.TITLE HOSTS Internet name/address tables .NLIST BEX .ENABL LC ; ; Internet name/address tables ; ; This program reads a copy of the Internet host table HOSTS.TXT and ; constructs a hash-coded output file used by the NAME subroutine. ; ; The format of HOSTS.TXT is documented in RFC-810, "DoD Internet Host ; Table Specification." There are three line types: ; ; NET : NET-ADDR : NETNAME : ; GATEWAY : ADDR[,ADDR] : NAME[,NAME] : CPUTYPE : OPSYS : PROTOCOLS : ; HOST : ADDR[,ADDR : NAME[,NAME] : CPUTYPE : OPSYS : PROTOCOLS : ; ; Where: ; ; ADDR = internet address in decimal, e.g., ; CPUTYPE = machine type (PDP-11/70, VAX-11/780, FOONLY-F3, C/30, etc.) ; OPSYS = operating system (UNIX, TOPS-20, TENEX, ITS, etc.) ; PROTOCOLS = transport/service (NCP/FTP,TCP/TELNET,TCP/FTP, etc.) ; : (colon) = field delimiter ; :: (2 colons) = null field ; ; Only the HOST and GATEWAY line types and ADDR, NAME and PROTOCOLS fields are ; used by this program. An additional line type DOMAIN not in RFC-810 is used ; to define name servers (see RFC-882 and RFC-883). Spaces and comments are ; ignored. The flags byte is derived in part from the PROTOCOLS field and ; coded as follows: ; ; Code Function ; ------ ----------------------------------------------- ; TELNET supports virtual-terminal (tcp/telnet) protocol ; SMTP supports mail-transfer (tcp/smtp) protocol ; FTP supports file-transfer (tcp/ftp) protocol ; D domain entry ; N name entry ; P pointer entry ; M more entries follow ; ; The output file consists of a set of block lists, one for each block ; (512 bytes) Items in each block list are of the following three types: ; ; 1 4 4 4 or n+1 ; +-----+-------+-------+---//---+ ; 0 |flags|address| link | name | principal name and address ; +-----+-------+-------+---//---+ ; +-----+-------+-------+---//---+ ; 1 |flags|pointer| link | name | additional name ; +-----+-------+-------+---//---+ ; +-----+-------+-------+-------+ ; 2 |flags|pointer| link |address| additional address ; +-----+-------+-------+-------+ ; ; Each HOST, GATEWAY and DOMAIN line produces a sublist of items, the first ; of which is a type-0 header and the remainder type-1 or type-2 items. The ; flags field consists of a single byte and is coded as below. The address ; field consists of a four-byte Internet address, while the name field ; consists of an n-byte ASCII name followed by a zero-byte terminator. The ; pointer field contains the four-byte block number and offset of the header, ; while the link field contains the four-byte block number and offset of the ; next item in the list. The link field of the last item is zero. ; ; External symbols ; .GLOBL RDDEC,RDASC,HASH,FORMAT ; ; Entry symbols ; .GLOBL RDBYT,PRBYT ;character i/o routines ; ; System definitions ; .ASECT .MCALL .CSIGE,.PRINT,.TTYOU ;rt-11 macroni .MCALL .READW,.WRITW,.WAIT,.CLOSE,.PURGE .MCALL DFSRV ;netlib macroni DFSRV ;define service bits ; ; Module definitions ; HT = 011 ;horizontal tabulation LF = 012 ;ascii line feed CR = 015 ;ascii carriage return ; ; Procedure segment ; .PSECT ; ; Main program ; ; Usage: outfile,dbfile=infile[/option],... ; outfile output hash-coded name/address file ; dbfile output format file (rfc-883 format) ; infile input text name/address file (rfc-810 format) ; ; Options ; s:maxblk size of output file (blocks) ; a edit .arpa domain name ; ; Initialize files and things ; HOSTS: MOV @#42,SP ;reset stack .CSIGE @#50,#DEFEXT,#0 ;get file spec BCS HOSTS ;branch if error MOV #BASE,R1 ;initialize 1$: CLR (R1)+ CMP R1,#STOEND BLO 1$ MOV #256.,MAXBLK MOV #3,CHAN TST (SP)+ ;pop off option count 2$: CMP SP,@#42 ;more switches specified BHIS 5$ ;branch if no MOV (SP)+,R1 ;yes. get option switch BPL 3$ ;branch if no value MOV (SP)+,R0 ;value. retrieve it CMPB R1,#'S ;is this s:value BNE 3$ ;branch if no MOV R0,MAXBLK ;yes. stash max blocks BR 2$ ; 3$: CMPB R1,#'A ;is this a BNE 4$ ;branch if no MOV R1,ARPMOD ;yes. save file number BR 2$ ; 4$: .PRINT #COM15 ;invalid switch specification BR HOSTS ; 5$: .WAIT #0 ;is output file specified BCS 8$ ;branch if no CLR R1 ;yes. clear output fule 6$: .WRITW #ARGBLK,#0,#WBUF,#256.,R1 BCC 7$ ;branch if no .PRINT #COM11 ;output file i/o error BR HOSTS ; 7$: INC R1 ;advance to next block CMP R1,MAXBLK BLO 6$ ;branch if more CLR RBLK ;done. initialize MOV #RBUF+512.,RPTR CLR HCNT 8$: .WAIT #1 ;is output format file specified BCS HSH1 ;branch if no MOV #LBUF,LPTR ;yes. direct format output there ; ; Scan line and extract host/gateway info ; HSH1: CLRB CHAR ;unlock next line CLRB SPEC JSR PC,HASH ;is key "HOST" CMP R0,#<^RHOS> BNE 1$ ;branch if no INC HSTCNT ;yes. tally that BR HSH4 ; 1$: CMP R0,#<^RGAT> ;is key "GATEWAY" BNE 2$ ;branch if no INC GATCNT ;yes. tally that BR HSH44 ; 2$: CMP R0,#<^RDOM> ;is key "DOMAIN" BNE 3$ ;branch if no INC NAMCNT ;yes. tally that BR HSH44 ; 3$: CMP R0,#<^RNET> ;is key "NET" BNE 4$ ;branch if no INC NETCNT ;yes. tally that 4$: JSR PC,RDASC ;skip this line BNE 4$ BR HSH1 ; ; Construct address list, name list and flags ; HSH44: BISB #D,SPEC ;suppress address inversion HSH4: INC HCNT ;tally line MOV #ADRLST,R1 ;copy address fields 1$: JSR PC,RDDEC MOVB R0,(R1)+ CMPB CHAR,#': ;is this field separator BNE 1$ ;branch if no CLRB @R1 ;yes. insert list backstop MOV #NAMLST,R1 ;copy name fields 2$: MOV R1,R2 ;parse next field 3$: JSR PC,RDASC CMPB CHAN,ARPMOD+1 ;is this .arpa modifier BNE 5$ ;branch if no CMPB R0,#'. ;yes. is this domain separator BNE 5$ ;branch if no MOV R2,R1 ;yes. ignore this field 4$: JSR PC,RDASC ;*** only works for current nic format *** CMPB R0,#', BEQ 2$ CMPB R0,#': BEQ 12$ BR 4$ ; 5$: CMPB R0,#', ;is this entry separator BNE 8$ ;branch if no CMPB CHAN,ARPMOD+1 ;is this .arpa modifier BNE 7$ ;branch if no MOV #ARPA,R0 ;yes. append ".arpa" 6$: MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ BNE 6$ BR 2$ ; 7$: CLRB (R1)+ ;insert entry backstop BR 2$ ; 8$: CMPB R0,#': ;is this field separator BEQ 9$ ;branch if yes MOVB R0,(R1)+ ;no. copy char BR 3$ ; 9$: CMPB CHAN,ARPMOD+1 ;is this .arpa modifier BNE 11$ ;branch if no MOV #ARPA,R0 ;yes. append ".arpa" 10$: MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ BNE 10$ BR 12$ ; 11$: CLRB (R1)+ ;insert entry backstop 12$: CLRB (R1)+ ;insert list backstop JSR PC,SKIP ;skip cpu field JSR PC,SKIP ;skip opsys field 13$: JSR PC,HASH ;get next service spec BEQ HSH2 ;branch if none CMP R0,#<^RTEL> ;update flag bits BNE 14$ BISB #TELNET,SPEC 14$: CMP R0,#<^RFTP> BNE 15$ BISB #FTP,SPEC 15$: CMP R0,#<^RSMT> BNE 13$ BISB #SMTP,SPEC BR 13$ ; ; Process address and name lists ; HSH2: BISB #N,SPEC ;switch to name format BICB #P,SPEC MOV #NAMLST,NAMPTR ;insert principal entry MOV #ADRLST,ADRPTR MOV NAMPTR,R0 ;compute size 1$: TSTB (R0)+ BNE 1$ SUB NAMPTR,R0 MOV R0,SIZE DEC R0 ;hash name to block BEQ HSH2A MOV NAMPTR,R1 JSR PC,HASHY MOV R0,SBLK JSR PC,INSERT ;insert entry BICB #N,SPEC ;switch to address format BISB #P,SPEC ADD SIZE,NAMPTR ;insert inverted entries MOV NAMPTR,-(SP) MOV #KEY,NAMPTR MOV #4,SIZE 2$: TSTB @ADRPTR ;insert next address BEQ HSH3 ;branch if none MOV SIZE,R0 ;hash address to block MOV ADRPTR,R1 JSR PC,HASHY MOV R0,SBLK JSR PC,INSERT ;insert entry ADD SIZE,ADRPTR ;advance to next address BR 2$ ; HSH3: MOV (SP)+,NAMPTR ;restore pointer HSH2A: MOV #ADRLST,ADRPTR BISB #N+P,SPEC ;switch to secondary name format 1$: TSTB @NAMPTR ;insert next secondary name BEQ 4$ ;branch if none MOV NAMPTR,R0 ;compute size 2$: TSTB (R0)+ BNE 2$ SUB NAMPTR,R0 MOV R0,SIZE DEC R0 ;hash name to block MOV NAMPTR,R1 JSR PC,HASHY MOV R0,SBLK JSR PC,INSERT ;insert entry 3$: ADD SIZE,NAMPTR BR 1$ ; 4$: JMP HSH1 ;done. solicit next filespec ; ; Subroutine to read byte from input file ; Returns r0 = char, cc(z) = 1 if end line ; RDBYT: CMPB CHAR,#LF ;is line empty BEQ 4$ ;branch if yes CMP RPTR,#RBUF+512. ;no. is buffer empty BLO 2$ ;branch if no 1$: .READW #ARGBLK,CHAN,#RBUF,#256.,RBLK ;yes. read block BCS 5$ ;branch if error INC RBLK MOV #RBUF,RPTR 2$: MOVB @RPTR,R0 ;fetch byte INC RPTR BIC #^C177,R0 CMPB R0,#<' > BEQ RDBYT ;delete space CMPB R0,#LF BEQ 3$ ;end on CMPB CHAR,#'; BEQ RDBYT ;delete ";" and rest of line MOVB R0,CHAR ;normal exit CLZ RTS PC ; 3$: MOVB R0,CHAR ;end line exit 4$: CLR R0 RTS PC ; 5$: TSTB @#52 ;is this end file BEQ 6$ ;branch if yes .PRINT #COM13 ;no. input file i/o error BR EXIT ; 6$: INC CHAN ;advance to next filespec .WAIT CHAN BCS 7$ ;branch if not there CLR RBLK BR 1$ 7$: .PRINT #COM10 ;processing complete EXIT: .CLOSE #0 ;tidy up JSR PC,PREOF MOV TOTSIZ+2,R1 ;compute mean block size MOV TOTSIZ,R0 DIV MAXBLK,R0 MOV R0,TOTSIZ MOV #COM12,R0 ;print statistics MOV #BASE,R1 JSR PC,FMT JMP HOSTS ; ; Subroutine to skip a field ; SKIP: JSR PC,RDBYT ;snarf a char BEQ 1$ ;branch if empty line CMPB CHAR,#': BNE SKIP ;branch if not end of field 1$: RTS PC ; ; Subroutine to write byte to terminal ; R0 = byte ; PRBYT: TST LPTR ;is output file open BNE 1$ ;branch if yes .TTYOU ;no. easy come, easy go RTS PC ; 1$: MOVB R0,@LPTR ;stash byte INC LPTR CMP LPTR,#LBUF+512. ;is buffer full BHIS PREOF ;branch if yes RTS PC ; ; Subroutine to flush output format buffer ; PREOF: CMP LPTR,#LBUF ;is output format buffer empty BLOS 3$ ;branch if yes 1$: CMP LPTR,#LBUF+512. ;no. zero-fill block BHIS 2$ CLRB @LPTR INC LPTR BR 1$ ; 2$: .WRITW #ARGBLK,#1,#LBUF,#256.,LBLK ;yes. write buffer BCS 4$ ;branch if error INC LBLK MOV #LBUF,LPTR 3$: RTS PC ; 4$: .PRINT #COM11 ;output file i/o error JMP HOSTS ; ; Subroutine to insert entry in output file ; ADRPTR -> address pointer, NAMPTR -> name pointer, SPEC = flags ; SIZE = name length, SBLK = hash block ; Returns WBLK = block/offset ; INSERT: MOV R1,-(SP) ;preserve registers MOV R2,-(SP) INC COUNT TST LPTR ;is output format file open BEQ INS21 ;branch if no CLR R2 BITB #N,SPEC ;yes. is this name BEQ 2$ ;branch if no MOV NAMPTR,R1 ;yes. copy it 1$: MOVB (R1)+,R0 BEQ 3$ JSR PC,PRBYT INC R2 BR 1$ ; 2$: CMP ADRPTR,#ADRLST ;suppress principal inversion BEQ INS21 3$: CMP R2,#24. ;tab for align BHIS 4$ MOVB #HT,R0 JSR PC,PRBYT ADD #8.,R2 BR 3$ ; 4$: BITB #N,SPEC ;is this cname BEQ 5$ ;branch if no BITB #P,SPEC BEQ 5$ ;branch if no MOV #FMT1,R0 ;yes. cname record MOV #NAMLST,R1 JSR PC,FORMAT BR INS21 ; 5$: MOV #FMT2,R0 ;a record MOV ADRPTR,R1 JSR PC,FORMAT INS21: .WAIT #0 ;is output file open BCS 2$ ;branch if no MOV SBLK,WBLK ;yes. chug along CLR RCNT 1$: INC RCNT ;read that block .READW #ARGBLK,#0,#WBUF,#256.,WBLK BCC 3$ ;branch if no error .PRINT #COM11 ;output file i/o error JMP EXIT ; 2$: JMP INS20 ; 3$: MOV #WBUF,R1 ;scan block for hole 4$: TSTB @R1 ;is this hole BEQ 7$ ;branch if yes BITB #N,HT.FLG(R1) ;no. is this name entry BEQ 6$ ;branch if no ADD #HT.LEN,R1 ;yes. advance to next entry 5$: TSTB (R1)+ BNE 5$ BR 4$ ; 6$: ADD #HT.LEN+4,R1 ;advance to next entry BR 4$ 7$: MOV #WBUF+511.-HT.LEN,R0 ;hole. compute size left SUB SIZE,R0 CMP R1,R0 ;will string fit BLOS INS2 ;branch if yes INC OVRFLO ;no. try next block INC WBLK CMP WBLK,MAXBLK BLO 8$ CLR WBLK 8$: CMP WBLK,SBLK ;has read wrapped completely around BNE 1$ ;branch if no .PRINT #COM14 ;output file full JMP EXIT ; ; Insert entry in file ; INS2: MOV R1,WBLK+2 ;save pointer MOVB SPEC,(R1)+ ;copy flags MOV ADRPTR,R0 ;copy address/pointer BITB #P,SPEC BEQ 1$ MOV #KEY,R0 1$: MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ CLRB (R1)+ ;insert link CLRB (R1)+ CLRB (R1)+ CLRB (R1)+ MOV ADRPTR,R0 ;copy address/name BITB #N,SPEC BEQ 3$ MOV NAMPTR,R0 3$: MOV SIZE,R2 4$: MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ SOB R2,4$ MOV R1,R2 ;update statistics SUB #WBUF,R1 CMP R1,MAXSIZ BLOS 5$ MOV R1,MAXSIZ 5$: SUB WBLK+2,R2 ADD R2,TOTSIZ+2 ADC TOTSIZ CMP RCNT,MAXRED BLOS 6$ MOV RCNT,MAXRED 6$: CMP RCNT,#1 ;is this overflow BLOS 9$ ;branch if no MOV WBLK+2,R2 ;yes. advise that fact MOV #DBG1,R0 MOV #BASE,R1 JSR PC,FMT MOV WBLK+2,R1 MOV #DBG2,R0 BITB HT.FLG(R2),#P BEQ 7$ MOV #DBG3,R0 7$: JSR PC,FMT MOV #DBG4,R0 BITB HT.FLG(R2),#N BEQ 8$ MOV #DBG5,R0 8$: JSR PC,FMT 9$: SUB #WBUF,WBLK+2 ;construct offset .WRITW #ARGBLK,#0,#WBUF,#256.,WBLK ;re-write block BCS 10$ ;branch if error BITB #P,SPEC ;is this header BEQ 12$ ;branch if yes .READW #ARGBLK,#0,#WBUF,#256.,LINK ;read previous block BCS 10$ ;branch if error MOV #WBLK,R0 ;insert link MOV LINK+2,R1 BISB #M,WBUF+HT.FLG(R1) ADD #WBUF+HT.LNK,R1 MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ MOVB (R0)+,(R1)+ .WRITW #ARGBLK,#0,#WBUF,#256.,LINK ;re-write block BCC 11$ ;branch if no error 10$: .PRINT #COM11 ;output file i/o error JMP EXIT ; 12$: MOV WBLK,KEY ;save pointer MOV WBLK+2,KEY+2 11$: MOV WBLK,LINK ;save link MOV WBLK+2,LINK+2 INS20: MOV (SP)+,R2 ;exit MOV (SP)+,R1 RTS PC ; ; Subroutine to hash string ; Hash function: (x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x^2 + x + 1) ; R0 = length, r1 = pointer, returns r0 = hash value ; HASHY: MOV R1,-(SP) ;preserve registers MOV R2,-(SP) MOV R3,-(SP) MOV R4,-(SP) MOV R5,-(SP) MOV R1,R5 ;initialize CLR R1 MOV #3507,R3 ;(x^10 + x^9 + x^8 + x^6 + x^2 + x + 1) 1$: MOVB (R5)+,R4 ;get octet MOV #8.,R2 ;galois gallop 2$: RORB R4 ROL R1 BIT #2000,R1 BEQ 3$ XOR R3,R1 3$: SOB R2,2$ ;for 8 bits SOB R0,1$ ;for that many octets MOV R1,R0 MUL MAXBLK,R0 ASHC #6,R0 MOV (SP)+,R5 ;restore registers MOV (SP)+,R4 MOV (SP)+,R3 MOV (SP)+,R2 MOV (SP)+,R1 RTS PC ; ; Subroutine to display formatted statistics line ; R0 = string pointer, r1 = data pointer ; FMT: MOV LPTR,-(SP) ;switch to display CLR LPTR JSR PC,FORMAT MOV (SP)+,LPTR ;switch back RTS PC ; ; Constants ; DEFEXT: .RAD50 'TXTDATDNS ' ;default extensions COM15: .ASCIZ '?HOSTS-F-Invalid option' COM11: .ASCIZ '?HOSTS-F-Output file i/o error' COM13: .ASCIZ '?HOSTS-F-Input file i/o error' COM14: .ASCIZ '?HOSTS-F-Output file full' COM10: .ASCIZ 'Processing completed' COM12: .ASCII ' Number of lines: ^I''^/' .ASCII ' Number of entries: ^I''^/' .ASCII ' Mean block size: ^I''^/' .ASCII ' Max block size: ^I''^/' .ASCII ' Overflow entries: ^I''^/' .ASCII ' Max file reads: ^I''^/' .ASCII 'Nets: ^I'' gateways: ^I' .ASCIZ ' hosts: ^I'' name servers: ^I' DBG1: .ASCIZ '^I'' ^I'' ^+' DBG2: .ASCIZ '^BK'<0>' ^C'<1>' ^BK'<5>' ^BK'<6>' ^BK'<7>' ^BK'<10>'^+' DBG3: .ASCII '^BK'<0>' ^BK'<1>' ^BK'<2>' ^BK'<3>' ^BK'<4> .ASCIZ ' ^BK'<5>' ^BK'<6>' ^BK'<7>' ^BK'<10>'^+' DBG4: .ASCIZ ' ^C'<11> DBG5: .ASCIZ ' ^A'<11> FMT1: .ASCIZ 'IN CNAME ^A'<0> FMT2: .ASCIZ 'IN A ^BI'<0>'.^BI'<1>'.^BI'<2>'.^BI'<3> ARPA: .ASCIZ '.ARPA' .EVEN ; ; Variables ; BASE = . ;statistics block base HCNT: .BLKW 1 ;number of lines COUNT: .BLKW 1 ;number of entries TOTSIZ: .BLKW 2 ;total size of all entries MAXSIZ: .BLKW 1 ;max size used any block OVRFLO: .BLKW 1 ;overflow entries MAXRED: .BLKW 1 ;max file reads NETCNT: .BLKW 1 ;count of NET lines GATCNT: .BLKW 1 ;count of GATEWAY lines HSTCNT: .BLKW 1 ;count of HOST lines NAMCNT: .BLKW 1 ;count of NAME-SERVER lines; ARGBLK: .BLKW 5 ;rt-11 argument block CHAN: .BLKW 1 ;input file channel ARPMOD: .BLKW 1 ;.arpa modifier file number MAXBLK: .BLKW 1 ;size of output file (blocks) SIZE: .BLKW 1 ;size of entry ADRPTR: .BLKW 1 ;address list pointer NAMPTR: .BLKW 1 ;name list pointer RBLK: .BLKW 1 ;input file block RPTR: .BLKW 1 ;input buffer pointer RCNT: .BLKW 1 ;file reads SBLK: .BLKW 1 ;initial output block LBLK: .BLKW 1 ;output format block LPTR: .BLKW 1 ;output format pointer KEY: .BLKW 2 ;header block/offset LINK: .BLKW 2 ;link block/offset WBLK: .BLKW 2 ;output block/offset RBUF: .BLKW 256. ;input buffer WBUF: .BLKW 256. ;output buffer LBUF: .BLKW 256. ;output format buffer ADRLST: .BLKW 50.*2 ;address list NAMLST: .BLKB 512. ;name list SPEC: .BLKB 1 ;flags CHAR: .BLKB 1 ;break char .EVEN STOEND = . ;end of erasable area ; .END HOSTS