A2 Diskette Information Last edit: 28-Jan-2015 cjl Type: OS/8 Format MDC8 Diskette Purpose: Source Files for P?S/8 as of 25-Feb-1988 Note: Some of the date information below has been modified to correct for factual errors or design limitations of OS/8. Authoritative date information has been obtained from reliable sources where applicable. As required, discrepancies regarding specific files and additional information about certain files will be provided. Directory Listing: ____________________________________________________________________________________ 25-FEB-88 L6DCON.PA 0007 157 17-APR-86 OS8CON.PA 0244 120 15-APR-86 LAP6W .PA 0434 40 11-APR-76 CPSCON.PA 0504 23 05-NOV-76 RT11 .PA 0533 18 16-NOV-75 LSPTCH.PA 0555 19 22-MAR-83 PQSDTA.PA 0600 75 21-NOV-86 PQSLTA.PA 0713 88 17-DEC-86 PQSDSU.PA 1043 41 21-NOV-86 PQSRXA.PA 1114 218 23-FEB-88 PQSRKA.PA 1446 76 21-NOV-86 PQSFLP.PA 1562 40 23-FEB-88 PQSMON.PA 1632 326 12-DEC-86 2340 832 832 FREE BLOCKS ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ File Information L6DCON.PA Source file for LAP6-DIAL <-> P?S/8 File Converter program. FIles from LAP6-DIAL/DIAL-MS LINCtapes can be converted from/to P?S/8 TFS or extended directory files depending on option switches. The program includes internal 12-bit 256 words/block handlers for the PDP-12 and LINC-8 LINCtapes; the appropriate hardware is determined dynamically; appropriate error messages are issued if the machine is neither model. Full file name: L6DCON.PAL. OS8CON.PA Source file for the P?S/8 <-> OS/8 bidirectional text conversion program [formerly known as CONVRT and BIGCON, now combined into a single utility with option switches for all operating modes]. OS8CON can also be used to reapportion and standardize the contents of a string of TFS files to overcome logistic problems associated with very localized editing, etc. Full file name: OS8CON.PAL. LAP6W .PA Source file for the LAP6W -> P?S/8 text conversion program. Files from LAP6W LINCtapes can be converted to P?S/8 TFS files. The earlier P?S/8 CONVRT program was uses as the template for a series of quick-and-dirty conversion programs, only some of which [such as L6DCON] were upgraded by rewriting portions of the base conversion program. [Note: CONVRT only created P?S/8 TFS files; BIGCON was a companion program that only created extended length files. OS8CON replaced both programs by implementing option switches that support both output modes. OS8CON is the template for L6DCON. As such, the same options apply in both programs.] [Note: The source of LAP6W still contains artifacts of converting P?S/8/ -> OS/8 text file format.] Additional issues include the presumption of the then-current P?S/8 system device handler for the modified LINC-8. Modifications are made to the handler to allow reading 256 words/block LINCtapes [which are then restored to the proper values to allow operations such as writing out P?S/8 text file blocks]. Future releases of LAP6W should include internal 256 words/block LINCtape handlers for the LINC-8 [without modifications] and the PDP-12 which are dynamically discovered as is the case in L6DCON and other standard LINCtape-centric utilities. This would allow the program additional flexibility to access P?S/8 files on any system device which is compatible with either the LINC-8 or the PDP-12. Once the P?S/8 SHELL is available, a new approach should be taken with all such programs; a universal FILEX [FILE EXchange] utility can be devised to allow all such special-purpose conversions to be accessible from one program. [Note: Because of the need for 256 word LINCtape support, a compromise approach may be more appropriate suitable to L6DCON, LAP6W etc. specifically. The common element in all such programs would be the need to support 256 words/block LINCtapes as a "foreign" file structure, etc.] Note: File date corrected. Full file name: LAP6W.PAL. CPSCON.PA Source file for the CPSCON -> P?S/8 text conversion program. Files from CPS-4K LINCtapes can be converted to P?S/8 TFS files. This is another quick-and-dirty conversion program based on ideas embodied in the CONVRT program that can be upgraded in a like manner to the way L6DCON was upgraded from OS8CON. Additional issues include the presumption of the then-current P?S/8 system device handler for the modified LINC-8: Temporary modifications are made to the handler to allow reading the CPS-4K LINCtapes which are created with incompatible checksums; the handler is then restored to normal. [Note: By the time this was noticed, the authors were no longer updating this system; every system program includes a copy of a LINCtape subroutine capable of reading or writing compatible or incompatible LINCtapes; to access files on the system device the incompatible version must be used.] Future releases of CPSCON should include an internal handler for the incompatible LINCtape input as well as a dynamic determination if proper hardware is present. [Note: It is conceivable it is possible to write a PDP-12 handler for these incompatible tapes using the TC12 maintenance mode; if this is achievable, the program should include an additional dynamic internal device choice.] P?S/8 SHELL considerations might include interactions with non-system device handlers capable of supporting odd sundry functions such as a universal non-system handler for LINCtape that returns an error if the function is not supportable. Private functions could include the ability to read/write DECtapes or read/write incompatible checksum tapes or perhaps read/write standard LINCtapes of 256 words/block. Handler organization will be discussed at a future time when limits on available handlers in any one system are a current design point. [Note: In the case of the LINC-8, it is a reasonable expectation to create a one page non-system device handler capable of reading 128 words/block LINCtapes on the LINC-8 without dependencies on the hardware modifications also capable of handling the CPS-4K alternate checksum problem. Presumably this would be implemented using special calls devised as attempts to access "impossible" blocks such as 77777770 or so having special meaning to the handler such as setup the next handler call for special checksum handling which is self-cancelling after the completion of the next call to the handler for an actual physical block. Additional functions could temporarily enable 256 words/block transfers using similar mechanisms.] Note: File date corrected. Full file name: CPSCON.PAL. RT11 .PA Source file for an extremely quick-and-dirty RT11 DECtape -> P?S/8 text conversion program. This was apparently written during a quite early stage of development of the CONVRT program which was used as a template for much of the design. The program is only capable of being run on a P?S/8 system from the same time frame; the system device must be an early release of the TC01/TC08 DECtape handler as specific patches are made to enable reading 384 12-bit words/block DECtapes as used in RT11 [which are then removed sufficiently to allow P?S/8 files to be written out]. [Note: Restoration of the system device handler will not occur until the system is rebooted.] Future releases of this program should include independent internal 384 words/block DECtape routines to allow universal access to P?S/8 files on the current system device including extended files as is the case in the OS8CON program. [Note: Additional internal handlers could include TD8E Simple DECtape, TC12F, and modified LINC-8 using the appropriate handler as determined dynamically.] Note: File date corrected. Full file name: RT11.PAL. LSPTCH.PA Source file for an early interface to paper-tape LISP [presumed to be LISP Version 1.5; according to the source file, the paper-tape version is known as "LISP16"]. This version of LISP apparently requires 20K to load normally. The modifications consist of patching the original binary file to redirect console output to P?S/8. However, the console overlay is presumed to be enabled. [Note: The actual implementation is of the earlier VT8E-only version; the two releases are largely compatible for a program interface this minimal. The binary that pertains must be located; specific internal locations are defined and are part of the custom changes. Future versions should be brought in line with more typical P?S/8 console awareness which should include DECmate-awareness. Full file name: LSPTCH.PAL. PQSDTA.PA Source file for the TC01/TC08 components of the P?S/8 operating system. This includes the system device handler, slurp loader, slurp loader reload routine, rewind/unload routines, logical Console Overlay intercept routines, etc. The binary output of this assembly should be loaded along with the binary created by assembling the main P?S/8 operating system files to create a starter system for the TC01/TC08 DECtape. Full file name: PQSDTA.PAL. PQSLTA.PA Source file for the TC12 LINCtape components of the P?S/8 operating system. This includes the system device handler, slurp loader, slurp loader reload routine, rewind/unload routines, logical Console Overlay intercept routines, etc. The binary output of this assembly should be loaded along with the binary created by assembling the main P?S/8 operating system files to create a starter system for the PDP-12 TC12 LINCtape. Full file name: PQSLTA.PAL. PQSDSU.PA Source file for the DSD-240/Western Dynex components of the P?S/8 operating system. This includes the system device handler, slurp loader, slurp loader reload routine, rewind/unload routines, logical Console Overlay intercept routines, etc. The binary output of this assembly should be loaded along with the binary created by assembling the main P?S/8 operating system files to create a starter system for the DSD-240/Western Dynex fixed/removable cartridge disk. Full file name: PQSDSU.PAL. PQSRXA.PA Source file for the RX8E/RX01 components of the P?S/8 operating system. This includes the system device handler, slurp loader, slurp loader reload routine, rewind/unload routines, logical Console Overlay intercept routines, etc. The binary output of this assembly should be loaded along with the binary created by assembling the main P?S/8 operating system files to create a starter system for the RX8E/RX01 diskette drive [and various compatible systems]. Full file name: PQSRXA.PAL. PQSRKA.PA Source file for the RK8E/RK05 components of the P?S/8 operating system. This includes the system device handler, slurp loader, slurp loader reload routine, rewind/unload routines, logical Console Overlay intercept routines, etc. The binary output of this assembly should be loaded along with the binary created by assembling the main P?S/8 operating system files to create a starter system for the RK8E/RK05 disk drive [and various compatible systems]. Full file name: PQSRKA.PAL. PQSFLP.PA Source file for the MDC8 Diskette [FLP] components of the P?S/8 operating system. This includes the system device handler, slurp loader, slurp loader reload routine, rewind/unload routines, logical Console Overlay intercept routines, etc. The binary output of this assembly should be loaded along with the binary created by assembling the main P?S/8 operating system files to create a starter system for the MDC8 Diskette [FLP] drive [and various compatible systems]. Full file name: PQSFLP.PAL. PQSMON.PA Source file of the P?S/8 operating system. Release Version 8Z. Does not include system device handler or other device-specific coding. The present method of system generation must be carried out on a 12K or larger machine. System generation routines are found within this main operating system source file. Combining the binaries of the main operating system, system device handler and related device-specific components, the image of the BIN system program and the image of the DUMP system program and starting at the system generation address, a complete bootable P?S/8 starter system will be built. Additional operations are needed to create a more complete system [such as running DUMP with command files to carry out the additional component generation]. Future system generation programs may change the organization of the main operating system file as well as incorporate new internal features making system generation/update easier. For the present, only experts should attempt to load the binary version of this program. Full file name: PQSMON.PAL. [End-of-file]