FPPASM Files. Source files of the Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL-MS and various support packages. The original source files of the assembler could only be assembled on a working copy of this assembler under DIAL; it has been modified to be compatible with P?S/8 PAL and OS/8 PAL8 to allow development of a version compatible with P?S/8 [which was never completed as of the time of the creation of the variant source file]. Due to the superficial nature of the changes made, it is a trivial matter to convert the file back to the original. Due to the limitations of the DIAL environment, it is not possible to assemble the entire source from a single file; as is the case with the regular PDP-8/LINC dual assembler for DIAL, the CHAIN directive is used to allow multiple files to be assembled as a project [with attendant overhead]. The chained parts 2 and 3 files are included without change. Note: Binary compatibility with the original DIAL binary file was confirmed at the time of the creation of the original OS/8 source file. [The source files actually stem from some time in 1971.] Note: All of the files were created with an unwanted artifact likely created by a defective conversion program produced by the DEC PDP-8 programming group [without any form of support]. This was performed prior to the availability of a DIAL <-> P?S/8 text file converter program [that would not have added the artifact]. This quirk consists of a *20 statement, which is the default origin in the usual PAL language; this language element doesn't exist in the FPPASM dialect which instead uses ORG [as well as many other alternate constructs that are not compatible, but are functionally equivalent to standard PAL language elements]. Due to the similarity between the DIAL internal text format and the standard basic P?S/8 text format, the continued development of the project may be taken up in the future. It is worthy to note that there are other assemblers for the FPP-12 and compatible hardware or emulators, but the PDP-8 language support is quite inferior to that of this assembler, which even supports literals and other features [which the DIAL assembler does not]. All files in this directory were recovered from OS/8 format MDC8 [FLP] diskettes created on 19-Mar-1985. Last edit: 26-Feb-2015 cjl Note: File naming conventions are compatible with the intentions of the P?S/8 SHELL overlay directory. In some cases, conversion requires truncation of the names to conform with [possibly MS-DOS and] OS/8 limitations before usage. Time/date stamps on certain files indicate the intentions of release dates of files where applicable. For undocumented files, time/date information represents the latest values that might apply to the file based on where the file was recovered, as specific media are known to have been created on the date and time used. Actual time/date information may be somewhat earlier and will be revised if more accurate information becomes available. OS/8-derived file date information is subject to an anomaly of multiples of eight years due to poor internal design. Information as to refining the date accuracy was obtained from reliable sources unless otherwise indicated. Where applicable, date and time information obtained from authoritative comments within the file will be used. Certain files are known to be older than 01-Jan-1980. Due to the limitations of MS-DOS/Windows, the time/date stamp on these files has been set to 2 seconds after the start of the above date, the lowest supported in these environments; this is done to prevent quirks of Windows directory routines that will report no date if the time is 2 seconds earlier. When moved to a file system capable of better date stamp information such as the P?S/8 SHELL, more accurate information will be applied. [Note: The P?S/8 SHELL environment supports dates from 1-Jan-1900 through 31-Dec-2411.] Directory Listing: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 26-Feb-2015 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 22,831 FPASM2.FASM 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 17,593 FPASM3.FASM 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 13,652 FPLB1S.FASM 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 32,335 FPLB2S.FASM 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 19,573 FPLIBS.FASM 11/05/1984 05:00 PM 67,657 FPPASM.PAL 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 14,681 FPPLB1.FASM 10/31/1984 12:00 AM 6,857 FPPLIB.FASM ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Program Information FPASM2.FASM FLoating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. This is part 2 of 3. [Note: Dial cannot handle files longer than the DIAL workspace; assembly must be completed by the CHAIN directive within the file [which is only compatible with being assembled by a working copy of this assembler under DIAL.] [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] FPASM3.FASM FLoating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. This is part 3 of 3. [Note: Dial cannot handle files longer than the DIAL workspace; assembly must be completed by the CHAIN directive within the file [which is only compatible with being assembled by a working copy of this assembler under DIAL.] [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] FPLB1S.FASM Second source code file of the FPP user suport package that was released with the Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] FPLB2S.FASM Third source code file of the FPP user suport package that was released with the Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] FPLIBS.FASM First source code file of the FPP user suport package that was released with the Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] FPPASM.PAL Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. Modified by Charles Lasner to be compatible with P?S/8 PAL and OS/8 PAL8 for the purposes of development of an alternate version for P?S/8. This is the complete source code; DIAL chaining and minor incompatibilies are commented out and replaced with standard PAL equivalents where required. This version is 100% binary-compatible with the original. [Note: The original file had automatically generated *20 statements at the beginning of every section which were incompatible and were commented out.] FPPLB1.FA Source code file of the additional FPP suport library coding that was released with the Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] FPPLIB.FA Main source code file of the FPP suport library that was released with the Floating Point and PAL assembler for LAP6-DIAL/DIAL MS. [Note: It is believed the *20 at the beginning of this file is an artifact of file conversion caused by a DEC-written conversion program between DIAL and OS/8; it is necessary to remove or comment this out as it is incompatible with the intent of the source code. The Floating Point and PAL assembler does not use * for origin setting as do most assemblers.] [End-of-file]