.MACRO KED KED Keypad Editor program SYNTAX KED ;invoke KED.SAV *[/options] ;* is CSI prompt *... *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 Keypad Editor User's Guide. Termination of the Keypad Editor [GOLD] [COMMAND] Prompt is Command: EXIT [ENTER] to save current edit version QUIT [ENTER] to terminate without saving edit modifications To define page size, screen size and margin wrap [GOLD] [COMMAND] Prompt is Command: SET PAGE _ [ENTER] to number of lines per page (Default=Formfeed) SET SCREEN _ [ENTER] to 80/132 characters per line on screen SET WRAP _ [ENTER] to line length for auto right margin OPTIONS /C Creates a new file /I Inspects input file; does not allow changes No switch to edit file. A back-up file will be created with the extension .BAK EXAMPLES See the RT-11 Keypad Editor User's Guide. .ENDM .MACRO LIBR LIBR Librarian program SYNTAX LIBR ;invoke LIBR.SAV *[libraryfile][,listfile]=inputfiles[/options] *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS /A Includes in library directory all global symbols includeing absolute global symbols /C Allows multiple input lines /D Deletes a module from a library file /E Extracts a module from a library and stores it as a .OBJ file /G Deletes a global symbol from a library directory /M:n Creates a macro library from an ASCII input file and allocates n blocks for the macro name directory /N Includes module names in library directory /P Includes psect names in library directory /R Replaces modules in a library file /U Updates (inserts and replaces) modules in a library file /W Produces a wide (132 column) library directory listing /X Creates a library with multiple global definitions // Allows multiple input lines until next occurance of // no option Assumes module insertion EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO LINK LINK Linker program SYNTAX LINK ;invoke LINK.SAV *[binfile][,mapfile][,stbfile]=objfiles[/options] *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS See the RT-11 System User's Guide OPTIONS /A Lists global symbols in alphabetical order /B:n Sets bottom address of program to n; invalid with /H and /R /C Continues input on new line; do not use with // /D Allows duplicate library subroutines /E:n Extends root program segment to specified value /F Uses default FORTRAN library FORLIB.OBJ when linking /G Increases size of linker's library directory buffer /H:n Specifies highest address to be used by relocatable code; invalid with /B, /Q, /R, /Y /K:n Inserts value of n into word 56 of block 0 as virtual SETTOP high limit; n can be 1 to 32 (decimal); valid only with /V /L Produces output file in .LDA format; invalid with /R, /V /M:n Defines stack address /N Produces global cross-reference listing as part of load map /O:n Produces overlay structure; invalid with /L /P:n Changes amount of space linker uses for library routines; default is 170 /Q Specifeis start address of up to eight root program sections; invalid iwht /R, /H /R:n Produces output in .REL format; n is the stack size; invalid with /B, /H, /K, /L, /Q /S Allows maximum memory space for linker symbol table /T:n Defines transfer address /U:n Rounds up a program section; n must be a power of 2 /V Enables special XM monitor SETTOP and LIMIT features; invalid with /L /W Produces a wide load map listing (132 columns) /X Does not output bitmap if codes is below 400 /Y:n Starts a program section on address boundary n; invalid with /H /Z:n sets unused location to n // Allows multiple input lines; use on first and last lines of input EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO LOG LOG Log process SYNTAX None SEMANTICS The Log process is used to record significant system events (traps) for later analysis. Traps are evoked when unusual but nonfatal network events occur, such as invalid packet formats, misrouted datagrams, etc., and when users log in and out of the system, for example. The data are recorded in a special file called LOG.TXT, which can be created using the CRMAIL utility and inspected using any text editor. Each line begins with a timestamp followed by the PID of the process generating the line. The data describing the event occupies the remainder of the line. Detailed coding formats are described in the program module identified following the "?" character. The Log process is also used to initiate TCP server processes and initiate daemons to send or receive mail and transmit spool files, if enabled. OPTIONS The Log process runs as a special server (dedicated user process). Any of the commands which change fixed user-process tables (see HELP information for USER) can be used with the Log process as well, including the ON and OFF commands. The ON and OFF commands can be used to set and clear bits in the options word of the parameter area associated with the process. The ON command sets the option bits corresponding to the one bits of (which is an octal value) to one, while the OFF command sets these bits to to zero. Options for the Log process are as follows: 2 Log to file LOG.TXT (OFF: disable, ON: enable) 3 Log to terminal TT: (OFF: disable, ON: enable) 4 Mail daemon (OFF: disable, ON: enable) 5 Spool daemon (OFF: disable, ON: enable) EXAMPLES 17:19:56 002 ?TRAP-I-TCP service request [] 37 17:19:58 042 ?TELSRV-I-Open UT-SALLY.ARPA 37 17:20:03 042 ?TELSRV-I-Closed 18:10:21 006 ?TRAP-I-ICMP 005 000 [] -> [] 18:13:08 050 ?GATE-F-Neighbor down 2 [] 18:24:19 046 ?UDP-I-Time request [] 18:24:34 046 ?UDP-I-Name request [] 18:30:54 006 ?TRAP-I-Leader error 000017 003400 001400 015400 000633 18:33:59 006 ?TRAP-I-ICMP 005 000 [] -> [] 18:34:22 012 ?TRAP-I-Link up 18:37:30 014 ?TRAP-I-Link down 18:44:46 046 ?UDP-I-Time request [] 18:50:14 050 ?GATE-I-Neighbor up 2 [] .ENDM .MACRO LOGIN LOGIN Assign user private volume SYNTAX login ;entered by user ;or login ;entered by user Password: ;host prompts for pw ;or login ;entered by user Userid: ;host prompts for name Password: ;host prompts for pw SEMANTICS This program is used to log a user into the system, as well as assign a private volume for his files. Its use is mandatory for remote virtual-terminal (see TELSRV) and file-transfer (see FTPSRV) access and optional for local access. See the SYSMGR information and the ON command in the USER information for further information. OPTIONS None, but see also the help information for LOGOUT. EXAMPLES .login smith .Password: (Note: the password is not echoed and a message is given only in the event of an error.) .ENDM .MACRO LOGOUT LOGOUT De-assign user private volume SYNTAX logout ;entered by user SEMANTICS After a user has assigned a private volume using the LOGIN command, the default volume may be restored by typing LOGOUT. Also causes disconnect in the case of the TELNET server. OPTIONS None, but see also the help information for LOGIN. EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO MACPIC MACPIC Macintosh to bitmap conversion SYNTAX MACPIC ;invoke MACPIC.SAV *= *... ;* is CSI prompt *^Z ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS This program reads a MacPaint file encoded in uuencode format and constructs a bitmap file in Sun format. The first 512 bytes of the file are the header. The first four bytes comprise the version number, followed by 38 * 8 = 304 bytes of patterns. The remaining 204 bytes are reserved for future expansion. If the version number is zero, the patterns are ignored. Hence, programs that wish to create files to be read into MacPaint can just write out 512 bytes of zero as the header. Following the header are 720 compressed scanlines of data which form the 576 wide by 720 tall bitmap. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO MAIL MAIL Message and mail-file formats SYNTAX See RFC-822. SEMANTICS The format of the ARPANET message data structures is described in RFC-822. In this model messages are sent by a user to a specified recipent in the format @, where is the name of a host and is the name of an user known to that host. The implied address, usually called a mailbox, is typically associated with a mail file belonging to the recipient. The mail file format used in the Fuzzball system is line-structured, with each line terminated by the ASCII sequence , and contains only ASCII printing characters and format effectors. Messages consist of a file header, which contains a character count, followed by the message itself. Messages are stored one after the other with the last followed by an ASCII character for compatibility with other RT-11 components. Figure 1 shows the format of a typical message. 17-Sep-83 17:53:49,314;000000000000 RCPT to: RCPT to:<@dcn1:Gross@dcn5> DLVD to: Return-path: Date: 17-Sep-83 17:53:25-UT From: Mills@dcn6 Subject: Test message To: Zorica@dcn5 cc: <@dcn1:Gross@dcn5>, Mills@dcn6 Folks, This message demonstrates RFC-821 and RFC-822 formats. Dave ------- The first line is the file header, including the date, time and count of characters in the message text, and followed by an array of twelve flag characters used by other programs of the message system. The message itself begins immediately following the which terminates this line and includes first the transport (RFC-822) header followed by the message (RFC-821) header and, finally, the body of the message itself. In the above example the lines beginning with RCPT and DLVD belong to the transport header and the lines following that up until the blank line belong to the message header. Mail files can be created in three ways: (1) by copying a mail file from a TOPS-20 or Fuzzball host as-is to a Fuzzball host, (2) by creating and appending a new message locally and (3) by receiving and appending a message from another host. Case (1) has been found useful during testing and in cases involving large amounts of mail which can be bulk-transferred more efficient file-transfer protocols like FTP and NIFTP. However, TOPS-20 files do not include the transport header, so that messages sent from these files require manual intervention. Case (2) is implemented by an interactive mail editor which operates much like the TOPS-20 SNDMSG program to construct and edit messages and append them, along with their transport and message headers, onto a specified mail file. Case (3) is implemented by the SMTP Server, which listens for messages from the network and appends them onto the UNSENT.MSG mail file. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES See above. .ENDM .MACRO MESSAGES MESSAGES Network messages SYNTAX ?-- name of module originating the message I = information, W = warning, F = fatal explanatory string SEMANTICS Following is a list of network-related messages which may be generated by network-layer and transport-layer protocol modules. In most cases additional information is available in the help information under the name indicated in the field. ?-I-Open The connection has opened successfully. ?-I-Closed The connection has closed and all resources returned to the operating system. ?-F-Invalid signal This indicates a serious, probably fatal, software error. ?-I-Remote disconnect The remote end of the connection has initiated a close sequence (FIN indication). The sequence will be complete only after the local end initiates a companion close sequence. ?-I-Remote interrupt The remote end of the connection has initiated a TCP URGENT sequence, but no provision for that has been incorporated in the local end. ?-W-Connection error: An error in the protocol or network has been recognized, either explicitly by an ICMP message received from the network or implicitily as the result of a problem in the local host routing tables. Additional information is provided by , which can be one of the following: String Source Most probable cause ----------------------------------------------------------- unspecified reason internal software error parameter error ICMP message bad datagram format time exceeded ICMP message routing loop reassembly error ICMP message high packet losses net unreachable ICMP message remote gateway down host unreachable ICMP message remote host down protocol unreachable ICMP message unsupported protocol port unreachable ICMP message unsupported service fragmentation error ICMP message bad datagram format source route failed ICMP message bad network route gateway down local routing local gateway down host down local routing local host down ?-W-Host not responding: A timeout has occured during transmission due to the condition indicated by , which may be one of the following: String Condition -------------------------------------------------------------- unspecified reason software error initial connection timeout waiting for connection to open ACK timeout waiting for acknowledgment of data sent send window timeout waiting for the receiver to accept more data idle connection timeout nothing whatever heard for an unreasonably long time ?-F-Connection reset: A TCP RESET segment has been received, usually indicating a broken or unsynchronized connection. Additional information is provided by , which can be one of the following: String Cause -------------------------------------------------------------- unspecified reason software error connection-open state (a) unsupported service (port) or (b) previous half-open connection data-transfer state other end has crashed or timed out and has restarted connection-close state other end has prematurely terminated TIME-WAIT state ?-I-Listening... This message, produced by some modules, indicates the module is listening for a connection request and does not represent an error. ?-F-Connection open error An attempt was made to transfer data over a connection that has not opened or an attempt was made to open a connection already open. This usually indicates a software error. ?-F-Invalid parameter An invalid parameter was detected in a call to a system routine, indicating a software error. ?-W-Insufficient resources Sufficient system resources are not currently available for the operation requested. Protocol modules typically retry the operation, so this message does not necessarily indicate an error. ?-W-Gateway down A local gateway is down. ?-W-Host down A local host is down. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO MMM MMM Multi-Media Mail program SYNTAX MMM ;invoke MMM.SAV ... ;* is prompt QUIT ;return to CLI SEMANTICS The Multi-Media Mail (MMM) program is used to compose, read, answer and forward documents in the format described in RFC-759 and RFC-767 as amended. It is designed to operate with other user and server programs conforming to these protocols. Multi-media messages can be composed and displayed under either the RT-11 or Fuzzball operating systems; however, they can be sent to and received from other systems only under the Fuzzball operating system. The MMM program can be used with ordinary text data and no special peripheral devices other than a standard video or hardcopy terminal; however, full functionality requires special peripheral devices for non-text data. The Fuzzball operating system presently supports the Lincoln Laboratory LPCM Speech Codec for voice data input/output, the Dacom 450 Facsimile Transceiver for hardcopy image and facsimile data input/output and the Peritek VCG Color Bitmap Display for text, image, facsimile and graphics data presentation. Following is a summary of the data types, protocols and attributes presently supported: Data type Protocol Attributes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Text VERBATIM, PARAGRAPH size, font (Peritek VCG only) Image BITMAP width, height Voice LPC none Facsimile Rapicom-450-BLOCK none Graphics TEKTRONIX (see elsewhere) The MMM program is is used in interactive mode to compose and display multi-media messages. It consists of a number of overlayed modules which operate with special files, called mailbags, in RFC-759 format. A mailbag consists of a list structure containing one or more multi-media messages, each of which includes the message proper in Multi-Media Content Protocol (MMCP) format enclosed in an envelope in Multi-Media Transport Protocol (MMTP) format. A mailbag is queued by MMM for transmission to a designated Internet host, following which the system spooler daemon (PRTQ) transmits it using TCP and port number 45 as specified in RFC-759. Upon recognizing a TCP connection request on port 45, the TCP dispatcher (TELSRV) activates the MMM program in daemon mode to process the incoming mailbag. The program extracts messages from the mailbag and delivers them to the respective users and also queues acknowledgments for these messages, which are then returned to the sender via the system spooler daemon. Acknowledgements for previously sent messages may also be included in the mailbag. These are extracted by the MMM program and matched with previously sent but not acknowledged messages. Upon successful match the message and its acknowledgment are discarded. Each MMM message is saved in a separate file with extension MMM and can be separately extracted and read using the MMM program. As the message is read various data objects, including speech, image and text data, either displayed immediately or sent to the spooling system for possible forwarding to special devices that may be attached to other hosts. Alternativiely, the data objects can be stored in local files for later manipulation or playback. A MMM message is constructed from data previously recorded, including speech, image and text data stored in separate files. The MMM program is used to assemble these data objects in the message, include address and subject information and send the message to the spooling system for transmission. Facilities are included to answer and forward previously received messages. OPTIONS ANSWER Answer a previously received message. The program will prompt for the of the message, then prompt for each data item in turn ("Protocol?") as described under the SEND command. PLAY Playback MMM message previously read using the READ command. The program will display the message header followed by a request for disposition for each data object in the message. In each request the type and size of the object is displayed followed by the default device name. An empty line causes the data to be output to that device, which need not reside on the same machine. Alternatively, a causes the data to be stored in the file of that name with default extensions shown in the SEND command. QUIT Return to the CLI. READ Read MMM mailbag (default extension is MMM). SEND Compose and send an MMM message to one or more recipients. The program will prompt first for the "To:" list and expect a recipient in the usual form @ in each line, with the list terminated by a single . It will then prompt for the "Cc:" list in the same way. Next, it will prompt for the "Subject:" line and, finally, for each data item in turn ("Protocol?"). In response to the data-item prompt, the one of the following can be supplied: Name Data Type Extension ------------------------------------------- VERBAT ASCII Text TXT IMAGE Sun bitmap BIT VOICE LPCM Voice LPC FACSIM Dacom Facsimile FAX GRAPHI Tektronix Graphics TEK DOCUME MMM Message MMM The program will then ask for the name of the file containing the data type and insert it into the MMM message. The list of data types is terminated by an empty line. At this point the message is queued for transmission. SHOW Display data structure summary, including tallies of nodes, main storage, temporary files and file sizes. EXAMPLES .mmm DCN6.ARPA MMM User Process (11-Oct-84 Version) 05-Jan-86 01:47:28 *read msg56 *play Return-path: Received-from: USC-ISIB.ARPA by dcn6.arpa at 1985-12-24-02:43:57 Transaction: 6230 number 48444 Date: 1985-12-23-12:17:25,000-07:00 From: JKReynolds@USC-ISIB.ARPA Subject: Christmas Vision To: mills@dcn6.arpa, forsdick@bbn-diamond.arpa, rthomas@usc-isib.arpa, tcrowley@bbn-jade.arpa, rschaaf@usc-isib.arpa, rtomlinson@usc-isib.arpa, travers@bbn-diamond.arpa, clynn@bbn-diamond.arpa, khuber@bbn-diamonds.arpa, jsecunda@bbn-diamond.arpa --- Sequential presentation --- Image protocol BITMAP-1 [508x82 pels] (11 blocks): Destination [VCG:]? [The image appears immediately on the Peritek display.] Image protocol BITMAP-1 [504x471 pels] (58 blocks): Destination [VCG:]? joyce [The image is stored in the file JOYCE.BIT in Sun bitmap format for possible later display or transport to a Sun workstation or another Fuzzball.] *read msg55 *play Return-path: Received-from: bbn-diamond.arpa by DCN6.ARPA at 1985-11-07-17:33:50 Transaction: 350 number 1 Date: 1985-11-07-12:39:00,0-05:00 From: forsdick@bbn-diamond.ARPA Subject: Stock Market and Weather for November 7, 1985 To: Mills@DCN6.ARPA, MOConner@ISIB.ARPA Cc: Forsdick@BBN-Diamond.ARPA --- Sequential presentation --- Text protocol Verbatim-1 (2 blocks): Destination [TT:]? From the New York Times, Thursday November 7, 1985: With a concerted push from institutional investors in the waning minutes of trading, the Dow Jones industrial average jumped the historic 1,400 hurdle yesterday with relative ease, ending the day at 1,403.44. ... The Dow first closed above 1,000 on Nov. 14, 1972. It took more than 10 years, until Feb. 24, 1983, for it to finish above 1,100. In the rush of that year's bull market, it was just two months -- until April 26 -- before the Dow ended above 1,300. Text protocol Verbatim-1 (1 blocks): Destination [TT:]? Satellite Photo Nov 6 2 P.M. (EST) Image protocol BitMap-1 [664x459 pels] (75 blocks): Destination [VCG:]? [A satellite photograph appears immediately on the Peritek display.] Text protocol Verbatim-1 (1 blocks): Destination [TT:]? Low and middle clouds extend from New England to the Ohio Valley. A band of frontal clouds causing light and moderate rain extends from the upper lake region to Oklahoma. Skies are mostly clear over the southern portion of the country and the Midwest. Broken clouds and snow are visible over the Rockies and the Northwest. Image protocol BitMap-1 [683x494 pels] (83 blocks): Destination [VCG:]? [A weather map appears immediately on the Peritek display.] Voice protocol LPCM-1 (24 blocks): Destination [LPC:]? [The speech data are automatically stored in a spool file, transmitted to another Fuzzball equipped with an LPCM speech codec and decoded. Meanwhile, the operator dials a special PBX trunk (code 422 in our version) and hears the playback.] *send To? mills@dcn7 To? Cc? Subject? Test message Protocol? verbat Text protocol source? y.txt Protocol? image Image protocol source? joyce Protocol? ?MMM-I-Queue MILLS DK:VM3001.MMM[61] for [] *quit .ENDM .MACRO MSG MSG Mail reader program SYNTAX MSG ;invoke MSG.SAV ... ;-> is prompt Q(uit) or E(xit) or ^Z ;return to CLI SEMANTICS This module is part of the groupe of modules (SNDMSG,CRMAIL,SMTP) which form the mail system The purpose of MSG is to examine and operate on messages that are stored in the mail file. The program first attempts to open a given file which has to be in the mail format (created by CRMAIL). If it succeedes it creates a table which holds the information about each message. The information is : offset to that message and number of bytes in that message. After displaying the information about the file blocks: A maximum of 500 file blocks are available of which 70 are in use. it displayes a promt ' <- '. The process is now ready to accept the user command. Every command is followed by a message sequence which is composed of one of the following: 1) a number 2) two numbers separated by any nonnumeric character 3) one of the following special sequence characters: A - All messages D - Deleted messages E - Examined messages I - All messages in inverse order N - Not examined messages U - Undeleted messages The valid command characters and their operations are: A - Answers to the specified message The process first displayes the header of the message- Answer message: 1 09-Mar Mills at dcn3 COMSAT final report(298char) then it chains to the SNDMSG process to form the answer message. Below are the prompt fields issued by the SNDMSG process: From: - enter user address Reply-to (t or c): - request for the address that will appear on the 'To:' line in the answer message. In every case the address from the 'From:' field in the original message ( the senders address) is entered on the 'To:' line. The following are the options for the 'To:' line: [RET] - only the senders address t - senders address and all the address in the 'To:' field of the original message c - senders address, all the addresses in the original 'To:' field and all the addresses in the original 'Cc:' field. Cc: - Additional address Message: - text of the message ^Z terminates the message after which the program chains back to the MSG. Note that the user is not prompted for the subject. The answer messsage uses the same subject title that was in the original message prefixed by 'Re:'. The only time when the user is promted for the subject is when the original message does not have that field. (for more information check SNDMSG) B - Backup, print previous message It prints the message in the same format as in t command C - Print the information about the current message number and file name: Current message number is 36 of 37 messages in the file UNSENT.MSG A maximum of 500 file blocks are availableof which 70 are in use. D - Mark a given message sequence for deletion. The message remains part of the file until the file is updated. E - Exit the program and update the open file Examines all of the messages and deletes the ones that are marked for deletion. F - Forward one or more messages The process first displayes headers of all the messages that have to be forwarded: Forward message(s): 1 09-Mar Mills at dcn3 COMSAT final report After this the process chains to SNDMSG which will build the message that has to be forwarded. (check SNDMSG for explanation of promt fields). The first part of the message text is the text that the user types in. The second part is the inserted forwarded message(s). Forwarded text is preceeded by the line that says- --- beginning of forwarded message --- and ended by the line --- end of forwarded message --- ^Z will complete the message and chain back to MSG. G - Set the current message number to the one given H - Print the header information of the given message sequence Prints the message number, date, from filed and the first 30 characters of the subject field: 1 09-Mar Mills at dcn3 COMSAT final report I - Include the byte count in the headers It is an ON/OFF switch giving either a prompt Length included or Length NOT included in the present implementation the length is always included L - Create a listing file of the given message sequence After entering the l command with the message sequence the process prompts for the file name - List file name: and then copies all the required message into the given file N - Next, print next message Same action as the t command P - Put a message from the open file into another file The file created of the specified subset of messages is again in the mail file format Q - Quit the msg program Quits the MSG program closing the mail file without updating it (see E command) S - Chain to SNDMSG chains to SNDMSG process inorder to create a new message (for more information see SNDMSG) R - Use the given file as the active file It opens a message file. If another message file was already active it closes that file and issues a prompt - Mail file name: The new file becomes an active mail file T - Displayes a given message sequence to the console U - Unmark a given message sequence for deletion - Mark a given message sequence as examined - - Mark a given message sequence as not examined ! - Search the file "UNSENT.TXT" ? - Type a list of valid command characters to the console Prints the text from the msg.hlp file OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO NETCLK NETCLK Network set-clock program SYNTAX NETCLK ;invoke NETCLK.SAV SEMANTICS This program can be used to set the local host date and time from a remote host supporting an RFC-868 compatible time server. The defaults to DCN1.ARPA, which is presently synchronized to NBS Radio WWVB to within a few milliseconds. OPTIONS None EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO NETWORK NETWORK Network Process commands SYNTAX SET ;CLI command SEMANTICS See USER process commands and GENERAL help information OPTIONS ASG This command is used for special network processes that can process ASCII data in addition to ordinary datagrams. It is used to establish the process or device as the destination of ASCII data received via the link. CMD List the available commands. Additional information is available with the HELP program. DEVICE Display a formatted summary of the device table, which establishes the association between the logical and physical names of each process together with additional data. If is a valid logical name, the data associated with that process is displayed. If is defaulted the entire table is displayed. IDENT
Set the address assigned to the link to
. Note that these values are constructed automatically during normal system operations, so that this command is intended only for exceptional circumstances. OFF The ON and OFF commands can be used to set and clear bits in the options word of the parameter area associated with the process. The ON command sets the option bits corresponding to the one bits of (which is an octal value) to one, while the OFF command sets these bits to to zero. Options for the network process are as follows: 10 Link enable (OFF: enable, ON: disable) 11 HELLO neighbor (OFF: enable, ON: disable) 13 External loopback (OFF: disable, ON: enable) 14 HELLO messages (OFF: disable, ON: enable) ON (see the OFF command) SHOW Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest, including packet tallies, network parameters and addresses. SIZE Set the buffer size for inbound datagrams and the maximum fragment size for outbound datagrams to . Note that the size is ordinarily set at the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size, which is an intrinsic parameter of the network, so that this command is intended only for exceptional circumstances. STATUS Display a formatted summary of device-dependent status variables. The interpretation of these data depend on the various device drivers used. There are several formats for the status information depending upon the network driver and configuration. Among these are the following: Code Driver/network -------------------------------- ARP ARPAnet 1822 DH protocol DCN DCnet network link DMV DCNet DMV11 network link ETH Ethernet HDH ARPAnet HDH protocol PCG IBM PCIP gateway PKT AX.25 packet radio X25 X.25 network link EXAMPLES .set lh0 cmd Commands are: CMD SHO ON OFF ID SIZ STA .set lh0 sho Process type: 000027 options: 040000 Subnet: DCN status: 0 min buf: 0 retry: 3750 Foreign address: [] max size: 256 Input packets: 0 bad format: 0 bad checksum: 0 returned: 0 dropped: 0 HELLO msgs: 0 ICMP msgs: 0 Output packets: 29 Input errors: 0 Output errors: 0 No buffer: 0 .ENDM .MACRO NIFTP NIFTP Network-independent file transfer program SYNTAX NIFTP ;invoke NIFTP.SAV ... QUIT ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS The Network-Independent File Transfer Protocol (NIFTP) has been the object of an ongoing standardization effort in the United Kingdom. The current specifications are given in a document called the Blue Book and published by the National Physical Laboratory in 1980. A subset of this protocol is supported for file transfers between Fuzzball hosts and certain TOPS-20 ARPANET hosts using two programs, the NIFTP User, a PDP11 program written in the C language by Steve Treadwell and the NIFTP Server, a TOPS-20 program written in the BCPL language by Chris Bennett, both of University College London. The NIFTP User runs in interactive mode on a Fuzzball host. The NIFTP Server resides at a TOPS-20 ARPANET host (presently USC-ISIE) and is activated upon receipt of a TCP connection on port 47. The NIFTP User is controlled by user commands in the same way as the Command Language Interpreter (CLI) and other user programs. It in turn controls the NIFTP Server by the protocol specified in the Blue Book. These programs can also be used with other implementations conforming to the Blue Book protocol. A file transfer operation proceeds by first specifying the remote host using the CONNECT command and then the user name and password using the LOGIN command. Following this, the SEND and GET commands are used to transfer files to and from the remote host as required. For each transfer a connection is established to the NIFTP Server, which verifies the user name and password and establishes the working directory, following which the file transfer takes place. At the conclusion of the file transfer the connection is closed. The QUIT command is used to exit to the CLI. The NIFTP User is normally controls all connection and file-transfer operations. The syntax of NIFTP User commands is similar to that of CLI commands and consists of a keyword followed by a list of arguments separated by spaces. Only the first three characters of a keyword are significant. In the case of some commands expecting two file names as arguments, if the second argument is missing a copy of the first argument replaces it. Ordinarily this convention leads to the intended action; however, there are cases where misdirected use of this feature can result in unintended actions. The NIFTP User prompt is "*", signifying the program is ready for the next command. A prompt appears as each command sequence is completed with the NIFTP Server. Prompts will not appear following commands which have only local significance or in which errors are detected. OPTIONS ABORT If a data transfer is not in progress, do nothing. Else, send the NIFTP Server ABORT signal and wait for the connection to be closed from the remote end. ASCII The ASCII and IMAGE commands set the mode for subsequent file transfers. The default is ASCII. BRIEF The BRIEF and VERBOSE commands control output of detailed commentary dialog. BRIEF disables this and VERBOSE enables it. The default is BRIEF. CONNECT Set the and for a subsequent file transfer. The specification is in the form n1,n2,n3,n4, where n1,...,n4 are decimal integers with values in the range 0-255, and the default is the ARPANET host USC-ISID (10,1,0,27). The specification is a decimal number in the range 0-32767 with a default of 47 (NIFTP). GET Open a connection to the remote host previously specified by the CONNECT, LOGIN and ASCII/IMAGE commands. Then transfer the file on the remote host to on the local host. The must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters, while the must be a valid RT-11 file name or sequential device name. If is missing, assume the string in its place. HELP Display helpful information, including a list of commands. IMAGE (see the ASCII command) LOGIN Specify the and for subsequent data transfers. Both and must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters. QUIT Execute an implied ABORT command and exit to the CLI. SEND Open a connection to the remote host previously specified by the CONNECT, LOGIN and ASCII/IMAGE commands. Then transfer the file on the local host to on the remote host. The must be a valid RT-11 file or sequential device name, while the must contain no more than 40 ASCII printing characters. If is missing, assume the string in its place. SHOW Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest, including the current host, file and block number. VERBOSE (see the BRIEF command) EXAMPLES None .ENDM .MACRO PING PING Internet measurements program SYNTAX PING ;invoke PING.SAV ... QUIT ;exit to CLI SEMANTICS The Packet InterNet Groper (PING) is an internet measurement and debugging tool. It can function both as a user and server and is normally run in interactive mode by a user at a Fuzzball host. PING is designed to send datagrams to cooperating internet hosts and gateways which echo these datagrams to the sender. The roundtrip delays are then recorded and used to develop summary statistics and histograms. PING is not designed to test throughput capabilities, since only a single datagram is allowed on the roudtrip path. Ordinarily, PING datagrams use the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo and Echo Reply messages, since these are echoed by many Internet hosts and gateways, including all those using the Fuzzball internet software. However, the ICMP datagram formats can be used with other protocol numbers in the IP header. A PING operation proceeds by first opening a raw-datagram connection with the remote host using the CONNECT command. The PING command is used to begin a volley of ICMP Echo - ICMP Echo Reply exchanges between the local and remote hosts. Roundtrip delay samples are recorded in a buffer capable of holding about 500 samples. Finally, the SHOW command is used to select the format and display the results. The QUIT command is used to exit to the CLI. OPTIONS ABORT Terminate the PING volley and ignore subsequent datagrams. BRIEF The BRIEF and VERBOSE commands control output of detailed commentary dialog. BRIEF disables this and VERBOSE enables it. The default is VERBOSE. CLOSE Close the data-collection file. CONNECT Open a raw-datagram connection to with specified. The is a decimal integer In the range 0-255 and defaults to 1 (ICMP). CREATE Create a data-collection file for delay samples. As each ICMP Echo Reply message is received from the network and the roundtrip delay is calculated the value is written to the file as a 16-bit integer. DISCONNECT Execute an implied ABORT command and close the raw-datagram connection. HELP Display helpful information, including a list of commands. LOCAL Set the local address to , with default the local primary address. This feature can be used to select local secondary addresses in the case of a multi-homed host. OFF The ON and OFF commands are used to set and clear selected options. The ON command enables the selected option and the OFF command disables it. Options supported include: ACK Controls response to the ICMP Echo datagram (OFF: process, ON: return AN ICMP Echo Reply datagram) DUMP Controls printing of the IP header (OFF: disable, ON: enable) TIME Controls packet type (OFF: ICMP Echo, ON: ICMP Timestamp) TRACE Controls printing of the datagram header, including the roundtrip delay and clock offsets (OFF: disable, ON: enable) ON (see the OFF command) OPTION ... Specify the Internet source route as the sequence ... (up to nine). Set the option code in the IP options field to (octal), where code is 203 (loose source route), 207 (record route) or 211 (strict source route). PING Begin a PING volley with the selected remote host and protocol. The number of roundtrip volleys requested is , which defaults to one. QUIT Execute an implied DISCONNECT command and return to the CLI. RESTART Resume a PING volley with the select remote host and protocol. This command is useful after a PING datagram has been lost in the network. ROUTE ... Specify the Internet source route as the sequence ... (up to nine). SHOW Display a formatted summary of various quantitites of interest, including the current host and PING headers. The selects the format of the display. If it is SUMMARY the data printed include the number of volleys together with the mean, minimum, maximum and overflow of the samples collected. If it is HISTOGRAM a histogram of the samples collected is printed. SIZE Set the maximum datagram size to octets, including the Internet header. The can be FIXED (default) or RANDOM. In the latter case the size is uniformly distributed on the interval 40 to octets. TIME