This directory contains random information regarding PDP-11s. 1183.dip KDJ11B DIP switch settings (11/73, /83, /84 CPU board). absldr.txt Format of records in absolute loader tapes (or .LDA files). delua.txt DIP switch settings for DELUA ethernet board, courtesy of Alan Sieving of QED. dl11.txt Pinout of the 40-pin Berg connector on a DL11. dlv11j.txt Pinout of the 10-pin Berg connector on a DLV11-J dos11.txt Format of a DOS11 9-track magtape (or TK50) label. edge-dec.* Definition of DEC 36-pin edge connector for PCBs. This is the connector used on most DEC boards; use two for dual height PCBs, four for quads, etc. edge-dec.src is a part definition for OrCAD/SDT (use with COMPOSER.EXE), edge-dec.d is a part decal for PADS-PCB (N.B. "CHECK SPACING" function will find shorts within the part since each finger is made up of four overlapping pads, these errors may be safely ignored), and edge-dec.bas is the BASIC program that created edge-dec.d based on the dimensions of each part of the finger (for easy tweaking). fpp.txt Data formats for floating point numbers on PDP-11, PDP-10, x87. ibv11.txt Pinout of the 20-pin Berg connector on an IBV11-A. mac-mode.el Paul Koning's Emacs mode for editing MACRO-11 source code. m9312.txt Some notes on using an M9312 boot/diag board. pertec.txt Overview of the Pertec formatted interface, for 9-track tape drives. qbus.cpu Leonhard Schneider's list of Q-bus CPU features & chipsets. rhutlz.txt RH11 module utilization chart. tqk25.txt DIP switch and jumper settings for TQK25/M7605. tu58.txt Pinout of the 10-pin Berg connector on a TU58.