS/VOS) /Q Boots a volume that is not RT-11 V4 or later; use with /O (not supported in BOS/VOS) /R:RET Scans volume for bad blocks and creates a block replacement table; with RET retains previous table (not supported in BOS/VOS) /S Consolidates free space on a volume /T:n Extends a file by n blocks; n free blocks must follow the file /U:DEV Writes bootstrap into blocks 0, 2 through 5 of a volume; DEV is the volume name (not supported in BOS/VOS) /V:ONL Printes user ID and owner name; use with /Z to write new directory, ID and name on volume; with ONL, writes only the a ID and name /W Waits for volume to be mounted before executing the command /X Prevents automatic reboot after using /S on system device /Y Suppresses query messages /Z:n Initializes device directory; n is the number of extra words in each directory entry EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO FAX FAX Dacom 450 Facsimile Transceiver operator's guide SYNTAX SCANNING PIP (* is CSI prompt) *=FAX: *... *^Z (exit to CLI) PRINTING PIP (* is CSI prompt) *FAX:= *... *^Z (exit to CLI) SEMANTICS The Dacom 450 Computerfax Facsimile Transceiver scans and prints documents at resolutions up to 200 pels per inch in a 1726 x 2200 pel raster. It uses a two-dimensional adaptive run-length compressiong algorithm and ordinarily operates at speeds to 2400 bps with the LSI-11/23 processor and to 4800 bps with the LSI-11/73 processor using the DEC DPV11 synchronous interface. Files used with the facsimile system must be formatted as described in RFC-769. The SUNFAX program can be used to convert Sun bitmap files to RFC-769 format and the DACOM program from this format to Sun-bitmap format. The spooling system automatically converts between formats as required. In addition, the VCG program can convert RFC-769 format files for display on the Peritek bitmap display. Facsimile files can be transferred between Internet hosts using the FTP or TFTP programs (IMAGE mode) or using the spooling system. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO FILES FILES File specifications and formats SYNTAX :.[] SEMANTICS All programs operate with RT-11 file formats and either file-structured or sequential devices. RT-11 files are block-structured with a block size of 512 bytes. There are two types of files, ASCII and IMAGE. ASCII files consist of a stream of 7-bit ASCII characters stored in eight-bit bytes with the high-order bit set to zero. During transmission the NUL and DEL characters are discarded and the SUB character terminates the transfer. IMAGE files consist of a stream of eight-bit bytes with all bits significant. In both cases data are zero-filled to a block boundary before writing to the device. Files and devices are named according to RT-11 conventions in the following syntax: :.[] where is the logical device name, consisting of up to three alphanumeric characters, is the file name, consisting of up to six alphanumeric characters including $, is the file extension, consisting of up to three characters including $, and is a decimal integer used to specify the maximum file size in blocks. The logical device name (together with the colon) is optional and defaults to DK:, which is the name of the standard RT-11 work volume. With certain exceptions transfers can be specified to or from either file-structured or sequential devices. In the latter case the name, extension and size are ignored. Logical device names are bound to physical devices by the CLI command ASG. The specification (together with the braces) is optional and applies only to new or replacement files to be stored on file-structured devices and not to files that are to be stored on sequential devices or to be read. The algorithm used to estabish the maximum size of a file is as follows: If the specification is missing or zero, half the largest hole on the volume is allocated. If it is a negative number, then the entire extent of the largest hole is allocated. Otherwise, the number of blocks specified is allocated in the first hole large enough to contain them. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO FRUN FRUN Foreground loader program SYNTAX FRUN ;invoke FRUN.SAV * ;* is CSI prompt ;exit to loaded program SEMANTICS The foreground loader is used to load programs linked to run in an RT-11 foreground or system job with or without overlays. These programs usually usually have the .REL extension and contain relocatoin information along with the program text. This program would be used ordinarily only in systems without memory-management facilities and when one or more foreground processes have been configured in the system. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO FTP FTP File transfer user program SYNTAX FTP ;invoke FTP.SAV ... QUIT ;exit to CLI ;or FTP ;invoke FTP.SAV and execute an ;implied CONNECT ... ;command QUIT ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) functions are provided using two programs, the FTP User and the FTP Server. The FTP User runs in interactive mode on a Fuzzball host. The FTP Server normally resides at some other host and is activated upon receipt of a TCP connection on port 20. The FTP User is controlled by user commands in the same way as the Command Language Interpreter (CLI) and other user programs. It in turn controls the FTP Server by standardized server commands, with the actions taken indicated by standardized replies. These programs operate with the protocol described in RFC-959 and can be used with other implementations conforming to this protocol. A file transfer operation proceeds by first opening a control connection to a remote host using the CONNECT command and then to its operating system using the LOGIN command. In the case of the Fuzzball FTP Server, the LOGIN sequence is supported but the specified user name and password are ignored. Following the connection phase, the SEND and GET commands are used to transfer files to and from the remote host as required. For each transfer a data connection separate from the control connection is established by the remote server. The sender closes the connection to signal end-of-file and terminate the transfer. The QUIT command is used to close the control connection and exit to the CLI. The FTP User prompt is "*", signifying the program is ready for the next command. The first prompt appears when the herald is received from the FTP Server following the CONNECT command. Subsequent prompts appear as each command sequence is completed with the FTP Server. Prompts will not appear following commands which have only local significance or in which errors are detected. FTP transfers can be in either ASCII (default) or IMAGE mode (see the FILES help information for relevant file structures). ASCII mode is compatible with all implementations of RFC-765 servers known at this time. In the case of IMAGE mode with the TOPS-20, however, care must be taken to assure that 8-bit bytes are stored four per 36-bit TOPS-20 word. This is assured if the TYPE L 8 command is used, rather than the TYPE I command (see the IMAGE command below). OPTIONS ABORT If a file transfer is not in progress, do nothing. If it is, abort the transfer, send the ABOR command to the Server and wait for it to close the data connection. ASCII The ASCII and IMAGE commands set the mode for subsequent file transfers. The default is ASCII. In the case of the IMAGE command, a TYPE I command is sent to the server unless an optional argument is present, in which case a TYPE L command is sent, where is the argument. In all except unusual cases should be 8. This feature is included to support the TOPS-20. ASG Assign the local work volume DK: for subsequent file transfers to . See the VOLUMES help information for further details. BRIEF The BRIEF and VERBOSE commands control output of detailed commentary dialog. BRIEF disables this and VERBOSE enables it. The default is BRIEF. CONNECT Open a control connection to host . CWD Assign the working directory on the remote host for subsequent file transfers to . DELETE Delete the file on the remote host. The must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters. DIRECTORY Open a data connection to the remote host previously specified by the CONNECT and LOGIN commands. Then transmit a list of the files in on the remote host to on the local host. The must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters. When operating with the Fuzzball FTP Server, it must be a valid RT-11 file name and can include wildcards in the same manner as the RT-11 DIRECTORY command. The must be a valid RT-11 file or sequential device name. DISCONNECT If the control connection does not exist, do nothing. Otherwise, send the QUIT command to the Server and wait for the it to close the connection. GET Open a data connection to the remote host previously specified by the CONNECT, LOGIN and ASCII/IMAGE commands. Then transfer the file on the remote host to on the local host. The must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters, while the must be a valid RT-11 file name or sequential device name. If is missing, assume the string in its place. HELP Display helpful information, including a list of commands. IMAGE (see the ASCII command) LOCAL Set the local address for the control and data connections to , with default the local primary address. This feature can be used to select local secondary addresses in the case of a multi-homed host. LOGIN Log into the remote host previously specified by the CONNECT command as with . Both and Rename the file on the remote host to . Both and must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters. ROUTE ... Specify the Internet source route as the sequence ... (up to nine) for the data connection. SEND Open a data connection to the remote host previously specified by the CONNECT, LOGIN and ASCII/IMAGE commands. Then transfer the file on the local host to on the remote host. The must be a valid RT-11 file or sequential device name, while the must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters. If is missing, assume the string in its place. SHOW Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest, including the current host, file and block number. TOS Specify the Internet type-of-service octet (in octal) for the data connection. VERBOSE (see the BRIEF command) EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO FTPSRV FTPSRV File transfer server program SYNTAX See RFC-959. SEMANTICS The FTP Server is designed to be compatible with the protocol specified in RFC-959. It is invoked by the TELSRV progam upon receipt of a TCP connection on port 21. Commands consist of four characters, only the first three of which are significant. Replies consist of a three-digit code, the first of which indicates the status of the request according to the following codes: 1xx The action requested has begun. Additional server commands can be given to initiate unrelated actions. 2xx The action requested has completed successfully. 3xx Additional commands are necessary to completely specify the action requested. 4xx The action requested was aborted due to an error condition believed to be temporary. The command may be retried at a later time. 5xx The action requested was aborted due to an error condition believed to be permanent. FTP transfers can be in either ASCII (default) or IMAGE mode (see the FILES help information for relevant file structures). ASCII mode is compatible with all implementations of RFC-959 servers known at this time. In the case of IMAGE mode with the TOPS-20, however, care must be taken to assure that 8-bit bytes are stored four per 36-bit TOPS-20 word. This is assured if the TYPE L 8 command is used, rather than the TYPE I command (see the TOPS-20 documentation). OPTIONS ABOR If a data transfer is not in progress, return a 200 reply code. If a data transfer is in progress, signal the data connection to close and return a 426 reply code, flushing data received meanwhile. When the connection closes return a 226 reply code. CWD Assign the work volume DK: on the local hosts for subsequent file transfers to . See the VOLUMES help information for further details. DELE Delete the file on the local host, where must be a valid RT-11 file name. Reply code 200 is returned. HELP Display helpful user information, including a list of FTP Server commands. All but the last line returned have reply code 111. The last line returned has reply code 211. LIST Open the data connection and transfer a list of files in on the local host to the FTP User host. The must be a valid RT-11 file name and can include wildcards in the same manner as the RT-11 DIRECTORY command. Reply code 150 indicates the transfer has begun and that a 2xx, 4xx or 5xx will be returned when the transfer terminates. The transfer terminates normally with a 226 reply code when the FTP Server closes the data connection and abnormally with a 4xx or 5xx reply code in all other cases. In the list of files returned each file name is on a separate line followed by size and date information. MODE Set the transfer mode for subsequent data transfers to . Currently, must be S (STREAM), which is also the default. Reply code 200 is returned. NLST Open the data connection and transfer a list of files in on the local host to the FTP User host. The must be a valid RT-11 file name and can include wildcards in the same manner as the RT-11 DIRECTORY command. Reply code 150 indicates the transfer has begun and that a 2xx, 4xx or 5xx will be returned when the transfer terminates. The transfer terminates normally with a 226 reply code when the FTP Server closes the data connection and abnormally with a 4xx or 5xx reply code in all other cases. In the list of files returned each file name is on a separate line terminated by with no other information on the line. NOOP Do nothing. Reply code 200 is returned. PASS Syntax check only (for compatibility). Reply code 230 is returned. PASV This command is used only in special situations involving a third-party transfer to indicate the FTP Server should listen on a data connection and to return the host and port of this connection in the reply code. Note that the data connection is not opened at this time, but will be opened in passive mode as necessary by subsequent data-transfer commands. The reply code returned is: 227 Entering passive mode. h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2 where h1,...,h4 is the host and p1,p2 is the port with the same interpretation as the PORT command. PORT h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2 This command is used only in special situations involving a third-party transfer to specify the host and port for the data connection. The host is specified by the four decimal integers h1,...,h4 and the port by the two decimal integers p1,p2. All six of these integers must have values in the range 0-255. Note that the data connection is not opened at this time, but will be opened in active mode as necessary by subsequent data-transfer commands. Reply code 200 is returned. QUIT Close the control connection and exit to the CLI. Reply code 226 is returned. REIN Reinitialize the program status as it was upon initial entry. Reply code 330 is returned along with the FTP Server herald. RETR Open the data connection and transfer on the local host to the FTP User host. The must be a valid RT-11 file or sequential device name. Reply code 150 indicates the transfer has begun and that a 2xx, 4xx or 5xx will be returned when the transfer terminates. The transfer terminates normally with a 226 reply code when the FTP Server closes the data connection and abnormally with a 4xx or 5xx reply code in all other cases. RNFR Begin a file-rename sequence specifying on the local host as the existing file. The must be a valid RT-11 file name. Reply code 333 is returned, indicating the RNTO command must follow. RNTO Conclude a file-rename sequence begun by the previous RNFR command and specifying on the local host as the new file. The must be a valid RT-11 file name on the same device specified by the previous RNFR command. Reply code 200 is returned. STAT Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest, including the current host, file and block number. All but the last line returned have reply code 114. The last line returned has reply code 214. STOR Open the data connection and transfer a file from the FTP User host to on the local host. The must be a valid RT-11 file or sequential device name. Reply code 150 indicates the transfer has begun and that a 2xx, 4xx or 5xx will be returned when the transfer terminates. The transfer terminates normally with a 226 reply code when the FTP User closes the data connection and abnormally with a 4xx or 5xx reply code in all other cases. STRU Set the file structure for subsequent data transfers to . Currently, must be F (FILE), which is also the default. Reply code 200 is returned. TYPE Set the representation type for subsequent data transfers to . Currently, can be A (ASCII), I (IMAGE) or L (IMAGE). The default when this command has not been given is A. Note that the specification permits an additional argument; however, which is ignored by the FTP Server. Reply code 200 is returned. USER Syntax check only (for compatibility). Reply code 331 is returned, indicating the PASS command must follow. EXAMPLES See RFC-959. .ENDM .MACRO GENERAL GENERAL General description SYNTAX Following is a summary of syntactic types /options RT-11 file specification options (see OPTIONS in HELP information)
Internet address (four fields separated by "." each field a decimal integer in the rangd 0 through 255) Argument list (strings separated by and terminated by Command name (only the first three characters are significant) RT-11 physical device name (see HELP information for FILES) RT-11 file specification (see HELP information for FILES) Host ID (decimal integer in the range 0-n, where n depends on network) Host name (registered in NIC data base HOSTS.TXT, or four fields as in
format). RT-11 logical device name (assigned by ASG command) Port ID (octal integer in the range 0-n, where n depends on configuration) SEMANTICS The Fuzzball internet software system has been developed with DARPA sponsorship over the last several years and used extensively for testing, evaluation and experimentation with other implementations. It currently runs in a sizable number of PDP11s and LSI-11s with varying configurations and applications. The system is designed to be used with DCnet local-network protocols as described in RFC-891 and the Fuzzball operating system for a multi-media internet workstation (also called a Fuzzball), which operates using emulation techniques to support the DEC RT-11 operating system and application programs. However, the system has also been used on other networks, including ARPANET, and with other operating systems, including RSX-11. An RSX-11 based version incorporating only the IP/TCP modules is presently used to support the INTELPOST electronic-mail network. The software system consists of a package of MACRO-11 and C modules structured into levels corresponding to local-net, IP, TCP and application levels, with user interfaces at each level. The local-net level supports several comunication devices, including synchronous and asynchronous serial lines, 16-bit parallel links, Ethernet and 1822 interfaces. Hosts using these devices have been connected to ARPANET IMPs, Satellite IMPs, MACRO-11 Internet Gateways, SRI Port Expanders and to standard Ethernets, DECnets and X.25 public networks, as well as several DCnet local networks. When used on DCnet the system supports subnets as described in RFC-950, supports network-level alternate routing and local-level dynamic routing, as well as time-synchronization and error-reporting functions. The IP level conforms to the RFC-791 specification, including fragmentation, reassembly, extended addressing and options, as well as the source-route option. A full set of ICMP features compatible with RFC-792 is available, including destination-unreachable, timestamp, redirect and source-quench messages. Destination-unreachable and source-quench information is conveyed to the user level via the TCP and raw-datagram protocol modules. Internet gateway (routing and non-routing) facilities conforming to the Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) RFC-904 specification can be included on an optional basis. This support can be configured to support hierarchically structured gateways and subnets. The TCP level conforms to the RFC-793 specification, including PUSH, URGENT and options. Its structure is based on circular buffers for reassembly and retransmission, with repacketizing on each retransmission. Retransmission timeouts are dynamically determined using measured roundtrip delays, as adjusted for backoff. Data flow into the network is controlled by measured network bandwidth, and adjusted by source-quench information. Features are included to avoid excessive segment fragmentation and retransmission into zero windows. The user interface level provides error and URGENT notification, as well as a means to set outgoing IP/TCP options. A raw-datagram interface is available for non-TCP protocols such as UDP (RFC-768). It includes internal congestion and fairness controls, multiple-connection management and timestamping. Protocols above UDP supported in the present system include Network Time Protocol (RFC-958), Time Server (RFC-868), Name Server (IEN-116), Domain-Name Server (RFC-883) and Trivial File-Transfer Protocol (RFC-783). Other raw-datagram services include XNET (IEN-158), Exterior Gateway Protocol (RFC-904) and several experimental services. A number of user-level protocol modules above TCP have been built and tested with other internet hosts, including TELNET (RFC-854), File Transfer Protocol (RFC-959), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (RFC-821), Multi-Media Mail Protocol (RFC-759/RFC-767) and various other file-transfer, debugging and control/monitoring protocols. Code sizes and speeds depend greatly on the system configuration and features selected. A typical 30K-word LSI-11/2 single-user configuration with all features selected and including the operating system, device drivers and all buffers and control blocks, leaves about 16K words for user-level application programs and protocol modules. A typical 124K-word LSI-11/23 or LSI-11/73 configuration provides the same service for up to 24 individually relocated users. Disk-to-disk FTP transfers across a DMA interprocessor link between LSI-11/23s operate in the range 30-50 Kbps with 576-octet packets. The 124K-word PDP11/34 INTELPOST adaptation supports two 56-Kbps lines and a number of lower-speed lines. Typical throughputs range from 100 to 400 packets per second, depending on processor type and interface type. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO HELP HELP Lists helpful information SYNTAX HELP ;invoke HELP.SAV What topic do you want help with? ;...? is prompt ; has the form: topic ;[ subtopic[:items...]...]] or * SEMANTICS * lists the items for which help is available. lists the HELP text (of which this is a part). topic lists information on the specific topic only. topic subtopic lists information on the specific subtopic only (for example, HELP HELP SEMANTICS lists the paragraph of which this text is a part). topic subtopic:item lists only the text associated with the specific item. topic/item lists the text associated with the specific item under the subtopic OPTIONS. Subtopics are "SYNTAX", "SEMANTICS", "OPTIONS", and "EXAMPLES". Items are specific command options. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO HOST HOST Host Process commands SYNTAX SET ;CLI command SEMANTICS See USER process commands and GENERAL help information OPTIONS CMD List the available commands. Additional information is available with the HELP program. HOST Set the Host Table entry for the DCnet virtual host to the values specified in the arguments. The Network Process PID is specified by the first argument, the roundtrip delay by the second and the status by the last. If is missing, simply display a summary of the entire table. If is given with no arguments, display the table entry for that host. See Appendix C for a list of DCnet virtual hosts. Note that the Host Table is constructed automatically during normal system operations and that this command is provided only for exceptional circumstances. IDENT
Set the virtual-host ID for the master-clock host to . If
is given set the internet address for the physical host to the
. MINIMUM Set the minimum source-quench threshold to . ICMP source-quench messages will be returned to the sender if the number of free buffers falls below this threshold. NET Set the Network Table entry for the network to the values specified in . The only argument that can be specified at present is the virtual host HID for the gateway to that network. If is missing, display a summary of the entire table. If is given with no arguments, display the table entry for that network. OFF The ON and OFF commands can be used to set and clear bits in the options word of the parameter area associated with the process. The ON command sets the option bits corresponding to the one bits of (which is an octal value) to one, while the OFF command sets these bits to to zero. Options for the host process are interpreted as the RT-11 configuration word, which is normally stored at relative location 300 in the monitor area (see RT-11 documentation). ON (see the OFF command) SHOW Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest. EXAMPLES .set hos cmd Commands are: CMD SHO ON OFF ID MIN NET HOS .set hos hos Host PortID Delay Offset Status Leader ---------------------------------------------------- DC6 002 0 0 119 000000000000 .set hos net Net Address HostID Hops Leader ---------------------------------------------- ARP [] 0 0 0,0 DCN [] 6 0 0,0 WAS [] 14 0 0,0 SAN [] 11 0 0,0 FRD [] 13 0 0,0 UMD [] 12 0 0,0 NET [] 0 255 1,20 .set hos sho Process type: 000030 options: 111001 Last clock update: 0 from: 1 reset: 00:00:00 Processes: 18 Vectors: 10 Nibbles: 29 Small packets: 0 Large packets: 12 Min packets: 2 Internet address: [] .ENDM .MACRO HOSTS HOSTS Make Internet host name/address table SYNTAX HOSTS ;invoke HOSTS.SAV *outfile,dnsfile=infile[options],... *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS This program reads a file of Internet host name/address entries in the Standard Network Information Center (NIC) format described in RFC810 and produces a hash-coded output file suitable for use by the user and server programs in this system. The domain-name system described in RFC-882 and RFC-883 is used by all Fuzzball hosts to resolve an Internet address from a domain name and also to resolve a domain name from its Internet address. The program that does this, called the namesolver, first searches the local HOSTS.DAT file and returns the name or address immediately if found. If not found, the namesolver searches a set of hierarchically structured remote domain-name servers as indicated by special entries in HOSTS.DAT. Present practice is to configure one Fuzzball host on the local net as a domain-name server along with a HOSTS.DAT file produced by the HOSTS program from the complete HOSTS.TXT file (obtained periodically from the NIC) and configure all other Fuzzball hosts with a HOSTS.DAT file containing only the local-net hosts and domain-name pointers to the server. The primary output file outfile, usually named HOSTS.DAT, consists of a set of lists, one for each block (512 bytes) terminated by a zero byte. Items in each list are either names, consisting of four bytes of address, one byte of flags and a name string terminated by a zero byte; or addresses, consisting of four bytes of address, one byte of flags and a three-byte pointer. Entries are hashed according to the polynomial 1 + x + x**6 + x**7 reduced modulo the output file size. The secondary output file dnsfile, usually named HOSTS.DNS, consists of a domain-name data base in the format described in RFC-883. This may be the primary format of the HOST.TXT table in the future. This feature is included for compatibility. One entry for every address and every name for each host in the input file is included in the output file. The address entries are hashed by the address and the name entries are hashed by the name. Bits in the service-specification byte determine the entry format and whether the host advertises TELNET, FTP or SMTP service. OPTIONS /A Delete all domain-structured entries (".ARPA" domain in the present table) and pad the remaining names with ".ARPA". This feature is intended for use during the transition period while the domain-name system is being put into place. /S:n Allocates n blocks for output file (default is 256 blocks). The value of n must be at least two. EXAMPLES Following is a slightly reformatted table used as input to the HOSTS program to produce the HOSTS.DAT file for a host configured without the full domain-name server. The GATEWAY and HOST entries are taken directly from the HOSTS.TXT table with the ".ARPA" domain edited into all entries. The DOMAIN entries are associated with the name server for the domain appearing in the host-name field. GATEWAY :,,, : DCN-GATEWAY.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : IP/GW,GW/PRIME : HOST :, : DCN1.ARPA,POGO.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD, TCP/CHARGEN,TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO,UDP/TIME, UDP/NAME,UDP/TFTP : HOST : : DCN2.ARPA,BOOMBAH.ARPA : LSI-11/2 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO : HOST : : DCN3.ARPA,ALBERT.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO : HOST : : DCN4.ARPA,HOWLAND.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO : HOST : : DCN5.ARPA,HEPZIBAH.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO,UDP/TIME,UDP/NAME, UDP/TFTP : HOST : : DCN6.ARPA,BACKROOM.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO,UDP/TIME,UDP/NAME, UDP/TFTP : HOST : : DCN7.ARPA,SNAVELY.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO,UDP/TIME,UDP/NAME, UDP/TFTP : HOST : : DCN8.ARPA,PORKYPINE.ARPA : LSI-11/23 : FUZZ : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/ECHO,TCP/DISCARD,TCP/CHARGEN, TCP/DAYTIME,TCP/TIME,TCP/TALK,UDP/ECHO : HOST : : DCN9.ARPA,CHURCHY.ARPA : SUN-170 : UNIX : TCP/TELNET,TCP/SMTP,TCP/FTP,TCP/TIME,UDP : HOST : : DCN-ECHO.ARPA ::: IP/ECHO : HOST : : DCN16.ARPA,BEAUREGARD.ARPA : IBM-PC : MSDOS : IP : HOST : : DCN17.ARPA,BRIDGEPORT.ARPA : IBM-PC : MSDOS : IP : HOST : : DCN18.ARPA,MIGGLE.ARPA : IBM-PC : MSDOS : IP : DOMAIN : : ARPA ::: TCP/TELNET,TCP/FTP,TCP/SMTP : DOMAIN : : IN-ADDR ::: TCP/TELNET,TCP/FTP,TCP/SMTP : .ENDM .MACRO IBM-PC IBM-PC IBM Personal Computer Information SYNTAX None SEMANTICS An IBM Personal Computer with the MIT PC-IP software can be connected via a serial line to a DCN host, which then serves as a gateway to the Internet system. The PC-IP software includes support for TELNET, TFTP and several other TCP- and UDP-based utility programs. It operates using Internet datagrams encapsulated in the MIT serial-line protocol and transmitted via the serial line. The DCN host running this protocol manages the datagram-switching and encapsulation functions and provides reachability information for the network. The IBM Personal Computer can be used with DCN hosts just as with any other Internet host. DCN hosts can be configured with TELNET and TFTP servers. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO INFORMATION INFORMATION General information SYNTAX None SEMANTICS BOOTING Mount the Fuzzball work volume on DK:. Mount an ordinary RT-11 system volume on SY:. The system volume sould contain at least the following files: PIP.SAV Peripheral interchange program DUP.SAV Device utility program DIR.SAV Directory program KED.SAV Keypad Editor and other RT-11 system and application programs as desired. The system volume should also contain at least the following Fuzzball files: CLI.SAV Command language interpreter FRUN.SAV Foreground process loader (BOS only) LOGIN.SAV Login program LOGOUT.SAV Logout program TN.SAV TELNET virtual terminal user program TELSRV.SAV TELNET virtual terminal server program FTP.SAV File transfer user program FTPSRV.SAV File transfer server program SMTP.SAV Mail transfer user program SMPSRV.SAV Mail transfer server program MSG.SAV Mail reader program SNDMSG.SAV Mail composition program HOSTS.DAT Internet host table (constructed by HOSTS) LOGIN.DAT User login/password table (constructed by SYSMGR) LOGIN.MSG Login text file (constructed by KED or EDIT) UNSENT.MSG Mail file (constructed by CRMAIL) The following files can be used in certain configurations: UDP.SAV Internet name/time/file server process EGP.SAV Internet gateway process NSP.SAV DECnet gateway (special configuration) LOG.SAV Log process WATCH.SAV SIMP monitor program LOG.TXT Log file (constructed by CRMAIL) The following files will be useful for many applications: NIFTP.SAV Network-independent FTP user program PING.SAV Internet measurements user/server program XNET.SAV Internet loader/debugger user/server program VCG.SAV Peritek VCG display program FINGER.SAV Display user information SETCLK.SAV Set system time and date from local clock NETCLK.SAV Set system time and date from remote time server RTCLK.SAV Set TCU-50 from system time and date SYSMGR.SAV System manager utility program HOSTS.SAV Creates Internet host tables (HOSTS.DAT) CRMAIL.SAV Creates mail files (UNSENT.MSG) and log files (LOG.TXT) HELP.SAV Help utility program HELP.TXT Help file (this file) MPM.SAV MPM mail utility program *.CTL MPM mail control files SPQSRV.SAV Network spooler server PRINT.SAV Local spooler server PRTQ.SAV Spooler daemon WHOIS.SAV NIC data-base access program RSOLV.SAV Domain Name Server data-base access program These files operate with all versions of the Fuzzball software, while MSG, SNDMSG, CRMAIL, HELP, SETCLK snd RTCLOK operate with RT-11 as well. In addition, the work or system volume should contain the Fuzzball resident system file configured for the particular hardware system on which it is run. This file and other RT-11 system components are used only to load the Fuzzball resident system and are not referenced after that. Once the system and work volumes are mounted, load the Fuzzball resident system using the RT-11 RUN command. Be sure the real-time harware clock is running. The system should come up with heralds from the several daemons specified in the configuration file. One or more prompt characters (".") may also appear. The system then begins to send HELLO messages to neighboring hosts and constructs its Host Table, which determines the routing to these and other hosts on the network. This can take a minute or two, during which the SET HOST HOST command can be used to identify the other hosts as they come up. The SHOW command can be used to confirm the correct configuration of the processes and devices in the system and the SET HOST SHOW command to determine the resources in use. Once the Host Table has stabilized the system is ready for use. In configurations using remote domain-name servers, some hosts may not appear reachable until the entire network path to the selected domain-name server(s) comes up. IN-CASE-OF-TROUBLE In case of trouble the following procedures may be helpful. The system can be restarted at any time from location zero, following which it will recompute the checksum of the read-only code and data areas and reinitialize all processes. In addition, the RESET command will do the same thing. Finally, the XNET Internet loader/debugger can be used to send a special message to a remote system, causing the same action. Obviously, these mechanisms are potentially hazardous, but in keeping with the uses the Fuzzball software is likely to be put. Protection features may be incorporated in future versions. CONFIGURATIONS There are two versions of the Fuzzball resident system presently in use. One of these, called the basic system, supports up to 60K bytes of memory and PDP11 or LSI-11 processors without memory-management features. The other, called the virtual system, supports the maximum available memory and PDP11 or LSI-11 processors with these features. The standard basic system is configured for a 60K-byte LSI-11/2 with EIS and one 32K-byte background process. The standard virtual system is configured for a 256K-byte LSI-11/23 and up to seven 32K-byte virtual processes. The remainder of memory is used for the resident system and various storage areas. PROCESSES Processes are identified by three-character physical names, which appear in the SHOW and DEVICE command arguments and their responses. In the case of ordinary direct-access and sequential input/output devices, these names correspond to standard RT-11 conventions. In many cases several instances of a particular process type may appear, in which case the final character will be a digit in the range zero through nine. Each process is identified by a port identifier, or PID, which appears as an argument in some commands. Following is a list of the current process types (n denotes a digit): HOS Host process INP Internet process (with optional radio-clock support) DHn Network process (SRI or ACC ARPANET 1822 link) DMn Network process (DEC DDCMP link) DQn Network process (DEC DEQNA Ethernet link) HDn Network process (ACC HDH/1822 link) HYn Network process (NSC A400 HYPERchannel link) ILn Network process (Interlan or 3COM Ethernet link) KHn Network process (U Michigan LAPB link) KMn Network process (U Maryland Univac link) LHn Network process (serial synch or asynch link) LNn Network process (Ford serial or parallel LNA link) PCn Network process (IBM PC serial asynch link) PPn Network process (ACC or RSRE X.25 link) PRn Network process (AX.25 packet radio link) CWn Terminal process (FSK radio terminal) TTn Terminal process (operator terminal/line printer) MXn Multiplexor terminal process (DEC DZ11 multiplexor) BGD Background user process (BOS) FGD Foreground user process (BOS) VMn Virtual user process (VOS) DXn Disk process (RX01 single-density floppy disk) DYn Disk process (RX02 double-density floppy disk) PDn Disk process (PDT-150 single-density floppy disk) RKn Disk process (RK05 disk cartridge) DSn Disk process (RH11/RJS03 fixed-head disk) DLn Disk process (RL11/RL01 disk cartridge) FDn Disk process (AED 6200 double-density floppy disk) CSn Disk process (USDC Winchester disk/tape cartridge) SMn Disk process (SMS Winchester disk) FAX Dacom 450 Facsimile process LPC LPCM packet speech process UDP Internet name/time/tftp server process EGP Internet gateway process NSP DECnet gateway process LOG Log process As in RT-11, logical names can be associated with most of the above names using the ASG command. VIRTUAL-HOSTS Of fundamental importance to the DCnet architecture is the concept of physical and virtual hosts. A physical host is an ordinary processor with memory and a complement of direct-access and sequential devices. A virtual host is a portable process that resides in a physical host. Virtual hosts are assigned names and 32-bit internet addresses as shown elsewhere. Each virtual host residing in a physical host is supported by an Internet process, the name of which is the name of the virtual host. The internet address of the physical host itself (necessary only to break routing loops) must be the address of one of its virtual hosts. Virtual hosts are identified within DCnet by the host identifier (HID), which presently is taken as the fourth octet of the four-octet internet address. The particular virtual host supported by a given Internet process is determined by its HID, which can be changed by an operator command. When the HID is changed, the name is changed automatically as well. TERMINAL-OPERATIONS Operation of the standard Fuzzball terminal is like RT-11, but with some differences. Following is a list of the special keyboard functions (codes correspond to the standard ASCII interpretation): Code Echo Function ------------------------ CR CR-LF End of line SUB ^Z End of file DEL BS-SP-BS Delete previous character CAN ^U Delete current line ETX ^C Interrupt DLE none Begin escape sequence EOT ^D Panic reset (not in RT-11) DC3 ^S Stop output DC1 ^Q Resume output The Fuzzball interrupt and end-of-file functions operate rather differently than their RT-11 counterparts. A single (not two) ETX function always causes an immediate termination of the program. A SUB function causes the emulated RT-11 Command String Interpreter (CSI) to return to the Fuzzball Command Language Interpreter (CLI). The DLE function introduces a special function sequence consisting of the DLE itself followed by a single character. It the following character is another DLE, a single DLE is placed in the input buffer. If it is a digit, the function performed is as follows: 0 Switch to channel 0 1 Switch to channel 1 2 Switch to channel 2 3 Switch to channel 3 4-9 Reserved Operator terminals are ordinarily connected to user processes on a one-to-one basis. Usually channel 0 for each terminal is assigned the associated user process and the remaining channels assigned for special purposes, such as net servers. These assignments can be changed with the ASG command. The options in effect for each terminal can be specified with the SET command. MEMORY-MANAGEMENT In the basic system the supervisor and all processes share the identity virtual-physical address mapping. The hardware vector area is followed by the working storage allocated to the background process. This is followed by the code and read-only storage areas for the resident system, including the supervisor and all processes. Next is the code and read-only storage areas for the RT-11 emulator, which is re-entrant, position-independent and shared by all user processes. Following this is the parameter area containing tables and other information which can be accessed by the SET and SHOW commands. Finally are the buffers, state vectors and stacks used by the various components of the system. The working storage for each foreground process is allocated as part of its state vector. The virtual system is structured in a similar way, except that each user process has its own address mapping. Physical memory is organized as in the basic system, except that there is no working storage allocated to the background or foreground processes. Instead, the working storage for each user process is allocated in turn above the areas described in the previous paragraph. The supervisor and all processes except user processes operate in kernel space with identity virtual-physical mappings, except that segment 7 is mapped to the input/output page and segments 5 and 6 are used as windows to other spaces. Each user process operates in user space with its own working storage mapped to virtual space starting at location zero. Segments 6 and 7 of each user process are mapped to the RT-11 emulator and parameter areas, while segment 5 is used as a virtual window to other spaces. those functions that require it. Within each user process in both the basic and virtual systems, memory is organized as in RT-11. In the background process the chain area starts at location 500 and the various "RMON areas" and emulator working storage extends downward from the end of its allocated working storage. In the foreground processes the chain area starts at the first location of its allocated working storage. Virtual user processes appear as background processes. Features have been incorporated into the Fuzzball system to support re-entrant and position-independent load modules in both background and foreground processes. EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO INTERNET INTERNET Internet Process commands SYNTAX SET ;CLI command SEMANTICS See USER process commands and GENERAL help information OPTIONS CCB Display a summary of connection data from the Connection Control Block for connection . If is missing, display all open connections. The optional arguments TRA and TCP select additional displays applicable only to TCP. TRA displays a received packet trace, while TCP displays packet and signal counts by type. CMD List the available commands. Additional information is available with the HELP program. IDENT Change the virtual host ID for the process to . After this is done the name of the process will change accordingly and the new routing information will circulate in the network. Once changed, the ID should not be changed for at least two minutes, to allow old routing information to dissipate and prevent loops. OFF The ON and OFF commands can be used to set and clear bits in the options word of the parameter area associated with the process. The ON command sets the option bits corresponding to the one bits of (which is an octal value) to one, while the OFF command sets these bits to to zero. Options for the internet process are as follows: 12 NBS clock (OFF: disable, ON: enable) 13 Echo all datagrams (OFF: disable, ON: enable) ON (see the OFF command) SHOW Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest. SIZE Set the maximum datagram size to , which must be a decimal integer in the range 20-576 (40-576 for TCP). EXAMPLES .set dc6 ccb Connection ID: 051240 protocol: 006 state: 000007 CCB format: 004000 max size: 256 protocol flags: 041 Local addr: [] 3072 Foreign addr: [] 23 Rate: 60 delay: 1055 RTD rate: 327 RTD delay: 17 .set dc6 ccb 4 tcp Catenet source quench: 0 Catenet unreachable: 0 Input packets received: 66 bad format: 0 bad checksum: 0 connection reset: 0 dropped: 1 Accepted packets: 66 null (ACK-only): 24 text stored: 42 duplicate: 0 outside window: 0 SYNs processed: 1 FINs processed: 0 Error packets sent: 0 Control packets sent: 1 Text packets sent: 25 Retransmissions sent: 0 ACK-only packets sent: 43 Data avail sigs to user: 43 .set dc6 ccb 4 tra Seq ID Start Length Window Offset ---------------------------------------------- 30005 30005 0 1 399 0 35905 35905 0 216 184 0 37888 37888 0 46 354 0 38955 38955 0 1 399 0 46288 46288 0 68 332 0 46772 46772 0 1 399 0 62172 62172 0 155 245 0 63372 63372 0 1 399 0 64969 64969 0 214 186 0 1200 1200 0 1 399 0 5183 5183 0 216 184 0 6966 6966 0 46 354 0 8050 8050 0 1 399 0 25616 25616 0 216 184 0 27533 27533 0 216 184 0 30150 30150 0 216 184 0 32250 32250 0 216 184 0 34350 34350 0 216 184 0 36450 36450 0 108 292 0 38050 38050 0 1 399 0 46283 46283 0 216 184 0 48133 48133 0 216 184 0 .set dc6 cmd Commands are: CMD SHO ON OFF ID SIZ CCB .set dc6 show Process type: 000026 options: 000000 Host ID: 6 max conn: 8 max size: 256 Input packets: 156 timeouts: 0 net signals: 0 bad format: 0 bad checksum: 0 returned: 0 dropped: 0 Control msgs: 0 Output packets: 158 .ENDM