;+ ; ; File format: ; ; record: ; +0 name (4 words .rad50) ; +10 password (2 words .rad50) ; +14 time of last login ; +16 date of last login ; +20 count of messages in mail file ; +22 PPN to send mail to, or 0 to use the BBS mailer ; +24 real name (up to 44. bytes) ; ; Total record size=64 bytes (8 records/block) ; ;- .asect .=0 bbname: .blkw 4 bbpass: .blkw 2 timlst: .word datlst: .word msgcnt= 20 msgppn= 22 .psect ;+ ; ; Format of NAMEjj.TMP: ; ; +0 .ascii /losername / ;username, ASCII ; +14 .word time,date ;of last login ; +20 .rad50 /losername / ;again, internal form ; +30 .rad50 /psword/ ;password (no particular reason) ; +34 =length ; ;- usrasc= 0 user50= 20 pswd50= 30