10 ' Program to define DEC edge connectors. By John Wilson, 06/11/95. 20 OPEN "EDGE-DEC.D" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 30 PRINT #1, "EDGE-DEC I 5097 5000 0 0 0 0 144 144" 100 ' Define dimensions (in mils): 110 woval% = 40 'width of oval part at top 120 hoval% = 85 'height of oval part at top above rect 130 wrect% = 72 'width of rectangular part 140 hrect% = 400 'height of rectangular part 150 wplate% = 20 'width of plating connection 160 hplate% = 50 'height of plating connection on board 170 hbar% = 250 'height of plating conn to plating bar 1000 ' Set locations of centers where tracks connect. 1010 x1% = (wrect% - woval%) / 2 1020 y1% = (hplate% + hrect% + hoval%) - (woval% / 2) 1030 FOR x% = 2182 TO 57 STEP -250 'define locs of stubbies (1-36) 1040 PRINT #1, "T"; x% + x1%; y1% 'top side, right pin 1050 PRINT #1, "T"; x% + x1%; y1% 'bottom side, right pin 1060 PRINT #1, "T"; x% - 125 - x1%; y1% 'top side, left pin 1070 PRINT #1, "T"; x% - 125 - x1%; y1% 'bottom side, left pin 1080 NEXT x% 2000 ' Set locations of oval parts at top of fingers. 2010 x1% = (wrect% - woval%) / 2 2020 y1% = (hplate% + hrect% + hoval%) - ((hoval% + woval% / 2) / 2) 2030 FOR x% = 2182 TO 57 STEP -250 'define locs of stubbies (37-72) 2040 PRINT #1, "T"; x% + x1%; y1% 'top side, right pin 2050 PRINT #1, "T"; x% + x1%; y1% 'bottom side, right pin 2060 PRINT #1, "T"; x% - 125 - x1%; y1% 'top side, left pin 2070 PRINT #1, "T"; x% - 125 - x1%; y1% 'bottom side, left pin 2080 NEXT x% 3000 ' Set locations of rectangular parts of fingers (main contact area). 3010 y1% = hplate% + (hrect% / 2) 3020 FOR x% = 2182 TO 57 STEP -125 'define locs of main fingers (73-108) 3030 PRINT #1, "T"; x%; y1% 'top side 3040 PRINT #1, "T"; x%; y1% 'bottom side 3050 NEXT x% 4000 ' Set locations of connections to plating bars. 4010 y1% = (hplate% - hbar% + wplate%) / 2 '+WPLATE% for a little overlap 4020 FOR x% = 2182 TO 57 STEP -125 'define locs of plating conns (109-144) 4030 PRINT #1, "T"; x%; y1% 4040 PRINT #1, "T"; x%; y1% 4050 NEXT x% 5000 ' Define pad where tracks connect to the finger, in the center of the 5010 ' circle that makes up the top of the oval pad. 5020 FOR i% = 1 TO 35 STEP 2 'do circle for connection 5030 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i%; 1 'top pad 5040 PRINT #1, "-2"; woval%; " R 0" 'round 5050 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i% + 1; 1 'bottom pad, as above 5060 PRINT #1, "0"; woval%; " R 0" 5070 NEXT i% 6000 ' Define oval part of finger at top, flush with left or right edge 6010 ' of main finger (alternating). This is where tracks connect to finger. 6020 l1% = hoval% + (woval% / 2) 6030 FOR i% = 37 TO 71 STEP 2 'do oval part for connection stubby 6040 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i%; 1 'top pad 6050 PRINT #1, "-2"; woval%; " OF 90"; l1%; " 0 0" 'oval finger 6060 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i% + 1; 1 'bottom pad, as above 6070 PRINT #1, "0"; woval%; " OF 90"; l1%; " 0 0" 6080 NEXT i% 7000 ' Define main rectangular part of finger, where backplane connects. 7010 FOR i% = 73 TO 107 STEP 2 'do rectangular main finger 7020 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i%; 1 'top pad 7030 PRINT #1, "-2"; wrect%; " RF 90"; hrect%; " 0 0" 'main finger 7040 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i% + 1; 1 'bottom pad, as above 7050 PRINT #1, "0"; wrect%; " RF 90"; hrect%; " 0 0" 7060 NEXT i% 8000 ' Define connections to plating bar. 8010 l1% = hplate% + hbar% + wplate% '+WPLATE% for a little overlap w/main 8020 FOR i% = 109 TO 143 STEP 2 'do rectangular plating connection 8030 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i%; 1 'top pad 8040 PRINT #1, "-2"; wplate%; " RF 90"; l1%; " 0 0" 'plating connection 8050 PRINT #1, "PAD"; i% + 1; 1 'bottom pad, as above 8060 PRINT #1, "0"; wplate%; " RF 90"; l1%; " 0 0" 8070 NEXT i% 32766 CLOSE #1 32767 END