P?S/8 Help Files. All files in this directory were recovered from OS/8 format MDC8 [FLP] diskettes created on 19-Nov-1989. Last edit: 16-Feb-2015 cjl Note: File naming conventions are compatible with the intentions of the P?S/8 SHELL overlay directory. In some cases, conversion requires truncation of the names to conform with [possibly MS-DOS and] OS/8 limitations before usage. Given the current state of P?S/8 development, most P?S/8 source files are meant to be assembled with PAL8 for the express purpose of creating pragmatic core image files later used from P?S/8 to transfer the image of particular system programs needed after the initial [starter] P?S/8 bootable system is created. These help files were created during this assembly process [or equivalent] and then truncated to only include internal documentation of the program which generally precedes other assembly details [sometimes erring on the side of excessive length]. [In some cases code tables are given to minimally explain the implemented commands.] Time/date stamps on certain files indicate the intentions of release dates of files where applicable. For undocumented files, time/date information represents the latest values that might apply to the file based on where the file was recovered, as specific media are known to have been created on the date and time used. Actual time/date information may be somewhat earlier and will be revised if more accurate information becomes available. OS/8-derived file date information is subject to an anomaly of multiples of eight years due to poor internal design. Information as to refining the date accuracy was obtained from reliable sources unless otherwise indicated. Where applicable, date and time information obtained from authoritative comments within the file will be used. Certain files are known to be older than 01-Jan-1980. Due to the limitations of MS-DOS/Windows, the time/date stamp on these files has been set to 2 seconds after the start of the above date, the lowest supported in these environments; this is done to prevent quirks of Windows directory routines that will report no date if the time is 2 seconds earlier. When moved to a file system capable of better date stamp information such as the P?S/8 SHELL, more accurate information will be applied. [Note: The P?S/8 SHELL environment supports dates from 1-Jan-1900 through 31-Dec-2411.] Directory Listing: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16-Feb-2015 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 613 4PATCH.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 563 8PATCH.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 4,849 ALLCAT.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 21,117 ASCODE.HELP 10/06/1987 12:00 AM 95,143 ASMBLR.HELP 12/21/1986 12:00 AM 47,537 BIN.HELP 04/08/1987 01:00 AM 46,204 BLKCPY.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 4,998 BLKODT.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 2,814 BPATCH.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 5,487 BSAVE.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 25,653 CONSOL.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 10,912 CORE.HELP 10/20/1987 12:00 AM 22,400 DIRECT.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 6,244 DPATCH.HELP 10/20/1987 12:00 AM 60,128 FILMAN.HELP 02/04/1987 08:00 PM 36,448 FOCPQS.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 14,132 KL8.HELP 04/08/1987 11:00 PM 18,995 KL8PCH.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 12,681 L6DCON.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 12,653 LTBODT.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 12,614 MAP.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 2,208 NPATCH.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 12,495 ODT.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 8,002 OPATCH.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 12,226 OS8CON.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 5,874 PQSDSU.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 12,627 PQSDTA.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 12,954 PQSLTA.HELP 12/12/1986 12:00 AM 19,108 PQSMON.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 7,306 PQSRKA.HELP 12/10/1986 12:00 AM 44,688 PQSRXA.HELP 07/03/1987 12:00 AM 5,790 PRINT.HELP 12/27/1986 12:00 AM 1,916 RT11.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 4,635 RXAHND.HELP 07/23/1986 12:00 AM 25,189 SET.HELP 02/04/1987 12:00 AM 5,498 SYSTAT.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 6,497 VT8E.HELP 04/08/1987 12:00 AM 7,700 VT8PCH.HELP ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ Program Information 4PATCH.HELP Help file describing the four word floating point binary patch to P?S/8 FOCAL known as 4PATCH. 8PATCH.HELP Help file describing the 8K binary patch to P?S/8 FOCAL known as 8PATCH. ALLCAT.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 ALLCAT program. ASCODE.HELP Help file for the code comparison chart file [ASCODE]. ASMBLR.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 PAL program including option switches and defined symbols. BIN.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 BIN program. BLKCPY.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 BLKCPY program. BLKODT.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 BLKODT program. BPATCH.HELP Help file describing the functions implemented by the binary patch to P?S/8 FOCAL known as BPATCH. BSAVE.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 BSAVE program. CONSOL.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 Logical CONSOLe Overlay management utility. CORE.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 CORE program. DIRECT.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 DIRECTory program. DPATCH.HELP Help file describing the functions implemented by the binary patch to P?S/8 FOCAL known as DPATCH. FILMAN.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 FILMAN program [file and directory maintenance utility]. FOCPQS.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 FOCAL program. KL8.HELP Help file describing the Logical Console Overlay patch file for the KL8 family of interfaces [and related printers]. KL8PCH.HELP Help file for the source file used to customize the KL8 family of Logical Console Overlay files [KL8]. L6DCON.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 L6DCON program. LTBODT.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 LTBODT program. MAP.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 MAP program. NPATCH.HELP Help file describing variou aspects of the patch to P?S/8 FOCAL to interface to the Nicolet 1070 Data Averager and implement buffering functions. ODT.HELP Help file for the P?S/8 ODT program. OPATCH.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the generic input/output redirection patch to P?S/8 FOCAL. OS8CON.HELP Help file the P?S/8 OS8CON bidirectional text file conversion program. PQSDSU.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 system device handler for the DSD-240-8/Western Dynex disk drive including various bootstrap procedures. PQSDTA.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 system device handler for the TC01/TC08 DECtape including various bootstrap procedures. PQSLTA.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 system device handler for the PDP-12 TC12 LINCtape controller and 1-8 TU55 or TU56 LINCtape drives including various bootstrap procedures. PQSMON.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 operating system block layout, keyboard monitor commands, keyboard monitor special characters, the FIND and CHANGE editing commands. [Note: FIND and CHANGE are assembled with the main operating system code.] PQSRKA.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 system device handler for the RK8E/RK05 and related devices including various bootstrap procedures. PQSRXA.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 system device handler for the RX01 and related devices including various bootstrap procedures. PRINT.HELP Help file describing the command-line options and printout details of the P/S/8 text file PRINT utility. RT11.HELP Help file describing the programming of the RT11 DECtape -> P?S/8 text file convertor program. RXAHND.HELP Help file describing various aspects of the P?S/8 non-system device handler for the RX01 and related devices. SET.HELP Help file describing the many options of the P?S/8 SET command. SYSTAT.HELP Help file describing the command-line options and printout details of the P?S/8 SYSTAT program. VT8E.HELP Help file describing the Logical Console Overlay patch file for the VT8E. VT8PCH.HELP Help file describing the binary patch to P?S/8 FOCAL for the VT8E graphics and character display device known as VT8PCH. [End-of-file]